15.6. Updating hbase.apache.org

15.6.1. Contributing to hbase.apache.org

The Apache HBase apache web site (including this reference guide) is maintained as part of the main Apache HBase source tree, under /src/docbkx and /src/site. The former is this reference guide; the latter, in most cases, are legacy pages that are in the process of being merged into the docbkx tree.

To contribute to the reference guide, edit these files and submit them as a patch (see Section 15.11, “Submitting Patches”). Your Jira should contain a summary of the changes in each section (see HBASE-6081 for an example).

To generate the site locally while you're working on it, run:

mvn site

Then you can load up the generated HTML files in your browser (file are under /target/site).

15.6.2. Publishing hbase.apache.org

As of INFRA-5680 Migrate apache hbase website, to publish the website, build it, and then deploy it over a checkout of https://svn.apache.org/repos/asf/hbase/hbase.apache.org/trunk, and then check it in. For example, if trunk is checked out out at /Users/stack/checkouts/trunk and hbase.apache.org is checked out at /Users/stack/checkouts/hbase.apache.org/trunk, to update the site, do the following:

              # Build the site and deploy it to the checked out directory
              # Getting the javadoc into site is a little tricky.  You have to build it independent, then
              # 'aggregate' it at top-level so the pre-site site lifecycle step can find it; that is
              # what the javadoc:javadoc and javadoc:aggregate is about.
              $ MAVEN_OPTS=" -Xmx3g" mvn clean -DskipTests javadoc:javadoc javadoc:aggregate site  site:stage -DstagingDirectory=/Users/stack/checkouts/hbase.apache.org/trunk
              # Check the deployed site by viewing in a brower.
              # If all is good, commit it and it will show up at http://hbase.apache.org
              $ cd /Users/stack/checkouts/hbase.apache.org/trunk
              $ svn commit -m 'Committing latest version of website...'

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