CREATE TABLE triples (foo string, subject string, predicate string, object string, foo2 string); EXPLAIN SELECT t11.subject, t22.object , t33.subject , t55.object, t66.object FROM ( SELECT t1.subject FROM triples t1 WHERE t1.predicate='' AND t1.object='http://ontos/OntosMiner/Common.English/ontology#Citation' ) t11 JOIN ( SELECT t2.subject , t2.object FROM triples t2 WHERE t2.predicate='' ) t22 ON (t11.subject=t22.subject) JOIN ( SELECT t3.subject , t3.object FROM triples t3 WHERE t3.predicate='' ) t33 ON (t11.subject=t33.object) JOIN ( SELECT t4.subject FROM triples t4 WHERE t4.predicate='' AND t4.object='http://ontos/OntosMiner/Common.English/ontology#Author' ) t44 ON (t44.subject=t33.subject) JOIN ( SELECT t5.subject, t5.object FROM triples t5 WHERE t5.predicate='' ) t55 ON (t55.subject=t44.subject) JOIN ( SELECT t6.subject, t6.object FROM triples t6 WHERE t6.predicate='' ) t66 ON (t66.subject=t55.object);