DRLVM Virtual Machine Developer's Guide

Dynamic Runtime Layer Virtual Machine Developer's Guide

  1. Revision History
  2. 1. About This Document
    1. 1.1 Purpose
    2. 1.2 Intended Audience
    3. 1.3 Using This Document
    4. 1.4 Conventions and Symbols
  3. 2. VM Architecture
    1. 2.1 Overview
    2. 2.2 About Components
      1. 2.2.1 Components, Interfaces, and Instances
      2. 2.2.2 Linking Models
    3. 2.3 Component Manager
    4. 2.4 Package Layout
    5. 2.5 Data Structures
      1. 2.5.1 Object Layout
      2. 2.5.2 Compressed References
  4. 3. Components
    1. 3.1 Component Structure
    2. 3.2 VM Core
      1. 3.2.1 Kernel Classes
      2. 3.2.2 Native Code Support
      3. 3.2.3 JVMTI Support
      4. 3.2.4 Class Support
      5. 3.2.5 Services
      6. 3.2.6 Utilities
      7. 3.2.7 Initialization Module
    3. 3.3 Execution Engine
      1. 3.3.1 JIT Compiler
      2. 3.3.2 Interpreter
    4. 3.4 Execution Manager
    5. 3.5 Thread Manager
    6. 3.6 Garbage Collector
    7. 3.7 Porting Layer
    8. 3.8 Class Libraries
  5. 4. Processes
    1. 4.1 Initialization
      1. 4.1.1 Parsing Arguments
      2. 4.1.2 Creating the VM
      3. 4.1.3 VMStarter Class
    2. 4.2 Verification
      1. 4.2.1 Optimized Verification Procedure
      2. 4.2.2 Verifications Classification
    3. 4.3 Stack Walking
      1. 4.3.1 About the Stack
      2. 4.3.2 Stack Walking
      3. 4.3.3 Stack Iterator
      4. 4.3.4 Stack Trace
    4. 4.4 Root Set Enumeration
      1. 4.4.1 About Roots
      2. 4.4.2 Black-box Method
      3. 4.4.3 Enumeration Procedure
    5. 4.5 Exception Handling
      1. 4.5.1 Throwing Exceptions
      2. 4.5.2 Raising Exception
      3. 4.5.3 Choosing the Exception Handling Mode
    6. 4.6 Finalization
      1. 4.6.1 Finalization Procedure
      2. 4.6.2 Work Balancing Subsystem
    7. 4.7 Inter-component Optimizations
      1. 4.7.1 Fast Subtype Checking
      2. 4.7.2 Direct-call Conversion
      3. 4.7.3 Fast Constant-string Instantiation
      4. 4.7.4 Lazy Exceptions
    8. 4.8 VM Shutdown
  6. 5. References

Revision History

Version Version Information Date
Initial version Intel, Nadya Morozova: document created. November 16, 2005
1.0 Intel, Nadya Morozova: document updated and expanded. March 2, 2006
1.5 Sveta Konovalova: redundant legal notes removed. November 22, 2006
2.0 Nadya Morozova: document restructured, component implementation specifics removed, VM processes described in greater detail. November 24, 2006

1. About This Document

1.1 Purpose

This document introduces DRL, the dynamic run-time layer, explains basic concepts and terms, and gives an overview of the product's structure and interfaces for inter-component communication. Special focus is given to the virtual machine, DRLVM. Use this document to focus on the DRLVM implementation specifics and to understand the internal peculiarities of the product.

The document describes version 1 of the DRL virtual machine donated in March 2006.

1.2 Intended Audience

The target audience for the document includes a wide community of engineers interested in using DRLVM and in working further with the product to contribute to its development.

1.3 Using This Document

This document consists of several major parts describing the key processes and components of the DRL virtual machine, as follows:

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1.4 Conventions and Symbols

This document uses the unified conventions for the DRL documentation kit.

The table below provides the definitions of all acronyms used in the document.

Acronym Definition Acronym Definition
API Application Program Interface JNI Java* Native Interface
APR Apache Portable Runtime Layer JVM Java* Virtual Machine
CFG Control Flow Graph JVMTI JVM Tool Interface
CG Code Generator LIR Low-level Intermediate Representation
CLI Common Language Interface LMF Last Managed Frame
DFG Data Flow Graph LOB Large Object Block
DPGO Dynamic Profile-guided Optimizations LOS Large Object Space
DRL Dynamic Run-time Layer OS Operating System
DRLVM Dynamic Run-time Layer Virtual Machine PC Profile Collector
EE Execution Engine SIMD Single Instruction Multiple Data
EM Execution Manager SOB Single Object Block
FP Floating Point SSA Single Static Assignment
GC Garbage Collector SSE, SSE2 Streaming SIMD Extensions (2)
HIR High-level Intermediate Representation STL Standard Template Library
IR Intermediate Representation TBS Time-based Sampling
J2SE* Java* 2 Standard Edition TLS Thread Local Storage
JCL Java* Class Libraries TM Thread Manager
JIT Just-in-time Compiler VM Virtual Machine, same as JVM in current document

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2. VM Architecture

2.1 Overview

The Dynamic Runtime Layer (DRL) is a clean-room implementation of the Java* 2 Platform, Standard Edition (J2SE*) 1.5.0. This Java* run-time environment consists of the virtual machine (DRLVM), and a set of Java* class libraries (JCL). The product is released in open source. The virtual machine is written in C++ code and a small amount of assembly code. This document focuses on the virtual machine, and gives a short overview of the class libraries supporting it.

Key features of DRL include the following:

2.2 About Components

The DRL virtual machine reconciles high performance with extensive use of well-defined interfaces between its components.

2.2.1 Components, Interfaces, and Instances

A component corresponds to one static or dynamic library, so that several libraries linked statically or dynamically at run time make up the managed run-time environment. For details on components linking, see section 2.2.2 Linking Models.

DRLVM components communicate via functional interfaces. An interface is a pointer to a table of function pointers to pure C methods. Interfaces have string names, which unambiguously identify their function table layout. Each component exposes the default interface to communicate with the component manager, and one or more interfaces for communication with other components.


In the current version, only the execution manager uses the component manager. Other components will migrate to this new model in further releases.

