drop table test1; drop table test2; drop table test3; drop table test4; create table test1 (key string, value string) clustered by (key) sorted by (key) into 3 buckets; create table test2 (key string, value string) clustered by (value) sorted by (value) into 3 buckets; create table test3 (key string, value string) clustered by (key, value) sorted by (key, value) into 3 buckets; create table test4 (key string, value string) clustered by (value, key) sorted by (value, key) into 3 buckets; load data local inpath '../data/files/srcbucket20.txt' INTO TABLE test1; load data local inpath '../data/files/srcbucket21.txt' INTO TABLE test1; load data local inpath '../data/files/srcbucket22.txt' INTO TABLE test1; load data local inpath '../data/files/srcbucket20.txt' INTO TABLE test2; load data local inpath '../data/files/srcbucket21.txt' INTO TABLE test2; load data local inpath '../data/files/srcbucket22.txt' INTO TABLE test2; load data local inpath '../data/files/srcbucket20.txt' INTO TABLE test3; load data local inpath '../data/files/srcbucket21.txt' INTO TABLE test3; load data local inpath '../data/files/srcbucket22.txt' INTO TABLE test3; load data local inpath '../data/files/srcbucket20.txt' INTO TABLE test4; load data local inpath '../data/files/srcbucket21.txt' INTO TABLE test4; load data local inpath '../data/files/srcbucket22.txt' INTO TABLE test4; set hive.optimize.bucketmapjoin = true; -- should be allowed explain extended select /* + MAPJOIN(R) */ * from test1 L join test1 R on L.key=R.key AND L.value=R.value; explain extended select /* + MAPJOIN(R) */ * from test2 L join test2 R on L.key=R.key AND L.value=R.value; -- should not apply bucket mapjoin explain extended select /* + MAPJOIN(R) */ * from test1 L join test1 R on L.key+L.key=R.key; explain extended select /* + MAPJOIN(R) */ * from test1 L join test2 R on L.key=R.key AND L.value=R.value; explain extended select /* + MAPJOIN(R) */ * from test1 L join test3 R on L.key=R.key AND L.value=R.value; explain extended select /* + MAPJOIN(R) */ * from test1 L join test4 R on L.key=R.key AND L.value=R.value; explain extended select /* + MAPJOIN(R) */ * from test2 L join test3 R on L.key=R.key AND L.value=R.value; explain extended select /* + MAPJOIN(R) */ * from test2 L join test4 R on L.key=R.key AND L.value=R.value; explain extended select /* + MAPJOIN(R) */ * from test3 L join test4 R on L.key=R.key AND L.value=R.value;