This project has declared the following modules:

Name Description
Apache HBase - Resource Bundle licensing info for use when bundling works
Apache HBase - Server Main functionality for HBase
Apache HBase - Thrift HBase Thrift Server
Apache HBase - Shell Shell for HBase
Apache HBase - Protocol Protobuf protocol classes used by HBase to communicate.
Apache HBase - Client Client of HBase
Apache HBase - Hadoop Compatibility Interfaces to be implemented in order to smooth over hadoop version differences
Apache HBase - Common Common functionality for HBase
Apache HBase - Procedure Procedure Framework
Apache HBase - Integration Tests Integration and System tests for HBase
Apache HBase - Examples Examples of HBase usage
Apache HBase - Prefix Tree Prefix Tree Data Block Encoder
Apache HBase - Assembly Module that does project assembly and that is all that it does.
Apache HBase - Testing Util HBase Testing Utilities.
Apache HBase - Annotations Copy of Hadoop's annotations for HBase
Apache HBase - Rest HBase Rest Server
Apache HBase - Checkstyle Module to hold Checkstyle properties for HBase.
Apache HBase - External Block Cache HBase module that provides out of process block cache. Currently Memcached is the reference implementation for external block cache. External block caches allow HBase to take advantage of other more complex caches that can live longer than the HBase regionserver process and are not necessarily tied to a single computer life time. However external block caches add in extra operational overhead.
Apache HBase - Shaded - Client Module of HBase with most deps shaded.
Apache HBase - Shaded - Server Module of HBase with most deps shaded.
Apache HBase - Shaded Module of HBase with most deps shaded.
Apache HBase - Spark Apache HBase™ is the Hadoop database. Use it when you need random, realtime read/write access to your Big Data. This project's goal is the hosting of very large tables -- billions of rows X millions of columns -- atop clusters of commodity hardware.
Apache HBase - Hadoop Two Compatibility Interfaces to be implemented in order to smooth over hadoop version differences

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