DRL can also operate with co-existing component instances, as the Invocation API [7] requires. An instance of a component contains a pointer to its default interface and component-specific data. The porting layer always has exactly one instance. This allows a compiler to inline calls to the porting layer functions. Other components have the same number of instances as the VM core does.


In Java* programming, components, interfaces, and instances can be described in terms of classes, interfaces and objects. A VM component encapsulates common features, attributes, and properties of virtual machines, and maps to a Java* class. VM interfaces are tables of methods implemented and exposed by the class. If several virtual machines exist in the same address space, they all expose the same interfaces. These VM instances are instances of the VM class, or objects.
The component manager enables explicit creation of component instances by exposing the CreateNewInstance() function, which corresponds to the Java* operator new(). Components with only one instance correspond to static class methods in Java*. All components are initialized at load time.

Subsequent sections define each component and provide information on public interfaces, dependencies and other component specifics.

2.2.2 Linking Models

Libraries corresponding to different DRL components are linked by one of the following models:

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2.3 Component Manager

The component manager is a subcomponent of the VM core responsible for loading and subsequent initialization of VM components.

During the loading stage, the component manager queries the default interface from each loading component, and then makes this information available at the initialization stage via interface queries. The component manager also enables instance creation for interfaces. Currently, only the vm core and the execution manager use the component manager loading scheme.

2.4. Package Layout

The general distribution of source code in the package is to have a directory for each major component, such as jitrino/ for the just-in-time compiler and port/ for porting functionality. For a comprehensive list of the current DRLVM package layout, consult the README file in the root directory of the source package.

2.5 Data Structures

This section provides an overview of data structures in DRLVM, typical examples of data structures, and the exposed data layout of public data structures.

In DRLVM, all data structures are divided into the following groups:

For example, when compiling an access operation to an instance field, the JIT calls the public VM_JIT interface function to obtain the offset, and uses the result to generate the appropriate load instruction. Another example is the VM core internal representation of a class object.

2.5.1 Object Layout

DRLVM exports data structures in accordance with the JNI [5] and JVMTI [4] standards. In addition to these structures, DRLVM shares information about an object layout across its components. In particular, the Java* Native Interface does not specify the structure of jobject, but DRLVM defines it internally as illustrated below.

typedef struct ManagedObject {
  VTable *vt;
  uint32 obj_info;
  /* Class-specific data */
} ManagedObject;
struct _jobject { ManagedObject* object; }
typedef struct _jobject*  jobject;

The jobject structure contains the following elements:

Class-instance fields immediately follow the vt and obj_info fields. Representation of array instances is shared between the garbage collector and the JIT compiler. The VM core determines the specific offsets to store the array length and the first element of the array. This way, the VM core makes these fields available for the garbage collector and the JIT via the VM interface.


The excerpt of code below illustrates the usage of an object structure in DRLVM for the GetBooleanField() JNI function.

typedef jobject ObjectHandle;

jboolean JNICALL GetBooleanField(JNIEnv *env,
                                 jobject obj,
                                 jfieldID fieldID)
    Field *f = (Field *) fieldID;
    /* Initialize the class if the field is accessed */
    if (!ensure_initialised(env, f->get_class())) {
        return 0; /* Error */

    ObjectHandle h = (ObjectHandle) obj;

    tmn_suspend_disable();       //-- Do not allow GC suspension --v
    Byte *java_ref = (Byte *)h->object;
    jboolean val = *(jboolean *)(java_ref + offset);
    tmn_suspend_enable();        //--------------------------------^

    return val;
} // GetBooleanField

2.5.2 Compressed References

To decrease memory footprint on 64-bit platforms [11], direct object and VTable pointers are compressed in an object to 32-bit values.

To calculate a direct heap pointer, the system adds the pointer to the heap base to the compressed value from the reference field. Similarly, a direct pointer to an object VTable consists of the compressed value stored in the first 32 bits of the object and of the base VTable pointer. This limits the maximum heap size to 4 GB, but significantly reduces the average object size and the work set size, and improves cache performance.

Apart from the basic assumptions about object layout and the VTable cache, all interaction between major DRLVM components is achieved through function calls.

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3. Components

This part of the guide defines required virtual machine components and gives an overview of their interaction.

3.1 Component Structure

Figure 1 below displays the major DRL components and their interfaces.

Major DRL Components

Figure 1. Major DRL Components

Figure 1 demonstrates the Java* run-time environment (JRE) that consists of the Java* class libraries (JCL) constituting the application programming interface (API) and the Java* virtual machine with a number of subcomponents listed below. In Figure 1, each component has a different color. Interfaces exported by a component and calls that this component does to interfaces of other components are marked with the component color. Rectangles are used to show what supplementary terms designate.

Currently, the DRL virtual machine consists of the following components:

Depending on the configuration, you can use multiple execution engine components, for example, an interpreter and optimizing JIT. Simultaneous use of multiple JIT compilers can provide different trade-offs between compile time and code quality. You can aslo plug in your custom components instead of the ones DRLVM includes by default, provided that your components exports the required interface functions. For an example of plugging in a custom garbage collector, see How to Write DRL GC.

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3.2 VM Core

The VM core consists of common VM blocks defined by the JVM specification [1] and of elements specific for the DRLVM implementation, as follows:

The VM core interacts with the following DRL components:

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3.2.1 Kernel Classes

The VM kernel classes link the virtual machine with the Java* class libraries (JCL), and consist of the Java* part and the native part. Examples of kernel classes include java.lang.Object and java.lang.reflect.Field. For details on the current implementation, see the Kernel Classes document.

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3.2.2 Native Code Support

The native code support component consists of two parts: execution of native methods used by Java* classes, and an implementation of the Java* Native Interface (JNI) API for native code. Execution of native methods is defined by the Java* Language specification [2] and JNI is defined by the JNI specification [5].

Execution of Native Methods

The virtual machine calls native methods differently with the JIT and with the interpreter as described below.

  • In the interpreter mode, native code is called directly with static stubs, and the interpreter performs all the operations done by wrappers in the JIT execution mode.
  • In the JIT mode, the virtual machine generates special wrappers for calling native methods, which perform synchronization for synchronized native methods and record information for stack unwinding and enumeration of references used in native code. The wrapper code is generated for a native method when the method is called for the first time, and further on, the wrapper is called from JIT-compiled code directly.
    For optimization purposes, the current implementation uses an inline sequence of instructions to allocate and initialize JNI handles directly. This improves performance of applications that contain multiple JNI calls.
JNI Support

The Java* Native Interface is a set of functions, which enable native code to access Java* classes, objects, methods, and all the functionality available for a regular method of a Java* class.

