5.2. Physical View

Although at a conceptual level tables may be viewed as a sparse set of rows. Physically they are stored on a per-column family basis. New columns (i.e., columnfamily:column) can be added to any column family without pre-announcing them.

Table 5.2. ColumnFamily anchor

Row KeyTime StampColumn Family anchor
"com.cnn.www"t9anchor:cnnsi.com = "CNN"
"com.cnn.www"t8anchor:my.look.ca = "CNN.com"

Table 5.3. ColumnFamily contents

Row KeyTime StampColumnFamily "contents:"
"com.cnn.www"t6contents:html = "<html>..."
"com.cnn.www"t5contents:html = "<html>..."
"com.cnn.www"t3contents:html = "<html>..."

It is important to note in the diagram above that the empty cells shown in the conceptual view are not stored since they need not be in a column-oriented storage format. Thus a request for the value of the contents:html column at time stamp t8 would return no value. Similarly, a request for an anchor:my.look.ca value at time stamp t9 would return no value. However, if no timestamp is supplied, the most recent value for a particular column would be returned and would also be the first one found since timestamps are stored in descending order. Thus a request for the values of all columns in the row com.cnn.www if no timestamp is specified would be: the value of contents:html from time stamp t6, the value of anchor:cnnsi.com from time stamp t9, the value of anchor:my.look.ca from time stamp t8.

For more information about the internals of how Apache HBase stores data, see Section 9.7, “Regions”.

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