How to Write DRL GC

How to Write DRL GC

  1. About This Document
  2. Establishing the Build Infrastructure
    1. Creating a Directory for a New GC Module
    2. Creating a Build Descriptor File
    3. Creating a C++ file with Essential Include Files
    4. Testing the Configuration
  3. Implementing Collector that Uses the GC Interface
    1. GC Lifecycle
    2. Object Allocation
    3. Miscellaneous
    4. Optional
    5. The VM_GC Interface
  4. Implementing the GC Algorithm
    1. Algorithm Overview
    2. Source Code Explained
  5. Running the VM with the Custom GC

About This Document

This document provides instructions on creating a custom garbage collector implementation (GC, version 1.0, 2006-07-20) in C++ and configuring the DRL virtual machine to use it. The document describes the major steps of this procedure, namely: establishing the build infrastructure, implementing the GC interface, implementing the GC algorithm, and running the VM with the custom GC.


Plugging-in a user-designed garbage collector presupposes an operating DRL virtual machine built according to the instructions of the README.txt filesupplied with the VM source package.

Establishing the Build Infrastructure

At this stage, you create the directory and set up the build infrastructure to build the dynamic library. At the end of this stage, you will be fully set for adding the garbage collector code and building it.

DRLVM can load a custom garbage collector from a dynamic library. It is recommended that you build your dynamic library using a DRLVM build infrastructure. Below is an example of creating of a build descriptor on the Windows/IA-32 architecture.

Creating a Directory for a New GC Module

The example below shows how to create a directory for a new GC module:

vm$ mkdir gc_copying
vm$ mkdir gc_copying/src
vm$ cd gc_copying/src

In the newly created directory you will store the source code. For more information, refer to the Implementing the GC Algorithm section.

Creating a Build Descriptor File

Create the build descriptor file build/make/components/vm/gc_copying.xml with the following content:

<project name="vm.gc_copying">
    <target name="init" depends="common_vm">
        <property name="build.depends" value="extra.apr,vm.vmcore" />
        <property name="outtype" value="shared" />
        <property name="libname" value="gc_copying" />
        <property name="src" location="${build.vm.home}" />

        <compiler id="cpp.compiler" extends="common.cpp.compiler">
                <pathelement location="${extra.apr.includes}" />

                <dirset dir="${build.vm.home}">
                    <include name="include" />

            <fileset dir="${src}/gc_copying/src">
                <include name="*.cpp" />

            <defineset define="BUILDING_GC" />

            <select os="win" cfg="release" cxx="icl">
                <compilerarg value="/Qip" />

        <linker id="linker" extends="common.linker">
            <libset libs="${vm.vmcore.lib}" dir="${vm.vmcore.libdir}" />
            <select os="lnx">
                <linkerarg value="-Bsymbolic" />

You can add other macro definitions, include directories or compiler-specific command-line options to match your needs.

Creating a C++ file with Essential Include Files

Create a C++ file with essential include files, namely:

#include "open/gc.h"
#include "open/vm_gc.h"
#include "open/vm.h"

#define LOG_DOMAIN "gc"
#include "cxxlog.h"

These include files are located in directories vm/include/open and vm/port/include. Consult their content for documentation and details of the interface.

Testing the Configuration

Run the build system to test whether the infrastructure is set up correctly:

build$ build.bat -DCOMPONENTS=vm.gc_copying

On a successful build, the .dll file is placed to the VM build directory build/win_ia32_icl_debug/deploy/jre/bin/. The name of the directory may differ depending on your system and the compiler used.


This empty library will not work, you have to write your GC first.

Implementing a Collector that Uses the GC Interface

This section lists the functions that a garbage collector interface must implement. Declarations of these functions are in gc.h. For details, consult the Developer's Guide and documentation in gc.h and vm_gc.h.

GC Lifecycle

Object Allocation

See the Root Set Enumeration section in the Developer's Guide for details.



The virtual machine can operate without the functions listed below, but certain features will be unavailable.

The VM_GC Interface

The garbage collector requires VM support in its operation. The virtual machine exports the VM_GC interface to meet the needs of the garbage collector. Besides, the GC uses the VM_common interface.

The VM_GC interface describes the services that the VM provides specifically for the garbage collector. Please refer to the header file vm_gc.h to see the complete list and documentation.