The JNI implementation mostly consists of wrappers to different components of the virtual machine. For example, class operations are wrappers for the class support component, method calls are wrappers that invoke the JIT or the interpreter, and object fields and arrays are accessed directly by using the known object layout.


The following code is implementation of the IsAssignableFrom JNI function, which uses the class support interface:

#include “vm_utils.h”
#include “jni_utils.h”

jboolean JNICALL IsAssignableFrom(JNIEnv * UNREF env,
   jclass clazz1,
   jclass clazz2)
  TRACE2("jni", "IsAssignableFrom called");
  Class* clss1 = jclass_to_struct_Class(clazz1);
  Class* clss2 = jclass_to_struct_Class(clazz2);

  Boolean isAssignable = class_is_subtype(clss1, clss2);
  if (isAssignable) {
 return JNI_TRUE;
  } else {
 return JNI_FALSE;
} //IsAssignableFrom

This code fragment shows a wrapper to the class loader internal function class_is_subtype(), which checks whether a class extends another class. This function works with internal class loader type Class, which is an internal representation of the loaded class instance. To obtain a pointer to the Class instance, the code uses jclass_to_struct_Class() class loader interface functions. TRACE2 is a call to VM logging facilities.

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3.2.3 JVMTI Support

In DRLVM, the JVMTI support component implements the standard JVMTI interface responsible for debugging and profiling.

The DRLVM implementation of JVMTI mostly consists of wrapper functions, which request service and information from other VM parts, such as the class loader, the JIT, the interpreter, and the thread management functionality. Another part of JVMTI implementation is written for service purposes, and comprises agent loading and registration, events management, and API extensions support.

The JVMTI support component is responsible for the following groups of operations:


The debugging and profiling functionality of the JVMTI support component rely on support from execution engines.

See tutorial Creating a Debugging and Profiling Agent with JVMTI [8] for examples of JVMTI API usage.

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3.2.4 Class Support

In DRLVM, the class loading process goes in accordance with the JVM specification [1] and includes class loading, class preparation, resolution, and initialization operations. The VM interface responsible for class support also contains several groups of functions that other VM components use to get information on loaded classes and other class-related data structures. For example, JVMTI functions RedefineClasses() and GetLoadedClasses() use utility interfaces provided by class support.

The class support component has the following major goals:

Classification of Class Support Interfaces

Class support functions can be divided into the following groups:

Class Loading

Comprises functions for loading classes, searching for loaded classes inside VM structures, and JVMTI class redefinition. The functions obtain bytes from the Java* class libraries via the descendants of the java.lang.ClassLoader class or from the files and directories listed in the vm.boot.class.path property. These functions also bind loaded classes with the defining class loader and provide information on all loaded classes.

Class Manipulation

Provides access to class properties, such as the internal (VM) and the external (Java*) names, access and properties flags, the super-class and the defining class, as well as super interfaces, inner classes, methods, fields, and attributes.
Supports class resolution by resolving symbolic references in the run-time constant pool of the class.

Method Manipulation

Provides access to the properties of methods of a class, such as the name of the method, descriptor, signature, access and properties flags, bytecode, local variables information, stack, exceptions, handlers, attributes, and the declaring class.
Functions of this group also enable adding new versions of JIT-compiled methods code and storing service information about compiled code.

Field Access

Contains functions that provide access to the properties of class fields, that is, to the name, descriptor, containing class, and the class of the field.

Type Access

Provides access to generalized information on classes for the JIT compiler and other DRLVM components. These can easily be adapted to work with non-Java* virtual machines, for example, with the ECMA Common Language Infrastructure. Type access functions provide descriptions of both Java* types, such as managed pointers, arrays, and primitive types, and non-Java* types, such as non-managed pointers, method pointers, vectors, unboxed data, and certain unsigned primitive types.

Internal Class Support Data Structures

The VM core stores information about every class, field, and method loaded as described below.

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3.2.5 VM Services

VM services is an abstract term that denotes various service functions that the VM core provides for external DRLVM components. The current implementation has no exact match to VM services in the code, but rather an assembly of support functions. Below is the list of currently provided the VM services grouped by the time when they are requested.

Compile-time Services

During compile time, the JIT compiler uses the following VM services:

  • The dump services for dumping generated stubs and methods to the file in a human readable form.
  • Services providing access to the hash table of all loaded methods.
  • Catch handler registration used by the JIT to provide information for the VM exception handling mechanism.
  • Services providing access to method code chunks.
  • Services providing access to a method information block with data managed by a specific JIT compiler. For example, Jitrino stores stack maps and garbage collection status in the block.
  • Management of blocks of compiled code.

Certain services make a part of class support interface, for example, type management and class resolution. For details, see section 3.2.4 Class Support.

Run-time Services

JIT-compiled code accesses the following groups of services at run time:

  • With M2nFrames: Calls to these functions push M2nFrames to the top of the stack to store an initial stack state for exceptional stack unwinding and local references for root enumeration purposes. These services can perform all the operations of an ordinary JNI function. The group consists of the following operations:
    • Throwing exceptions, including special services to throw lazy exceptions and standard exceptions
    • Synchronization primitives
    • Launching class initialization
    • Implementing checkcast() and instanceof() checks
    • Creating arrays, including multidimensional arrays
  • Without M2nFrames: Calls to VM functions that do not push an M2nFrame on the stack and, therefore, cannot throw exceptions, use stack walking, call Java* code or launch garbage collection. The following frequently used services are invoked without pushing an M2nFrame on the stack:
    • Loading constant strings from a constant pool
    • Storing objects into an array
    • Lookup of an interface VTable
    • Copying an array
    • Converting floating, double and integer types
    • Binary operations

    These services prevent thread suspension in their code. Most direct call functions that implement operations or cast types only return a required result. Storing a reference to an array uses another convention because it returns NULL for success, or a class handler of an exception to throw.

