1. Post to dev@helix.apache.org a few days before you plan to do a Helix release
  2. Your Maven settings (~/.m2/settings.xml) must contain this entry to be able to deploy.
    <settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
      <!-- ... -->
      <!-- ... -->
  3. Apache DAV passwords
     Add the following info into your ~/.netrc
     machine git-wip-us.apache.org login <apache username> <password>
  4. Release Helix

    You should have a GPG agent running in the session you will run the maven release commands (preferred), and confirm it works by running "gpg -ab" (type some text and press Ctrl-D). If you do not have a GPG agent running, make sure that you have the "apache-release" profile set in your settings.xml as shown below.

    GPG configuration in maven settings (~/.m2/settings.xml):

    <settings xmlns="http://maven.apache.org/SETTINGS/1.0.0"
      <!-- ... -->
      <!-- ... -->

    Before release please make sure maven-release-plugin version in pom.xml is 2.5.1 or newer.

    Run the release

    mvn release:prepare
    mvn release:perform
  5. Go to https://repository.apache.org and close your staged repository. Log in, click on Staging Repositories, check your repository, and click Close. Note the repository url (format https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachehelix-[NNNN])
  6. Stage the release (version format 0.6.6, stagingRepoUrl format https://repository.apache.org/content/repositories/orgapachehelix-[NNNN])
    svn co https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/helix helix-dev-release
    cd helix-dev-release
    sh ./release-script-svn.sh version stagingRepoUrl
    svn add <new directory created with new version as name>
    gpg -k email@domain.com >> KEYS
    gpg --armor --export email@domain.com >> KEYS
    svn ci
  7. Validate the release
    # Download sources, extract, build and run tests
    mvn clean package
    # Verify license headers
    mvn -Prat -DskipTests
    # Download binaries and .asc files
    # Download release manager's public key - From the KEYS file, get the release manager's public key finger print and run the following command
    gpg --keyserver pgpkeys.mit.edu --recv-key <key>
    # Validate authenticity of key
    gpg --fingerprint <key>
    # Check signatures of all the binaries
    gpg <binary>
  8. Call for a vote in the dev list and wait for 72 hours for the vote results.
    Subject: [VOTE] Apache Helix [VERSION] Release
    To: dev@helix.apache.org
    This is to call for a vote on releasing the following candidate as Apache Helix [VERSION]. This is the [N]th release of Helix as an Apache project, as well as the [N - 4]th release as a top-level Apache project.
    Apache Helix is a generic cluster management framework that makes it easy to build partitioned and replicated, fault-tolerant and scalable distributed systems.
    Release notes:
    Release artifacts:
    * binaries:
    * sources:
    The [VERSION] release tag:
    KEYS file available here:
    Please vote on the release. The vote will be open for at least 72 hours.
    [+1] -- "YES, release"
    [0] -- "No opinion"
    [-1] -- "NO, do not release"
    The Apache Helix Team
  9. If the sum of PMC/Committer (binding) votes is at least 3, send the following email. Otherwise, repeat the previous step.
    Subject: [RESULT][VOTE] Apache Helix [VERSION] Release
    To: dev@helix.apache.org
    Thanks for voting on the [VERSION] release. It has now exceeded 72 hours so I am closing the vote.
    Binding +1s:
     [Names of PMC/Committer members who +1'd this release]
    Nonbinding +1s:
     [All other +1s]
    Binding 0s:
     [Names of PMC/Committer members who 0'd this release]
    Nonbinding 0s:
     [All other 0s]
    Binding -1s:
     [Names of PMC/Committer members who -1'd this release]
    Nonbinding -1s:
     [All other -1s]
    The vote has passed, thanks a lot to everyone for voting!
  10. Move the keys, sources, and binaries from the dev tree to the release tree:
    svn rm https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/helix/KEYS
    svn mv https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/helix/[VERSION] https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/helix
    svn cp https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/dev/helix/KEYS https://dist.apache.org/repos/dist/release/helix
  11. Go to https://repository.apache.org and release your staged repository. Log in, click on Staging Repositories, check your repository, and click Release.
  12. Prepare release notes. Add a page in src/site/apt/releasenotes/ and [VERSION]/src/site/apt/releasenotes and change the value of <currentRelease> in parent pom.
  13. Send out an announcement of the release to Helix developers and users:
    Subject: [ANNOUNCE] Apache Helix [VERSION] Release
    To: dev@helix.apache.org; user@helix.apache.org
    The Apache Helix Team is pleased to announce the [NTH] release,
    [VERSION], of the Apache Helix project.
    Apache Helix is a generic cluster management framework that makes it easy
    to build partitioned, fault tolerant, and scalable distributed systems.
    The full release notes are available here:
    [link to JIRA-generated release notes]
    You can declare a maven dependency to use it:
    Or download the release sources:
    Additional info
    Website: https://helix.apache.org/
    Helix mailing lists: https://helix.apache.org/mail-lists.html
    We hope you will enjoy using the latest release of Apache Helix!
    Apache Helix Team
  14. Celebrate!

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