-- The ORDER BY on the outer query will typically have no effect, -- but there is really no guarantee that the ordering is preserved -- across various SQL operators. drop temporary function row_sequence; add jar ${system:build.dir}/hive-contrib-${system:hive.version}.jar; create temporary function row_sequence as 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.contrib.udf.UDFRowSequence'; DESCRIBE FUNCTION EXTENDED row_sequence; set mapred.reduce.tasks=1; explain select key, row_sequence() as r from (select key from src order by key) x order by r; select key, row_sequence() as r from (select key from src order by key) x order by r; -- make sure stateful functions do not get short-circuited away -- a true result for key=105 would indicate undesired short-circuiting select key, (key = 105) and (row_sequence() = 1) from (select key from src order by key) x order by key limit 20; drop temporary function row_sequence;