The VM exports two functions to provide the global locking service for the garbage collector: vm_gc_lock_enum() and vm_gc_unlock_enum(). These two functions differ from plain system locks in their ability to gracefully interoperate with VM threading services. In case of contention on the GC lock, that is, when multiple threads call vm_gc_lock_enum() simultaneously, one thread gets the lock, and others remain blocked. If the thread that grabbed the GC lock does a garbage collection, the blocked threads are considered safely suspended. Other ways to lock user threads for a long time can lead to a deadlock because the VM will have no way to find out whether the thread is blocked or running.

A detailed description of GC procedure is given in the Developer's Guide.

DRLVM provides two functions to support thread suspension and root set enumeration simultaneously:

These functions effectively restrict the garbage collector to stop-the-world algorithms only.

Implementing the GC Algorithm

This section gives step-by-step instructions on how to implement the garbage collection algorithm. The example shows a semispace copying collector.


This example does not implement object finalization and weak references.

Algorithm Overview

The heap is divided into two equally sized contiguous semispaces. During normal operation, only one semispace is used (current semispace), and the other one is reserved for garbage collection. Allocation requests are satisfied by contiguous allocation from the current semispace. Each application thread reserves a thread-local allocation buffer (TLAB) under a global lock, and serves most of the allocation requests without locking, by incrementing the allocation pointer local to the buffer.

When the application requests an allocation that does not fit into the remaining free space of the current semispace, a garbage collection is initiated. The current semispace becomes the evacuation space (fromspace), and the reserved semispace becomes the destination space (tospace). The VM suspends all application threads and enumerates root references.

The GC copies the objects reachable from root references to the destination space. When an object is copied from evacuation space to destination space, the GC installs the forwarding pointer in the old copy. Root references are updated to point to new object locations.

After the root set enumeration is complete, the GC scans objects in the destination space. Each reached object is copied to the destination space, the forwarding pointer is installed in the old copy, and the scanned object fields are updated. For objects with forwarding pointers installed, the GC updates object fields. In this way, the GC ensures that all live objects are copied to the destination space exactly once.

The destination space serves as a queue of objects to be scanned when more and more objects are copied to the destination space during heap traversal. Once all live objects are reached and copied, the scan queue stops growing, and the GC updates object fields only during the last part of the scanning process.

The GC completes the scanning process when the scan pointer reaches the allocation pointer in the destination space. At this stage, all live objects have been evacuated to the destination space, and the evacuation space can be safely reclaimed. The GC then changes the semispace roles: it uses the destination space for further allocation and reserves the evacuation space for the next garbage collection. The change of the semispace roles is commonly referred to as flip.

After the semispace flip, the GC resumes user threads.

Please refer to the excellent survey for detailed description of this algorithm and other basic garbage collection techniques, "Uniprocessor Garbage Collection Techniques", Paul R. Wilson.

Source Code Explained

The full source code of the collector is available in gc_copying.cpp.

The structure TLS (thread-local storage) is used for the optimizing fast path allocation. The GC allocates a buffer of free space from the heap with appropriate locking and further uses this buffer for thread-local allocation.

// This structure is allocated for each user thread.
// It contains the thread-local allocation area.

struct TLS {
    byte* current;  // the allocation pointer
    byte* limit;    // the end of the allocation area

Define the main GC structure to contain the Java heap and the data necessary for GC operation, as shown below.

// Encapsulates all GC data.
struct GC {

    unsigned int semisize;   // the size of the semispace
    unsigned int chunk_size; // the chunk size for thread-local chunks

    byte* space;    // the pointer to the heap

    Lock lock;      // the lock to protect global heap access

    byte* fromspace;// the allocation space
    byte* current;  // the allocation marker
    byte* limit;    // the allocation limit

    byte* tospace;  // the evacuation space
    byte* scan;     // the scan marker
    byte* copy;     // the copy marker
    byte* toend;    // the evacuation space limit

    // The list of thread-local storage (TLS)
    // structures allocated for user threads.
    std::list<TLS*> threads;

    void init();      // configures and initalizes GC
    void wrapup();    // destroys the heap

    // Allocates an object from a thread chunk
    // reserving space for TLS as needed.
    byte* alloc(unsigned size, TLS* tls);

    // Allocates space on the global heap.
    byte* galloc(unsigned size);

    byte* move(void*);      // moves an object
    byte* forwarded(void*); // reads the forwarding pointer
    void root(void**);      // handles a root reference
    void trace(byte*);      // traces one object

    // Collects garbage and allocates the object.
    byte* collect_alloc(unsigned size, TLS* tls);

    std::list<InteriorPointer> interior_pointers;
    void repoint_all_roots_with_interior_points();

The following structure stores object information: the object field layout and the object size.