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3.2.6 Utilities

This layer provides common general-purpose utilities. The main requirements for these utilities include platform independence for DRLVM interfaces, thread and stack unwind safety. The utilities layer has the following key features:

The following two main subcomponents constitute the utilities layer:

Memory Management

This utility is responsible for allocating and freeing the memory in native code. The current implementation provides two types of memory allocation mechanisms, as follows:

  • Direct allocation through standard malloc(), free(), realloc() system calls
  • Allocation based on the Apache Portable Runtime (APR) layer memory pools [14]

Memory management functionality is concentrated in port/include/port_malloc.h and port/include/tl/memory_pool.h.


The current logging system is based on a custom logger which may be configured via JNI_CreateJavaVM function. The port/include/logger.h header file describes the pure C programmatic logger interface. The clog.h and cxxlog.h header files in the same directory contain a number of convenience macros improving effectiveness of the logger for C and C++ code respectively.

Each logging message has a header that may include its category, timestamp, location, and other information. Logging messages can be filtered by category for each logging level. You can use specific command-line options to configure the logger and make maximum use of its capabilities. See help message java -X for details on the logger command-line options.

The current VM logging system supports internationalization, so that VM can print messages in the language of the customer system. To use the internationalization feature, set one of the LC_ALL, LC_MESSAGES or LANG system environment variables to the <Lang>_<Region>.<Variant> locale. You can find a list of localized messages for a specific locale in the <drlvm_trunk>/vm/vmcore/src/init/harmony_<locale_name>.properties message catalogue. For a convenient set of macros for printing internationalized messages, refer to the clog.h, cxxlog.h header files.

A record from the message catalogue has the following structure:

  • <XXXX> - a set of four letters; the current implementation contains <ECHO>, <LDIE> and <WARN> sets;
  • <YYY> - the localized message number, for example <005>;
  • <localized_message> - the message written in the native language (may be UTF8 coded), which can contain some substitution parameters, for example <message with two parameters {0} and {1}>.


Here is the example of using the <ECHO030=Unknown option {0}> record from the message catalogue in VM code:

LECHO(30, "Unknown option {0}" << option);


Other components can use their own utilities. For example, the Jitrino compiler features an internal logging system and supports its own memory manager. Check component documentation for more details.

3.2.7 Initialization Module

The initialization module is a part of VM core component responsible for basic operations of the virtual machine, specifically initialization, parsing command-line input, object finalization, and VM shutdown. This section describes the part of VM initialization responsible for handling VM properties.

VM Properties

VM properties are a VM Core part providing centralized access to the common properties table that is unique for the whole VM. A property is a pair of strings <key> and <value>. Properties represent configuration settings for a separate component, such as VM Core, GC, JIT, or for the whole system, and serve for communication between different components.

The current VM properties module is thread-safe and supports two types of properties:


In the current implementation, property values can be NULL.

For exported interface functions, refer to the vm/include/open/vm.h header file.
For properties constants, refer to the vm/include/vm_properties.h header file.
For properties definitions, refer to the vm/vmcore/include/properties.h header file.

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3.3 Execution Engine

The execution engine is any component that can execute bytecode, with the compiler and the interpreter as its two main types. These two execution engines are drastically different: the just-in-time compiler translates bytecode into native code and then executes it, whereas the interpreter reads the original bytecode and executes a short sequence of corresponding C/C++ code. Interpretation is simpler, but substantially slower than executing JIT-compiled code. The subsequent sections give definitions to the two types of execution engines as per DRLVM architecture requirements.

3.3.1 JIT Compiler

DRLVM requires a just-in-time compiler to effectively compile method bytecode into executable code and run this code at run time. The current version of the DRL virtual machine is supplied with the just-in-time compiler codenamed Jitrino.

DRLVM has no specific requirements for optimizations that a JIT compiler can perform. Moreover, the JIT can run a quick compilation with virtually no optimizations applied, as the Jitrino baseline compiler does.

The JIT compiler interacts with:

For a detailed description of the just-in-time compiler that is currently supplied with the virtual machine, see the Jitrino component description.

3.3.2 Interpreter

The interpreter component executes Java* bytecode and is used in the VM interchangeably with the JIT compiler. In the current implementation, the interpreter is mainly used to simplify debugging. The interpreter also enables VM portability because most of its code is platform-independent.

In the current DRLVM implementation, the interpreter interacts with the VM core to do the following:

For that, the interpreter exports its enumeration, stack trace generation and JVMTI support functions via a single method table making up the Interpreter interface.

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3.4 Execution Manager

The execution manager (EM) is a component responsible for compilation and recompilation of managed code scenarios at run time. The execution manager makes decisions for recompilation of a method based on the profiles that are collected by profile collectors. Every profile contains specific optimization data and is associated with the method code compiled by a particular JIT.

The execution manager instantiates JIT compilers and/or the interpreter, configures them to use compilation profiles, and determines the recompilation logic.

In the DRL virtual machine, the execution manager must be able to interact with the following components:

For details on the EM supplied with the current version of the DRL virtual machine, see the Execution Manager Component Description.

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3.5 Thread Manager

The thread manager (TM) component provides threading functionality inside the virtual machine and the class libraries. The purpose of thread management is to hide platform specifics from the rest of the VM, and to adapt OS threading functions to the Java* run-time environment. Thus, TM interacts with most DRLVM components, such as the VM core, the garbage collector and the JIT compiler.

The following components rely on TM for their successful operation:

The thread manager relies on the following components for support:

For a detailed description of the current implementation, see the Thread Manager description.

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3.6 Garbage Collector

The garbage collector (GC) component is responsible for allocation and reclamation of Java* objects in the heap. The garbage collector automatically reclaims the objects that cannot be reached and thus cannot influence the program behavior. The VM can allocate new objects in the space recycled by the GC.

This component interacts with the following components:

VM-level requirements for the garbage collector component are compiled in the document How to Write DRL GC. That document gives detailed instructions on how to create and plug in a garbage collector that can be plugged into DRLVM. For details on the current implementation, parse the GC source code using Doxygen.

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3.7 Porting Layer

The porting layer provides unified interfaces to low-level system routines across different platforms. The porting layer mainly covers the following functional areas:

To maximize benefits of the porting layer, other components interact with the underlying operating system and hardware via this component.

Currently, most DRLVM code uses the Apache Portable Runtime library as a base porting library. However, certain VM parts are still not completely ported to APR and access the operating system directly. The DRL porting library also includes about 20 additional functions and macros, designed as potential extensions to APR. These additions mostly relate to querying system information and virtual memory management. For a detailed description of the DRLVM porting layer extensions, see the Porting Layer description document.

