Apache > Hadoop > HBase

HBase Mailing Lists

Searching mailing list Archives

To search HBase mailing list archives (as well as in src, wiki, JIRA, etc.), use http://search-hadoop.com/.


If you use HBase, please subscribe to the HBase user mailing list.

The HBase user mailing list is: user@hbase.apache.org.

In order to post to the list, it is necessary to first subscribe to it.


If you'd like to contribute to HBase, please subscribe to the HBase developer mailing list.

The HBase developer mailing list is: dev@hbase.apache.org.


If you'd like to see changes made in HBase's version control system then subscribe to the HBase commit mailing list.

The HBase commits mailing list is: commits@hbase.apache.org.


If you'd like to see changes made in the HBase issue tracking system then please subscribe to the HBase issues mailing list.

The HBase issues mailing list is: issues@hbase.apache.org.