// Structure OI (from "object information")
// is used to cache GC information for each Java class
// loaded by the virtual machine.
// Each VTable stores the pointer to an OI (Object information) structure.
struct OI {
    char magic[8];      // used for debugging
    const char *name;   // the class name (handy for debugging)
    bool is_array;      // true if this structure describes array
    bool has_slots;     // true if the described object has reference fields
                        // (aka slots) and thus needs to be traced
                        // during collection
    int size;           // the object size or the array element size
    int* offsets;       // zero-terminated list of slot offsets in an object
                        // undefined for array

The data stored in the OI structure is initialized and accessed by the GC only.

The following structures convey the static assumptions that GC makes about object layout. The VM must use the same object layout assumptions for the correct GC operation.

The VTable structure contains the virtual table of the object methods, and is linked from the object header. The VM reserves some space (at least 4 bytes) for exclusive use by GC. The GC uses 4 bytes of GC-private space to put the pointer to the object information structure struct OI.

// The VTable structure has 4 bytes reserved
// for GC use at the beginning.
// The pointer to the OI structure is stored there.
struct VTable {
    OI* oi;
    // Other VTable fields are not used in GC.

The GC assumes that each Java object has a fixed header: (1) a pointer to the VTable structure, and then a (2) 32 bit word with flags. The 25 highest bits are used by the VM Thread Manager component to implement Java monitors and 7 lowest bits are used by GC and for storing the object hash code.

// Describes the object header format assumed by GC.
struct Object {
    VTable *vt;
    uint32 lockword;

The array objects have the same header, and a 4 byte length field at the offset 8.

// Describes the array header format assumed by GC.
struct Array {
    VTable *vt;
    uint32 lockword;
    uint32 length;


The layout described is valid for the IA-32 platform only.

A number of convenience functions use object layout knowledge to perform various data manipulations. The function init_vt() writes the VTable pointer to an object.

void init_vt(Managed_Object_Handle p, Allocation_Handle ah) {
    Object* obj = (Object*)p;
    obj->vt = (VTable*)ah;

The function obj_oi() retrieves object information structure pointer from an object.

OI* obj_oi(Managed_Object_Handle p) {
    Object* obj = (Object*)p;
    return obj->vt->oi;

The function array_length() retrieves the length of an array object.

int array_length(Managed_Object_Handle p) {
    Array* array = (Array*)p;
    return array->length;

The function vt_oi() retrieves the OI structure pointer from the VTable pointer.

OI* vt_oi(VTable_Handle p) {
    VTable* vt = (VTable*)p;
    return vt->oi;

The function ah_oi() retrieves the OI structure pointer using Allocation_Handle. On 32-bit architectures, the VTable pointer is a 32-bit pointer, and Allocation_Handle is a 32-bit integer.

OI* ah_oi(Allocation_Handle ah) {
    // Allocation_Handle is a VTable pointer on 32-bit platforms.
    return vt_oi((VTable_Handle)ah);

The object_size() function computes the size of an object. Array size is calculated by summing the header size and the element size multiplied by array length. Afterwards the size is aligned to be multiple of 4. The non-array object size is cached in the OI structure.

int object_size (Managed_Object_Handle obj) {
    OI* oi = obj_oi(obj);
    if (oi->is_array) {
        // 4-byte alignment
        return ((oi->size * array_length(obj) + 12) + 3) & (~3);
    } else {
        return oi->size;

In this example, the garbage collector is created statically as a global instance of structure GC:

GC gc;

The function init() statically configures size parameters. Normally, this function uses the function vm_get_property() to read configuration options specified as property values on the command line. In this example, we use constant values for simplicity.

void GC::init() {
    semisize = 500*1024*1024;
    chunk_size = 64*1024;

As the next step, the init() function allocates space for the heap, divides it into two semispaces, and initializes the allocation semispace.

    space = (byte*) malloc(semisize*2);
    assert(space); assert(((int)space & 3) == 0);
    fromspace = space;
    tospace = fromspace + semisize; assert(((int)tospace & 3) == 0);
    toend = tospace + semisize;

