set hive.test.authz.sstd.hs2.mode=true; set; set; set; set; set role admin; -- test show grant authorization create role roleA; create role roleB; grant role roleA to user userA; grant role roleB to role roleA; set; -- create table and grant privileges to a role create table t1(i int, j int, k int); create table t2(i int, j int, k int); grant select on t1 to role roleA; grant insert on t2 to role roleA; grant insert on t2 to role roleB; grant insert,delete on t1 to user userA; grant select,insert on t2 to user userA; set; set role admin; -- as user in admin role, it should be possible to see other users grant show grant user user1 on table t1; show grant user user1; show grant role roleA on table t1; show grant role roleA; show grant; set; -- user belonging to role should be able to see it show grant role roleA on table t1; show grant role roleA; show grant role roleB on table t1; show grant role roleB; show grant user userA on table t1; show grant user userA;