-- Cleanup DROP TABLE alter_rename_partition_src; DROP TABLE alter_rename_partition; SHOW TABLES; create table alter_rename_partition_src ( col1 string ) stored as textfile ; load data local inpath '../data/files/test.dat' overwrite into table alter_rename_partition_src ; create table alter_rename_partition ( col1 string ) partitioned by (pcol1 string , pcol2 string) stored as sequencefile; insert overwrite table alter_rename_partition partition (pCol1='old_part1:', pcol2='old_part2:') select col1 from alter_rename_partition_src ; select * from alter_rename_partition where pcol1='old_part1:' and pcol2='old_part2:'; alter table alter_rename_partition partition (pCol1='old_part1:', pcol2='old_part2:') rename to partition (pCol1='new_part1:', pcol2='new_part2:'); SHOW PARTITIONS alter_rename_partition; select * from alter_rename_partition where pcol1='old_part1:' and pcol2='old_part2:'; select * from alter_rename_partition where pcol1='new_part1:' and pcol2='new_part2:'; -- Cleanup DROP TABLE alter_rename_partition_src; DROP TABLE alter_rename_partition; SHOW TABLES; -- With non-default Database CREATE DATABASE alter_rename_partition_db; USE alter_rename_partition_db; SHOW TABLES; CREATE TABLE alter_rename_partition_src (col1 STRING) STORED AS TEXTFILE ; LOAD DATA LOCAL INPATH '../data/files/test.dat' OVERWRITE INTO TABLE alter_rename_partition_src ; CREATE TABLE alter_rename_partition (col1 STRING) PARTITIONED BY (pcol1 STRING, pcol2 STRING) STORED AS SEQUENCEFILE; INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE alter_rename_partition PARTITION (pCol1='old_part1:', pcol2='old_part2:') SELECT col1 FROM alter_rename_partition_src ; SELECT * FROM alter_rename_partition WHERE pcol1='old_part1:' AND pcol2='old_part2:'; ALTER TABLE alter_rename_partition PARTITION (pCol1='old_part1:', pcol2='old_part2:') RENAME TO PARTITION (pCol1='new_part1:', pcol2='new_part2:'); SHOW PARTITIONS alter_rename_partition; SELECT * FROM alter_rename_partition WHERE pcol1='old_part1:' and pcol2='old_part2:'; SELECT * FROM alter_rename_partition WHERE pcol1='new_part1:' and pcol2='new_part2:';