    INFO("heap size " << mb(2*semisize) << " Mb "
            << (void*)space << "-" << (void*)(space + 2*semisize));

    current = fromspace;
    limit = fromspace + semisize;

    LOG("allocation from " << (void*)current << "-" << (void*)limit);

    memset(current, 0, limit - current);


The global allocation function uses a lock to protect the heap from simultaneous access from multiple threads. The locking mechanism is trivially implemented in a platform-dependent way. See the full source code in gc_copying.cpp.

byte* GC::galloc(unsigned size) {
    byte* r = NULL;
    if (current + size <= limit) {
        r = current;
        current += size;
    return r;

The local allocation function uses the thread-local allocation area for object allocation, and uses galloc() to allocate a new chunk for a thread-local allocation area as needed.

byte* GC::alloc(unsigned size, TLS* tls) {

    byte* obj = NULL;

    assert(NULL == tls->current || fromspace <= tls->current);
    assert(NULL == tls->limit || tls->limit <= limit);

    if (tls->current + size <= tls->limit) {
        // Allocate from the thread-local chunk if possible.
        obj = tls->current;
        tls->current += size;
        return obj;

    // Allocate "large" objects directly from the heap
    // bypassing the thread-local allocation buffer
    // to prevent inefficient handling of half-filled
    // thread-local allocation buffers.
    if (size >= chunk_size/4) {
        return gc.galloc(size);

    // Allocate a new thread-local chunk.
    obj = gc.galloc(chunk_size);
    if (obj) {
        tls->current = obj + size;
        tls->limit = obj + chunk_size;

    return obj;

The forwarding pointers are installed in the lockword structure, the second word of an object.

byte* GC::forwarded (void* obj) {
    int* p = (int*)obj + 1;
    int lockword = *p;
    if (lockword & 1)
        return (byte*)(lockword & (~1));
        return NULL;

The function move() copies the object data to the evacuation semispace and installs the forwarding pointer in the old object copy.

byte* GC::move (void* obj) {
    int size = object_size(obj);
    assert(tospace <= copy); assert(copy + size <= toend);

    byte* nobj = copy;
    TRACE2("gc.move", "move " << (void*)obj << " -> " << (void*)nobj);
    assert(((int)nobj & 3) == 0);
    memcpy(nobj, obj, size);
    copy += size; assert(((int)copy & 3) == 0);

    int* plockword = (int*)obj + 1;
    *plockword = ((int)nobj) | 1;

    return nobj;

The function root() handles one root during root set enumeration. If the root points to an object already reached, the root is updated with the forwarded pointer value. Otherwise, the GC moves the object to the destination space and installs the forwarding pointer in the old object copy.

void GC::root(void** root) {
    byte* obj = (byte*)(*root);
    byte* nobj = forwarded(obj);
    if (NULL == nobj) {
        nobj = move(obj);
    TRACE2("gc.root", "root " << root << " repointed from "
            << (void*)obj << " to " << (void*)nobj);
    *root = nobj;

The function trace() scans one object.

void GC::trace (byte* obj) {
    OI* oi = obj_oi(obj);
    TRACE2("gc.trace", "trace " << (void*)obj
        << " (" << (void*)object_size(obj) << ", " << oi->name << ")");
    if (!oi->has_slots) return;
    if (oi->is_array) {
        int len = array_length(obj);
        int i;
        // Trace (len) elements starting from the offset 12.
        // NB: long[] and double[] start at offset 16
        // but never need tracing.
        byte** elem = (byte**)(obj + 12);
        for (i = 0; i < len; i++, elem += 1) {
            if (NULL == *elem) continue;
            byte* nobj = forwarded(*elem);
            if (!nobj) nobj = move(*elem);
            TRACE2("gc.update", "elem " << i << " in array "
                << (void*)obj << " repointed from " << (void*)(*elem)
                << " to " << (void*)nobj);
            *elem = nobj;
    } else {
        int* poff;
        // Use (offsets) array to get the list of reference
        // field offsets in an object.
        for (poff = oi->offsets; *poff; poff++) {
            byte** field = (byte**) (obj + *poff);
            if (NULL == *field) continue;
            byte* nobj = forwarded(*field);
            if (!nobj) nobj = move(*field);
            TRACE2("gc.update", "field " << *poff << " in object "
                << (void*)obj << " repointed from " << (void*)(*field)
                << " to " << (void*)nobj);
            *field = nobj;

The function collect_alloc() is the main function controlling garbage collection. This function reclaims unused memory and the retries the allocation. The GC attempts to allocate the memory before resuming other threads. This prevents the thread that triggered the garbage collection from starving.


