PREHOOK: query: CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION test_max AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.UDAFTestMax' PREHOOK: type: CREATEFUNCTION POSTHOOK: query: CREATE TEMPORARY FUNCTION test_max AS 'org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.udf.UDAFTestMax' POSTHOOK: type: CREATEFUNCTION PREHOOK: query: create table dest_grouped_old1 as select 1+1, 2+2 as zz, src.key, test_max(length(src.value)), count(src.value), sin(count(src.value)), count(sin(src.value)), unix_timestamp(), CAST(SUM(IF(value > 10, value, 1)) AS INT), if(src.key > 1, 1, 0) from src group by src.key PREHOOK: type: CREATETABLE_AS_SELECT PREHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: query: create table dest_grouped_old1 as select 1+1, 2+2 as zz, src.key, test_max(length(src.value)), count(src.value), sin(count(src.value)), count(sin(src.value)), unix_timestamp(), CAST(SUM(IF(value > 10, value, 1)) AS INT), if(src.key > 1, 1, 0) from src group by src.key POSTHOOK: type: CREATETABLE_AS_SELECT POSTHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: Output: default@dest_grouped_old1 PREHOOK: query: describe dest_grouped_old1 PREHOOK: type: DESCTABLE POSTHOOK: query: describe dest_grouped_old1 POSTHOOK: type: DESCTABLE _c0 int zz int key string _c3 int _c4 bigint _c5 double _c6 bigint _c7 bigint _c8 int _c9 int PREHOOK: query: create table dest_grouped_old2 as select distinct src.key from src PREHOOK: type: CREATETABLE_AS_SELECT PREHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: query: create table dest_grouped_old2 as select distinct src.key from src POSTHOOK: type: CREATETABLE_AS_SELECT POSTHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: Output: default@dest_grouped_old2 PREHOOK: query: describe dest_grouped_old2 PREHOOK: type: DESCTABLE POSTHOOK: query: describe dest_grouped_old2 POSTHOOK: type: DESCTABLE key string PREHOOK: query: create table dest_grouped_new1 as select 1+1, 2+2 as zz, ((src.key % 2)+2)/2, test_max(length(src.value)), count(src.value), sin(count(src.value)), count(sin(src.value)), unix_timestamp(), CAST(SUM(IF(value > 10, value, 1)) AS INT), if(src.key > 10, (src.key +5) % 2, 0) from src group by src.key PREHOOK: type: CREATETABLE_AS_SELECT PREHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: query: create table dest_grouped_new1 as select 1+1, 2+2 as zz, ((src.key % 2)+2)/2, test_max(length(src.value)), count(src.value), sin(count(src.value)), count(sin(src.value)), unix_timestamp(), CAST(SUM(IF(value > 10, value, 1)) AS INT), if(src.key > 10, (src.key +5) % 2, 0) from src group by src.key POSTHOOK: type: CREATETABLE_AS_SELECT POSTHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: Output: default@dest_grouped_new1 PREHOOK: query: describe dest_grouped_new1 PREHOOK: type: DESCTABLE POSTHOOK: query: describe dest_grouped_new1 POSTHOOK: type: DESCTABLE column_0 int zz int column_2 double test_max_length_src__3 int count_src_value_4 bigint sin_count_src_value_5 double count_sin_src_value_6 bigint unix_timestamp_7 bigint sum_if_value_10_valu_8 int if_src_key_10_src_ke_9 double PREHOOK: query: create table dest_grouped_new2 as select distinct src.key from src PREHOOK: type: CREATETABLE_AS_SELECT PREHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: query: create table dest_grouped_new2 as select distinct src.key from src POSTHOOK: type: CREATETABLE_AS_SELECT POSTHOOK: Input: default@src POSTHOOK: Output: default@dest_grouped_new2 PREHOOK: query: describe dest_grouped_new2 PREHOOK: type: DESCTABLE POSTHOOK: query: describe dest_grouped_new2 POSTHOOK: type: DESCTABLE key string PREHOOK: query: -- Drop the temporary function at the end till HIVE-3160 gets fixed DROP TEMPORARY FUNCTION test_max PREHOOK: type: DROPFUNCTION POSTHOOK: query: -- Drop the temporary function at the end till HIVE-3160 gets fixed DROP TEMPORARY FUNCTION test_max POSTHOOK: type: DROPFUNCTION