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3.8 Class Libraries

The class libraries complement the DRLVM to provide a full J2SE*-compliant run-time environment. The class libraries contain all classes defined by J2SE* specification [6] except for the set of kernel classes.

The DRL class libraries must satisfy the following requirements:


DRLVM does not require the full J2SE* API set in order to be functional.

At startup, DRLVM preloads approximately 20 classes, including the kernel classes. The minimal subset for the VM startup is defined by the dependencies of the preloaded classes, which can vary in different implementations. You can get the exact list from DRLVM sources, mainly from vmcore\src\init\vm_init.cpp file.

The class libraries interact with the VM through the following interfaces:


The current implementation of VM accessors is built on top of JNI. Future implementations may utilize the VM-specific Fast (Raw) Native Interface or any intrinsic mechanism in order to achieve the better performance.

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4. Processes

This part of the Developer's Guide describes the key processes of VM operation. The description of each process includes the process definition, the enumeration of components involved and the step-by-step procedure making up the process. In some processes, multiple VM components are involved, whereas in others, one component can play the key role. The current version of the document includes descriptions of the following components:

This part also covers several DRLVM enhancements that involve multiple components, described under the common heading of Inter-component Optimizations.

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4.1 Initialization

VM initialization is a sequence of operations performed at the virtual machine start-up before execution of user applications. Currently, DRLVM does not support the invocation API [7], and initialization follows the sequence described below. The subsection 4.8 VM Shutdown below also describes the virtual machine shutdown sequence.

The main(…) function is responsible for the major stages of initialization sequence and does the following:

  1. Initializes the logger
  2. Parses the arguments
  3. Creates a VM instance by calling the create_vm() function
  4. Runs the user application by calling the VMStarter.start() method
  5. Destroys the VM instance by calling the destroy_vm() function

The subsequent sections describe these initialization stages in greater detail.

4.1.1 Parsing Arguments

At this stage, the VM splits all command-line arguments into the following groups:

The virtual machine then creates the JavaVMInitArgs structure from <vm-arguments>.

4.1.2 Creating the VM

The create_vm() function is a prototype for JNI_CreateJavaVM() responsible for creating and initializing the virtual machine. This function does the following:

  1. Gets the component manager instance and registers a new VM instance in the component manager.
  2. For Linux* platforms, initializes the threading system.
    No actions are performed on Windows* platforms. Other steps apply to both operating systems.
  3. Attaches the current thread. This is the first step of the three-step procedure of attaching the thread to the VM. See steps 15 and 19 for further steps of the attaching procedure.
    1. Creates synchronization objects.
    2. Initializes the VM_thread structure and stores the structure in the thread local storage.
  4. Initializes the VM global synchronization locks.
  5. Loads the garbage collector and interpreter libraries.
  6. Initializes basic VM properties, such as java.home, java.library.path, and vm.boot.class.path, according to the location of the VM library.
    The list of boot class path .jar files is hard-coded into the VM library. Use –Xbootclasspath command-line options to change the settings.
  7. Initializes system signal handlers.
  8. Parses VM arguments.
  9. Initializes JIT compiler instances.
  10. Initializes the VM memory allocator.
  11. Initializes the garbage collector by calling gc_init().
  12. Preloads basic API native code dynamic libraries.


    The private vm.other_natives_dlls property defines the list of libraries to be loaded.

  13. Initializes the JNI support VM core component.
  14. Initializes the JVMTI support functionality, loads agent dynamic libraries. At this step, the primordial phase starts.
  15. Attaches the current thread and creates the M2nFrame at the top of the stack (step 2).
  16. Initializes the bootstrap class loader.
  17. Preloads the classes required for further VM operation.
  18. Caches the class handles for the core classes into the VM environment.
  19. Attaches the current thread (step 3).
    1. Creates the java.lang.Thread object for the current thread.
    2. Creates the thread group object for the main thread group and includes the main thread in this group.
    3. Sets the system class loader by calling java.lang.ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().
  20. Sends the VMStart JVMTI event. This step begins the start phase.
  21. Sends the ThreadStart JVMTI event for the main thread. Send the VMInit JVMTI event. At this stage, the live phase starts.
  22. Calls the VMStarter.initialize() method.

4.1.3 VMStarter Class

This Java* class supports specific VM core tasks by providing the following methods:

Called by the create_vm() method, does the following:
  • Starts the finalizer and execution manager helper threads
  • Registers the shutdown hook for proper helper threads shutdown
Called by the destroy_vm() method, does the following:
  • Waits for non-daemon threads
  • Calls the System.exit() method
Runs the user application:
  • Initializes the system class loader
  • Loads the main class of the application
  • Obtains the main() method via reflection
  • Starts the thread that invokes the main() method and caches exceptions from this method

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4.2 Verification

According to the JVM specification [1], the verifier is activated during class loading, before the preparation stage, and consequently, before the start of class initialization. Verification of a class consists of the following passes:

  1. Verifying the class file structure
  2. Checking class data, that is, the logical structure of the data
  3. Verifying bytecode instructions for the methods of the class
  4. Linking the class in run time (handled by the resolver)

Subsequent sections present specifics of verification performed in DRLVM.

4.2.1 Optimized Verification Procedure

The current version of the verifier is optimized to minimize performance impact of the time-consuming bytecode verification. The improved verification procedure is described below:

Stage 1: When checking methods of a class, the verifier scans dependencies on other classes, methods, and fields. The verifier only checks this information if the referenced element is loaded. For unloaded elements handling, see Stage 2.

Stage 2: The verifier generates a list of constraints to be checked during the next stage. Constraints contain information on verification checks that cannot be performed because referenced elements have not been loaded. The verifier stores the list of constraints in the checked class data.

Stage 3: Before class initialization, the verifier goes over the list of previously generated constraints. Provided all exit criteria are met, the verification of the class completes successfully and initialization of the class begins.

The verifier releases the constraints data when the class is unloaded.

4.2.2 Verifications Classification

For optimization purposes, all verification procedures have been divided into the following groups:


The control flow graph (CFG) is a data structure, which is an abstract representation of a procedure or program. Each node in the graph represents a basic block without jumps or jump targets. Directed edges represent jumps in the control flow.