The thread is starving when it gets no resources for a long time because other threads grab the resource before it can even try. If the garbage collector resumes user threads before retrying the allocation, these threads may use all available space quickly before the allocation succeeds. In this case, the allocation will fail for an indefinite number of times.

byte* GC::collect_alloc(unsigned size, TLS* tls) {

    scan = tospace;
    copy = tospace;
    toend = tospace + semisize;

    LOG("allocated " << (current - fromspace) << " bytes");
    LOG("collection to " << (void*)tospace << "-" << (void*)toend);


    while (scan < copy) {
        scan += object_size(scan);

    LOG("live " << (copy-tospace) << " bytes");

    if( !interior_pointers.empty() ){

    byte* swap = tospace;
    tospace = fromspace;
    fromspace = swap;

    current = copy;
    limit = fromspace + semisize;
    memset(current, 0, limit - current);

    LOG("allocation from " << (void*)current << "-" << (void*)limit);

    std::list<TLS*>::iterator i;
    int j;
    for (i = gc.threads.begin(), j = 0; i != gc.threads.end(); i++, j++) {
        (*i) -> current = NULL;
        (*i) -> limit = NULL;
    LOG2("gc.threads", "reset thread allocation areas in " << j
            << " user threads");

    byte* obj = NULL;
    if (size > 0) {
        // Allocate an object before resuming threads to maintain
        // "fairness" and prevent spurious out-of-memory errors.
        obj = alloc(size, tls);

    return obj;

The exported GC interface is mostly implemented by delegating the task to the method of the structure GC. The GC initialization function init() is called from gc_init().

void gc_init() {

Thread local allocation areas are reset on thread creation and thread termination events.

void gc_thread_init(void* tp) {
    TRACE2("gc.thread", "gc_thread_init " << tp);
    TLS* tls = (TLS*) tp;
    std::list<TLS*>::iterator i =
        std::find(gc.threads.begin(), gc.threads.end(), tls);
    assert(i == gc.threads.end());

    tls->current = NULL;
    tls->limit = NULL;

void gc_thread_kill(void* tp) {
    TRACE2("gc.thread", "gc_thread_kill " << tp);
    TLS* tls = (TLS*) tp;
    std::list<TLS*>::iterator i =
        std::find(gc.threads.begin(), gc.threads.end(), tls);
    assert(i != gc.threads.end());

    tls->current = NULL;
    tls->limit = NULL;

The slow path allocation function gc_alloc() checks whether the allocation space is exhausted and starts garbage collection when necessary.

Managed_Object_Handle gc_alloc (unsigned size, Allocation_Handle ah, void *tp) {
    Managed_Object_Handle obj;
    TLS* tls = (TLS*) tp;

    // The next-to-highest bit of the size may be set
    // when allocating objects requiring finalization.
    // Ignore hint for now.
    size = size & 0x3fffffff;

    assert((size & 3) == 0);
    assert(ah_oi(ah)->is_array || size == ah_oi(ah)->size);

    // First, try the allocation
    obj = gc.alloc(size, tls);
    if (!obj) {
        // If the allocation failed,
        // grab the global GC lock.

        // Multiple threads may try to get the GC lock.
        // Only one gets it and does a collection, and others get
        // blocked on vm_gc_lock_enum() during collection.

        // Retry the allocation while holding the GC lock.
        obj = gc.alloc(size, tls);

        // The allocation will succeed if another thread
        // has done collection while this thread was waiting for the GC lock.

        if (!obj) {
            // If the allocation failed, start a garbage collection.
            obj = gc.collect_alloc(size, tls);

            // NULL return value from collect_alloc() indicates out-of-memory.

    if (obj) init_vt(obj, ah);
    TRACE2("gc.alloc.slow", "gc_alloc(" << (void*)size << ", "
            << (*(OI**)ah)->name << ") = " << obj);
    assert(NULL == obj ||
        (gc.fromspace <= obj && obj < gc.limit && ((int)obj & 3) == 0));
    return obj;

If the memory is exhausted, the no-collection allocation function gc_alloc_fast() returns NULL, and does not start garbage collection.

