Apache > Hadoop > HBase

Old News Items

Old News Items

These are items that have aged off the home page

Signup for HBase User Group Meeting, HUG10 hosted by Trend Micro, April 19th, 2010

HBase User Group Meeting, HUG9 hosted by Mozilla, March 10th, 2010

Sign up for the HBase User Group Meeting, HUG8, January 27th, 2010 at StumbleUpon in SF

September 8th, 2010: HBase 0.20.0 is faster, stronger, slimmer, and sweeter tasting than any previous HBase release. Get it off the Releases page.

ApacheCon in Oakland: November 2-6th, 2009:

The Apache Foundation will be celebrating its 10th anniversary in beautiful Oakland by the Bay. Lots of good talks and meetups including an HBase presentation by a couple of the lads.

HBase at Hadoop World in NYC: October 2nd, 2009: A few of us will be talking on Practical HBase out east at Hadoop World: NYC.

HUG7 and HBase Hackathon: August 7th-9th, 2009 at StumbleUpon in SF: Sign up for the HBase User Group Meeting, HUG7 or for the Hackathon or for both (all are welcome!).

June, 2009 -- HBase at HadoopSummit2009 and at NOSQL: See the presentations

March 3rd, 2009 -- HUG6: HBase User Group 6

January 30th, 2009 -- LA Hbackathon:HBase January Hackathon Los Angeles at Streamy in Manhattan Beach