The data flow graph (DFG) is a graph reflecting data dependencies between code instructions of a procedure or program. The data flow graph provides global information about how a procedure or a larger segment of a program manages its data.


In addition, a group of classes is declared as trusted. The verifier skips these classes to minimize performance impact. The group of trusted classes mostly includes system classes.

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4.3 Stack Walking

4.3.1 About the Stack

The stack is a set of frames created to store local method information. The stack is also used to transfer parameters to the called method and to get back a value from this method. Each frame in the stack stores information about one method. Each stack corresponds to one thread.


The JIT compiler can combine in-lined methods into one for performance optimization. In this case, all combined methods information is stored in one stack frame.

The VM uses native frames related to native C/C++ code and managed frames for Java* methods compiled by the JIT. Interaction between native methods is platform-specific. To transfer data and control between managed and native frames, the VM uses special managed-to-native frames, or M2nFrames.


In the interpreter mode, the VM creates several native frames instead of one managed frame for a Java* method. These native frames store data for interpreter functions, which interpret the Java* method code step by step.


M2nFrames contain the following:

4.3.2 Stack Walking

Stack walking is the process of going from one frame on the stack to another. Typically, this process is activated during exception throwing and root set enumeration. In DRLVM, stack walking follows different procedures depending on the type of the frame triggering iteration, as described below.

The system identifies whether the thread is in a managed or in a native frame and follows one of the scenarios described below.

Figure 4 below gives an example of a stack structure with M2nFrames and managed frames movement indicated.


Figure 2. Stack Walking from a Managed Frame


Figure 3. Stack Walking from a Native Frame


Figure 4. LMF List after the Call to a Native Method

The main component responsible for stack walking is the stack iterator.

4.3.3 Stack Iterator

The stack iterator enables moving through a list of native and Java* code frames. The stack iterator performs the following functions:

4.3.4 Stack Trace

The stack trace converts stack information obtained from the iterator and transfers this data to the org.apache.harmony.vm.VMStack class.


One frame indicated by the iterator may correspond to more than one line in the stack trace because of method in-lining (see the first note in About the Stack).

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4.4 Root Set Enumeration

DRLVM automatically manages the Java* heap by using tracing collection techniques.

4.4.1 About Roots

Root set enumeration is the process of collecting the initial set of references to live objects, the roots. Defining the root set enables the garbage collector to determine a set of all objects directly reachable from the all running threads and to reclaim the rest of the heap memory. The set of all live objects includes objects referred by roots and objects referred by other live objects. This way, the set of all live objects can be constructed by means of transitive closure of the objects referred by the root set.

Roots consist of:

4.4.2 Black-box Method

In DRLVM, the black-box method is designed to accommodate precise enumeration of the set of root references. The GC considers everything outside the Java* heap as a black box, and has little information about the organization of the virtual machine. The GC relies on the support of the VM core to enumerate the root set. In turn, the VM considers the thread stack as the black box, and uses the services provided by the JIT and interpreter to iterate over the stack frames and enumerate root references in each stack frame.

Enumeration of a method stack frame is best described in terms of safe points and GC maps. The GC map is the data structure for finding all live object pointers in the stack frame. Typically, the GC map contains the list of method arguments and local variables of the reference type, as well as spilt over registers, in the form of offsets from the stack pointer. The GC map is associated with a specific point in the method, the safe point. The JIT determines the set of safe points at the method compile time, and the interpreter does this at run time. This way, call sites and backward branches enter the list. During method compilation, the JIT constructs the GC maps for each safe point. The interpreter does not use stack maps, but keeps track of object references dynamically, at run time. With the black-box method, the VM has little data on the thread it needs to enumerate, only the register context.

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4.4.3 Enumeration Procedure

When the GC decides to do garbage collection, it enumerates all roots as described below.

  1. The garbage collector calls the VM core function vm_enumerate_root_set_all_threads().


    Currently, the DRLVM implementation does not support concurrent garbage collectors.

  2. The VM core suspends all threads.
  3. The VM core enumerates all the global and thread-local references in the run-time data structures: the VM enumerates each frame of each thread stack.
    For each frame produced by the JIT-compiled code, it is necessary to enumerate the roots on that frame and to unwind to the previous frame. For that, the VM calls methods JIT_get_root_set_from_stack_frame() and JIT_unwind_stack_frame().
    1. The VM identifies the method that owns the stack frame by looking up the instruction pointer value in the method code block tables.
    2. The VM passes the instruction pointer and the stack pointer registers to the JIT compiler.
    3. The JIT identifies the safe point and finds the GC map associated with the code address.
    4. The JIT consults the GC map for the safe point, and enumerates the root set for the frame. For that, the JIT calls the function gc_add_root_set_entry() for each stack location containing pointers to the Java* heap [12].
      The interpreter uses its own stack frame format and enumerates all thread stack trace when the interpreter function interpreter_enumerate_thread() is called.
  4. The VM core and the execution engine communicate the roots to the garbage collector by calling the function gc_add_root_set_entry(ManagedObject).


    The parameter points to the root, not to the object the root points to. This enables the garbage collector to update the root in case it has changed object locations during the collection.

  5. The VM core returns from vm_enumerate_root_set_all_threads(), so that the garbage collector has all the roots and proceeds to collect objects no longer in use, possibly moving some of the live objects.
  6. The GC determines the set of reachable objects by tracing the reference graph. In the graph, Java* objects are vertices and directed edges are connectors between the objects having reference pointers to other objects.
  7. The GC calls the VM function vm_resume_threads_after(). The VM core resumes all threads, so that the garbage collector can proceed with the allocation request that triggered the garbage collection.

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4.5 Exception Handling

The exceptions interface handles exceptions inside the virtual machine and consists of the following function groups:

The exceptions interface includes the following function groups:

In DRLVM, two ways of handling exceptions are available: exception throwing and raising exceptions, as described below.

4.5.1 Throwing Exceptions

When an exception is thrown, the virtual machine tries to find the exception handler provided by the JIT and registered for the specified exception kind and code address range. If the handler is available, the VM transfers control to it; otherwise, the VM unwinds the stack and transfers control to the previous native frame. This mode employs the exn_throw_*() functions.

