-- SORT_QUERY_RESULTS USE default; CREATE TABLE dest1(bytes1 BINARY, bytes2 BINARY, string STRING); FROM src INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE dest1 SELECT CAST(key AS BINARY), CAST(value AS BINARY), value ORDER BY value LIMIT 100; --Add in a null row for good measure INSERT INTO TABLE dest1 SELECT NULL, NULL, NULL FROM dest1 LIMIT 1; -- this query tests all the udfs provided to work with binary types SELECT bytes1, bytes2, string, LENGTH(bytes1), CONCAT(bytes1, bytes2), SUBSTR(bytes2, 1, 4), SUBSTR(bytes2, 3), SUBSTR(bytes2, -4, 3), HEX(bytes1), UNHEX(HEX(bytes1)), BASE64(bytes1), UNBASE64(BASE64(bytes1)), HEX(ENCODE(string, 'US-ASCII')), DECODE(ENCODE(string, 'US-ASCII'), 'US-ASCII') FROM dest1;