set hive.mapred.supports.subdirectories=true; set hive.internal.ddl.list.bucketing.enable=true; set hive.optimize.listbucketing=true; set mapred.input.dir.recursive=true; set; -- INCLUDE_HADOOP_MAJOR_VERSIONS(0.23) -- List bucketing query logic test case. We simulate the directory structure by DML here. -- Test condition: -- 1. where clause has multiple skewed columns -- 2. where clause doesn't have non-skewed column -- 3. where clause has one and operator -- Test focus: -- 1. basic list bucketing query work -- Test result: -- 1. pruner only pick up right directory -- 2. query result is right -- create 1 table: fact_daily -- 1. create a few partitions -- 2. dfs move partition according to list bucketing structure (simulate DML) -- $/fact_daily/ds=1/hr=4/x=../y=.. -- notes: waste all partitions except ds=1 and hr=4 for list bucketing query test -- 3. alter it to skewed table and set up location map -- 4. list bucketing query -- fact_daily (ds=1 and hr=4) will be used for list bucketing query CREATE TABLE fact_daily(x int, y STRING) PARTITIONED BY (ds STRING, hr STRING) LOCATION '${hiveconf:hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}/fact_daily'; -- create /fact_daily/ds=1/hr=1 directory INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE fact_daily PARTITION (ds='1', hr='1') SELECT key, value FROM src WHERE key=484; -- create /fact_daily/ds=1/hr=2 directory INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE fact_daily PARTITION (ds='1', hr='2') SELECT key, value FROM src WHERE key=369 or key=406; -- create /fact_daily/ds=1/hr=3 directory INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE fact_daily PARTITION (ds='1', hr='3') SELECT key, value FROM src WHERE key=238; dfs -lsr ${hiveconf:hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}/fact_daily/ds=1; dfs -mv ${hiveconf:hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}/fact_daily/ds=1/hr=1 ${hiveconf:hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}/fact_daily/ds=1/hr=4/x=484/y=val_484; dfs -mv ${hiveconf:hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}/fact_daily/ds=1/hr=2 ${hiveconf:hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}/fact_daily/ds=1/hr=4/HIVE_DEFAULT_LIST_BUCKETING_DIR_NAME/HIVE_DEFAULT_LIST_BUCKETING_DIR_NAME; dfs -mv ${hiveconf:hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}/fact_daily/ds=1/hr=3 ${hiveconf:hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}/fact_daily/ds=1/hr=4/x=238/y=val_238; dfs -lsr ${hiveconf:hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}/fact_daily/ds=1; -- switch fact_daily to skewed table and point its location to /fact_daily/ds=1 alter table fact_daily skewed by (x,y) on ((484,'val_484'),(238,'val_238')); ALTER TABLE fact_daily ADD PARTITION (ds='1', hr='4'); -- set List Bucketing location map alter table fact_daily PARTITION (ds = '1', hr='4') set skewed location ((484,'val_484')='${hiveconf:hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}/fact_daily/ds=1/hr=4/x=484/y=val_484', (238,'val_238')='${hiveconf:hive.metastore.warehouse.dir}/fact_daily/ds=1/hr=4/x=238/y=val_238'); describe formatted fact_daily PARTITION (ds = '1', hr='4'); SELECT * FROM fact_daily WHERE ds='1' and hr='4'; -- pruner only pick up skewed-value directory -- explain plan shows which directory selected: Truncated Path -> Alias explain extended SELECT x FROM fact_daily WHERE ( ds='1' and hr='4') and (x=484 and y= 'val_484'); -- List Bucketing Query SELECT x FROM fact_daily WHERE ( ds='1' and hr='4') and (x=484 and y= 'val_484'); -- pruner only pick up skewed-value directory -- explain plan shows which directory selected: Truncated Path -> Alias explain extended SELECT x,y FROM fact_daily WHERE ( ds='1' and hr='4') and (x=238 and y= 'val_238'); -- List Bucketing Query SELECT x,y FROM fact_daily WHERE ( ds='1' and hr='4') and (x=238 and y= 'val_238'); -- pruner only pick up default directory -- explain plan shows which directory selected: Truncated Path -> Alias explain extended SELECT x FROM fact_daily WHERE ( ds='1' and hr='4') and (y = "3"); -- List Bucketing Query SELECT x FROM fact_daily WHERE ( ds='1' and hr='4') and (y = "3"); -- pruner only pick up default directory -- explain plan shows which directory selected: Truncated Path -> Alias explain extended SELECT x,y FROM fact_daily WHERE ( ds='1' and hr='4') and x = 495; -- List Bucketing Query SELECT x,y FROM fact_daily WHERE ( ds='1' and hr='4') and x = 369;