Exceptions are thrown in Java* code and in small parts of internal VM native code. Because stack unwinding is enabled for these areas of native code, they are unwindable and marked as THROW_AREA.


Exceptions cannot be thrown in the interpreter mode.

With stack unwinding, throwing exception runs faster than raising exceptions.

4.5.2 Raising Exceptions

When the VM raises an exception, a flag is set that an exception occurred, and the function exits normally. This approach is similar to the one used in JNI [5]. Call the following functions to perform exception-raising operations:

Raising exceptions is used in internal VM functions during JIT compilation of Java* methods, in the interpreter, and in the Java* Native Interface [5]. With these, stack unwinding is used and corresponding areas of code are therefore non-unwindable and marked as RAISE_AREA.

The usage is especially important at start-up time when no stack has been formed.

4.5.3 Choosing the Exception Handling Mode

DRLVM provides the following facilities to set the exception handling mode:

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4.6 Finalization

Finalization is the process of reclaiming unused system resources after garbage collection. The DRL finalization fully complies with the specification [1]. The VM core and the garbage collector cooperate inside the virtual machine to enable finalizing unreachable objects.


In DRL, the virtual machine tries to follow the reverse finalization order, so that the object created last is the first to be finalized; however, the VM does not guarantee that finalization follows this or any specific order.

4.6.1 Finalization Procedure

As Figure 5 shows, several queues can store references to finalizable objects:


Figure 5. Finalization Framework

The garbage collector uses these queues at different stages of the GC procedure to enumerate the root set and kick off finalization for unreachable objects, as follows.

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  1. Object Allocation

    During object allocation, the garbage collector places references to finalizable objects into the live object queue, as shown in Figure 6. Functions gc_alloc() and gc_alloc_fast() register finalizable objects with the queue.


    Figure 6. Allocation of Finalizable Objects

  2. After Mark Scan

    After marking all reachable objects, the GC moves the remaining object references to the unmarked objects queue. Figure 7 illustrates this procedure: grey squares stand for marked object references, and white square are the unmarked object references.


    Figure 7. Unmarked Objects Queue Usage

  3. Filling in the Finalizable Objects Queue

    From the buffering queue, the GC transfers unmarked object references to the VM queue, as shown in Figure 8. To place a reference into the queue, the garbage collector calls the vm_finalize_object() function for each reference until the unmarked objects queue is empty.


    Figure 8. Finalization Scheduling

  4. Activating the Finalizer Thread

    Finally, the GC calls the vm_hint_finalize() function that wakes up finalizer threads. All finalizer threads are pure Java* threads, see section 4.6.2 Work Balancing Subsystem.
    Each active thread takes one object to finalize and does the following:

    1. Gets references to the object from the VM queue
    2. Removes the reference from the queue
    3. Calls the finalize() function for the object

    If the number of active threads is greater than the number of objects, the threads that have nothing to finalize are transferred to the sleep mode, as shown in Figure 9.


    Figure 9. Finalizer Threads

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4.6.2 Work Balancing Subsystem

The work balancing subsystem dynamically adjusts the number of running finalizer threads to prevent an overflow of the Java* heap by finalizable objects. This subsystem operates with two kinds of finalizer threads: permanent and temporary. During normal operation with a limited number of finalizable objects, permanent threads can cover all objects scheduled for finalization. When permanent threads are insufficient, the work balancing subsystem activates temporary finalizer threads as needed.

The current implementation uses an adaptive algorithm of assumptions because calculating the exact number of threads required for finalizing objects in the queue is inadequate. WBS assumes that a certain number N of threads is optimal for finalizing objects at a given point in time. With this in mind, you can make the following conclusions:

WBS strives to get as near to the optimal number N as possible. In more detail, the work balancing subsystem operates in the following stages:

Stage 1: Permanent finalizer threads only

Object allocation starts. Only permanent finalizer threads run. The garbage collector uses the hint counter variable to track finalizable objects and increases the value of the hint counter by 1 when allocating a finalizable object.

Stage 2: Temporary finalizer activated

The number of objects scheduled for finalization increases, and at some point in time, the hint counter value exceeds a certain threshold (currently set to 128).
At this stage, the garbage collector calls the vm_hint_finalize() function before performing the requested allocation. This function is also called after each garbage collection.

  1. The vm_hint_finalize() function checks whether any objects remain in the queue of objects to finalize. The number of objects, if any, is not taken into account.
  2. If the queue is not empty, the work balancing subsystem assumes that the current quantity of finalizer threads is not enough and creates additional temporary finalizer threads.


With this algorithm, the frequency of checking the state of the finalizable objects queue depends on the frequency of finalizable object allocation and garbage collection procedures. In other words, the more frequently the system tries to allocate a finalizable object or to do garbage collection, the more frequently the vm_hint_finalize() function is called and the state of the queue is checked.

Stage 3: Temporary finalizer threads destroyed

Because the optimum number of finalizer threads is unknown, WBS can create more threads than suffice. With these excess finalizer threads, the number of objects to finalize starts decreasing, but the number of finalizer threads continues to grow. By the time the number of finalizer threads reaches 2N, no objects remain in the queue, because at this time an optimum finalization system could finalize the same quantity of objects as current.

When the finalization queue is empty, temporary threads are destroyed and the work balancing cycle restarts.

Figure 10 demonstrates variations in the number of finalizer threads over time.

Graphic showing variations of the number of threads with time

Figure 10. Variations in Number of Running Finalizer Threads

As a result, the number of running finalizer threads in the current work balancing subsystem can vary between 0 and 2N.


The maximum value for 2N is 256 running finalization threads.

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4.7 Inter-component Optimizations

In DRLVM, safety requirements and dynamic class loading affect the applicability and effectiveness of traditional compiler optimizations, such as null-check elimination or array-bounds checking. To improve performance, DRLVM applies inter-component optimizations to reduce or eliminate these safety overheads, and to ensure effective operation in the presence of dynamic loading.

Inter-component optimizations include various optimization techniques supported by more than one component in DRLVM, as described in the subsequent sections.

4.7.1 Fast Subtype Checking

Java* programs widely use inheritance. The VM needs to check whether an object is an instance of a specific super type thousand of times per second. These type tests are the result of explicit checks in application code (for example, the Java* checkcast bytecode), as well as implicit checks during array stores (for example, Java* aastore bytecode). The array store checks verify that the types of objects being stored into arrays are compatible with the element types of the arrays. Although functions checkcast(), instanceof(), and aastore() take up at most a couple of percent of the execution time for Java* benchmarks, that is enough to justify some degree of in-lining. The VM core provides an interface to allow JIT compilers to perform a faster, in-lined type check under certain commonly used conditions.