Managed_Object_Handle gc_alloc_fast (unsigned size, Allocation_Handle ah, void *tp) {
    Managed_Object_Handle obj;
    TLS* tls = (TLS*) tp;
    size = size & 0x3fffffff;
    assert((size & 3) == 0);
    assert(ah_oi(ah)->is_array || size == ah_oi(ah)->size);

    obj = gc.alloc(size, tls);

    if (obj) init_vt(obj, ah);
    TRACE2("", "gc_alloc_fast("
            << (void*)size <<  ", " << (*(OI**)ah)->name << ") = " << obj);
    assert(NULL == obj ||
        (gc.fromspace <= obj && obj < gc.limit && ((int)obj & 3) == 0));
    return obj;

The root set enumeration function passes the root reference to the root() function.

void gc_add_root_set_entry(Managed_Object_Handle *ref, Boolean is_pinned) {
    TRACE2("gc.root", "gc_add_root_set_entry " << ref << " -> " << *ref);
    if (NULL == *ref) return;

The function build_slot_offset_array() is used to construct a NULL-terminated list of offsets of reference fields.

static int *build_slot_offset_array(Class_Handle ch)
    unsigned num_ref_fields = 0;
    // Get the total number of fields including primitive fields.
    unsigned num_fields = class_num_instance_fields_recursive(ch);

    // Compute the number of reference fields.
    unsigned int i;
    for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
        // For each field, get its handle and check
        // whether it's a reference type.
        Field_Handle fh = class_get_instance_field_recursive(ch, i);
        if (field_is_reference(fh)) {

    if  (0 == num_ref_fields) return NULL;

    // Allocate the offsets array.
    int* ref_array = (int*) malloc((num_ref_fields+1) * sizeof(int));

    // For each reference field, store its offset
    // into the offsets array.
    int* p = ref_array;
    for (i = 0; i < num_fields; i++) {
        Field_Handle fh = class_get_instance_field_recursive(ch, i);
        if (field_is_reference(fh)) {
            *p = field_get_offset(fh);

    // It is 0 delimited.
    *p = 0;

    return ref_array;

The GC caches object layout information when the function gc_class_prepared() is called.

void gc_class_prepared (Class_Handle ch, VTable_Handle vth) {
    TRACE2("gc.prepared", "gc_class_prepared("
            << class_get_name(ch) << ")");
    OI** vt = (OI**) vth;
    OI* oi = new OI;
    *vt = oi;

    memset(oi, 0, sizeof(OI));
    strcpy(oi->magic, "   OI  ");
    oi->name = class_get_name(ch);

    if (class_is_array(ch)) {
        oi->is_array = true;
        // Store the array element size in the OI structure > size.
        oi->size = class_element_size(ch);
        // Reference arrays have slots, non-reference arrays don't.
        oi->has_slots = !class_is_non_ref_array(ch);
        assert(NULL == oi->offsets);
    } else {
        oi->is_array = false;
        // Store the object size in the OI structure > size.
        oi->size = class_get_boxed_data_size(ch);
        assert((oi->size & 3) == 0);
        oi->offsets = build_slot_offset_array(ch);
        oi->has_slots = (oi->offsets != NULL);

The function gc_force_gc() starts a forced garbage collection using the global GC lock to ensure that only one thread is doing a collection at any time. It passes null arguments to collect_alloc(), because it requires no allocation.

void gc_force_gc () {
    gc.collect_alloc(0, NULL);

Other functions of the GC interface are empty or trivial, and not described in this document. You can see the full listing in the gc_copying.cpp file.

After you completed coding the garbage collector, you can build a GC dynamic library, as described above, by typing

build$ build.bat -DCOMPONENTS=vm.gc_copying

Running the VM with the Custom GC

This section describes how to run the DRL virtual machine with the custom garbage collector library.

You can specify the name of the dynamic library on the command line. For example, to load a GC gc_copying.dll, execute the following:

java -Dvm.dlls=gc_copying.dll Hello

The virtual machine searches for a dynamic library gc_copying.dll in the default locations, that is, the value for the PATH variable and the location of executable java.exe. The default garbage collector is gc.dll located in the same bin/ directory as java.exe.