PREHOOK: query: DESCRIBE FUNCTION concat PREHOOK: type: DESCFUNCTION POSTHOOK: query: DESCRIBE FUNCTION concat POSTHOOK: type: DESCFUNCTION concat(str1, str2, ... strN) - returns the concatenation of str1, str2, ... strN or concat(bin1, bin2, ... binN) - returns the concatenation of bytes in binary data bin1, bin2, ... binN PREHOOK: query: DESCRIBE FUNCTION EXTENDED concat PREHOOK: type: DESCFUNCTION POSTHOOK: query: DESCRIBE FUNCTION EXTENDED concat POSTHOOK: type: DESCFUNCTION concat(str1, str2, ... strN) - returns the concatenation of str1, str2, ... strN or concat(bin1, bin2, ... binN) - returns the concatenation of bytes in binary data bin1, bin2, ... binN Returns NULL if any argument is NULL. Example: > SELECT concat('abc', 'def') FROM src LIMIT 1; 'abcdef' PREHOOK: query: SELECT concat('a', 'b'), concat('a', 'b', 'c'), concat('a', null, 'c'), concat(null), concat('a'), concat(null, 1, 2), concat(1, 2, 3, 'a'), concat(1, 2), concat(1), concat('1234', 'abc', 'extra argument') FROM src LIMIT 1 PREHOOK: type: QUERY PREHOOK: Input: default@src PREHOOK: Output: file:/tmp/ashutosh/hive_2011-10-05_09-47-32_899_6312686275071560276/-mr-10000 POSTHOOK: query: SELECT concat('a', 'b'), concat('a', 'b', 'c'), concat('a', null, 'c'), concat(null), concat('a'), concat(null, 1, 2), concat(1, 2, 3, 'a'), concat(1, 2), concat(1), concat('1234', 'abc', 'extra argument') FROM src LIMIT 1 POSTHOOK: type: QUERY POSTHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: Output: file:/tmp/ashutosh/hive_2011-10-05_09-47-32_899_6312686275071560276/-mr-10000 ab abc NULL NULL a NULL 123a 12 1 1234abcextra argument