4.7.2 Direct-call Conversion

In DRLVM, Java* virtual functions are called indirectly by using a pointer from a VTable even when the target method is precisely known. This is done because a method may not have been compiled yet, or it may be recompiled in the future. By using an indirect call, the JIT-compiled code for a method can easily be changed after the method is first compiled, or after it is recompiled.
Because indirect calls may require additional instructions (at least on the Itanium® processor family), and may put additional pressure on the branch predictor, converting them into direct calls is important. For direct-call conversion, the VM core includes a callback mechanism to enable the JIT compiler to patch direct calls when the targets change due to compilation or recompilation. When the JIT produces a direct call to a method, it calls a function to inform the VM core. If the target method is compiled, the VM core calls back into the JIT to patch and redirect the call.

4.7.3 Fast Constant-string Instantiation

Constant-string instantiation is common in Java* applications, and DRLVM, loads constant strings at run time in a single load, as is with static fields. To use this optimization, Jitrino calls the class loader interface function class_get_const_string_intern_addr() at compile time. This function interns the string and returns the address of a location pointing to the interned string. Note that the VM core reports this location as part of the root set during garbage collection.
Because string objects are created at compile time regardless of the control paths actually executed, the optimization applied blindly to all JIT-compiled code, might result in allocation of a significant number of unnecessary string objects. To avoid this, apply the heuristic method of not using fast strings in exception handlers.

4.7.4 Lazy Exceptions

Certain applications make extensive use of exceptions for control flow. Often, however, the exception object is not used in the exception handler. In such cases, the time spent on creating the exception object and creating and recording the stack trace in the exception object is wasted. The lazy exceptions optimization enables the JIT compiler and the VM core to cooperate on eliminating the creation of exception objects with an ordinary constructor in case these objects are not used later on.

To implement lazy exceptions, the JIT compiler finds the exception objects that are used only in the throw statements in the compiled method. The JIT compiler analyzes the constructors of these objects for possible side effects. If the constructor has no side effects, the JIT removes the exception object construction instructions and substitutes a throw statement with a call to a run-time function that performs the lazy exception throwing operation. During execution of the new function, the VM core unwinds the stack to find the matching handler, and does one of the following depending on the exception object state:

The lazy exceptions technique significantly improves performance. For more information on exceptions in DRLVM, see section 3.9 Exception Handling.

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4.8 VM Shutdown

The VM destruction functionality is currently part of the initialization interface. Specifically, the destroy_vm() function that triggers the VM shutdown procedure is in the VMStarter class. This function is a prototype for JNI_DestroyJavaVM() responsible for terminating operation of a VM instance. This function calls the VMStarter.shutdown() method.

11. References

This section lists the external references to various sources used in DRLVM documentation, and to standards applied to DRLVM implementation.

[1] Java* Virtual Machine Specification, http://java.sun.com/docs/books/vmspec/2nd-edition/html/VMSpecTOC.doc.html

[2]Java* Language Specification, Third Edition, http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jls/

[3]JIT Compiler Interface Specification, Sun Microsystems, http://java.sun.com/docs/jit_interface.html

[4]JVM Tool Interface Specification, http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/jvmti/jvmti.html

[5] Java* Native Interface Specification, http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/jni/spec/jniTOC.html

[6]Java* API Specification, http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/api

[7] Java* Invocation API Specification, http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.5.0/docs/guide/jni/spec/invocation.html

[8]Creating a Debugging and Profiling Agent with JVMTI tutorial, http://java.sun.com/developer/technicalArticles/Programming/jvmti/index.html

[9] Apache Harmony project, http://harmony.apache.org/.

[10] IA-32 Intel Architecture Software Developer's Manual, Intel Corp., http://www.intel.com/design

[11] Ali-Reza Adl-Tabatabai, Jay Bharadwaj, Michal Cierniak, Marsha Eng, Jesse Fang, Brian T. Lewis, Brian R. Murphy, and James M. Stichnoth, Improving 64-Bit Java* IPF Performance by Compressing Heap References, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Code Generation and Optimization (CGO’04), 2004, http://www.cgo.org/cgo2004/

[12] Stichnoth, J.M., Lueh, G.-Y. and Cierniak, M., Support for Garbage Collection at Every Instruction in a Java* Compiler, ACM Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation, Atlanta, Georgia, 1999, http://www.cs.rutgers.edu/pldi99/

[13] Wilson, P.R., Uniprocessor Garbage Collection Techniques, in revision (accepted for ACM Computing Surveys). http://http.cs.utexas.edu/pub/garbage/bigsurv.ps

[14] Apache Portable Runtime library, http://apr.apache.org/

[15] S. Muchnick, Advanced Compiler Design and Implementation, Morgan Kaufmann, San Francisco, CA, 1997.

[16] P. Briggs, K.D., Cooper and L.T. Simpson, Value Numbering. Software-Practice and Experience, vol. 27(6), June 1997, http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/journals/spe/spe27.html

[17] R. Bodik, R. Gupta, and V. Sarkar, ABCD: Eliminating Array-Bounds Checks on Demand, in proceedings of the SIGPLAN ’00 Conference on Program Language Design and Implementation, Vancouver, Canada, June 2000, http://research.microsoft.com/~larus/pldi2000/pldi2000.htm

[18] Paul R. Wilson, Uniprocessor garbage collection techniques, Yves Bekkers and Jacques Cohen (eds.), Memory Management - International Workshop IWMM 92, St. Malo, France, September 1992, proceedings published as Springer-Verlag Lecture Notes in Computer Science no. 637.

[19] Bill Venners, Inside Java 2 Virtual Machine, http://www.artima.com/insidejvm/ed2/

[20] Harmony Class Library Porting Documentation, http://svn.apache.org/viewvc/ *checkout*/harmony/enhanced/classlib/trunk/doc/vm_doc/html/index.html?content-type=text%2Fplain

[21]Karl Pettis, Robert C. Hansen, Profile Guided Code Positioning, http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/conf/pldi/pldi90.html

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