Jitrino Pipeline Management Framework

Jitrino Pipeline Management Framework

  1. Revision History
  2. About This Document
    1. Purpose
    2. Intended Audience
    3. Documentation Conventions
  3. Overview
    1. Key Elements
    2. Implementation Notes
    3. Pipeline Life-cycle
      1. Initialization
      2. Method Compilation
      3. De-initialization
  4. Command-line Interface
  5. PMF Commands
    1. Path Definition
    2. Filter Definition
    3. Argument Definition
  6. Logging System
    1. Defining Streams
    2. Using Filters in Logging
    3. Assigning a Stream to a File
      1. Using Filename Masks
      2. Filename Review
    4. Using Streams
  7. Appendix
    1. General Command-line Syntax Specification

Revision History

Version Version Information Date
Initial version Sergey Ivashin, Svetlana Konovalova: document created. October 30 , 2006

About This Document


The document is a comprehensive description of the pipeline management framework that provides complete control over just-in-time compilation process through the Java* property mechanism. The description covers the PMF application to the command-line interface and to the Jitrino logging system.

PMF is introduced in the Jitrino component description, whereas the current document gives details on its internal design and specifics. The current document adds examples and usage instructions to the general definition of PMF given in the component description.

Intended Audience

The target audience for the document includes a wide community of DRLVM developers interested in understanding Jitrino internals and in improving them. The document assumes that readers understand the concepts of PMF and just-in-time compilation.

Documentation Conventions

This document uses the unified conventions for the DRL documentation kit.

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The document contains the detailed description of the Jitrino pipeline management framework (PMF). For a high-level PMF overview, refer to the Jitrino document.

Key Elements

This section contains a detailed description of the PMF key elements.


The pipeline is a sequence of steps representing the compilation process for a set of methods. You can create several pipelines for a single JIT, targeting each to compile a particular set of methods. Each instance of the JIT compiler has one common pipeline, which has an empty method filter. Thus, the common pipeline is applied if a compiled method matched no method filter of other pipelines. For more information on the common pipeline, refer to the Initialization section of the current document.

Method Filter

The method filter is used to choose a particular pipeline for a method being compiled. Filter elements make up a filter expression, as follows:
<class_name><method_name>< method_signature>.
Any or all of these elements can be blank. If all elements of a filter expression are empty strings, the filter is empty. Empty filters are used in the compilation of a common pipeline.

Pipeline Step

The pipeline step is a pipeline element that stores a reference to an action object and its full name. In the pipeline definition a step is represented by its textual name.


The action is an object representing a certain independent transformation of compiled code. Each action must be declared as a subclass of the Jitrino::Action class. Therefore, all actions have a common set of properties and methods, namely:

  • The name property used to assign a unique name to each JIT action
  • The init() and deinit() methods used to initialize and de-initialize the JIT
  • The createSession() method used to create SessionAction


Actions do not have the run() method and cannot be called directly in the pipeline. The SessionAction object is used instead.

The system creates Action objects once per JIT execution and uses them to store data between compilation sessions.


A SessionAction object created by PMF to transform code in a particular compilation session. SessionAction must be declared as a subclass of the Jitrino::SessionAction class, which has the following methods:

  • The getAction() method to get the reference to the parent Action object
  • The run() method to do the work for the action object

Instances of SessionAction are created at the start of method compilation and destroyed at the end of compilation. In other words, they are created and destroyed every time when a pipeline with the corresponding action is selected for method compilation. Therefore, no data can be saved in this object between compilation sessions.


The IAction class is a common ancestor of the Action and SessionAction classes, which contains service methods that may be accessed from both child classes; for example, argument processing methods or methods for obtaining a reference to the corresponding pipeline.


Figure 1: The Role of Pipelines in the JIT Compilation Process

Figure 1 demonstrates the role of pipelines in the JIT compilation process.

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Implementation Notes

When using the PMF implementation, please note the following:

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Pipeline Life-cycle


The common pipeline is created at the JIT initialization. All other pipelines are created just before their first use. Therefore, an optional pipeline is only initialized when a compiled method matches its filter.

During pipeline creation, the compiler iterates over all its steps. For each step, the compiler creates an instance of the referenced Action object and calls the Action::init() method. At this point, all action parameters are available and the Action::init() method can use any of the IAction::getArg methods to retrieve action parameters. For efficiency purposes, parameters should be processed at the initialization phase, not during compilation of each method.


You can call the IAction::getArg method from SessionAction::run() during compilation of a method, but it is a less effective way of parameter processing. The SessionAction object has access to its parent Action object and therefore, can access data prepared during the initialization phase.

Method Compilation

At this stage, the compiler selects the pipeline for the given method using the filter expression in the method filter and proceeds to compile a method. If the method matches several filters, then the pipeline with the longest filter expression is selected, that is PMF always chooses the filter with more characters in its expression. PMF prohibits creation of different pipelines with the same filter expression.

To compile the method, JIT executes the selected pipeline: iterates over all its steps, creates a SessionAction object for each step, calls the run() method in each object, and destroys it.


At the JIT de-initialization phase all created pipelines are destroyed. The Action::deinit() method is called for every step in a pipeline during its de-initialization.

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Command-line Interface

The command-line interface is based on system properties defined by "property = value" relations. At the initialization phase, all properties are stored in the table of VM properties. Depending on the configuration mode, VM can create several JITs. In this case, each JIT reads this table and selects properties independently; therefore, different JITs have different property sets.

The general form of the JIT command is the following:



Both <JIT> and <pipeline> elements define the command scope in the following way:

Commands can be specified on the command line or in the EM configuration file. Most important commands are usually placed in the EM configuration file, so Jitrino can be used without any commands on the command line.

The order of commands on the command line and in the external file is not significant.

Another way to deal with a set of commands is to store it in a command file and read this file with a special read command:

-XX:jit.read=<command filename>


Write commands in the command file without the prefix -XX:jit. The read command itself can be used in the command file. The command file can contain empty lines and comment lines starting with # or //.

For information on the general command line syntax specification, refer to the Appendix.

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PMF Commands

To control the JIT compilation process, PMF uses path definition, filter definition and argument definition commands.

Path Definition

A pipeline can be described as an ordered set of terminal leafs of a path tree. The tree is a purely abstract concept introduced to describe the pipeline construction process. Each non-terminal node of the tree is called a path and defined by the following path definition command:


The given command introduces a node with the specified name and enumerates all its direct descendants - children. If a child is a terminal node, it is treated as the name of the action; if not, then the child must be another path.

For each pipeline, define one path with the <name> element omitted, which is called the root path. Each path must have a unique definition.

Each action in the pipeline has a unique full name consisting of all node names from the root to the action itself. The root node is excluded because it has no name. More than one instance of the same action can exist, as long as each instance has a unique full name.


OPT is the JIT name and a, b and c are the action names.


The given commands describe the simple path tree:


Figure 2: A Path Tree of a Common Pipeline

The following resulting pipeline is constructed from the aforementioned tree:
a, b, c

The pipeline above is common, because it has no method filter. Each action of the given pipeline has a unique full name.

Action Full Name
a M.a
b N.b
c N.c

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Filter Definition

To define a filter, use the following command format:




In the filter definition, the method and the signature elements have no period . between them.

You must follow the VM notation for the described elements. You are free to omit some elements, but at least one must be present.

If each of three elements of the method name starts with the corresponding element of the filter expression, the compiled method matches the filter.



The following methods can match the given filter:

To continue the example, methods can equally match a less detailed filter expression, such as java/lang.check. However, PMF would use the more specific filter, as described in the Method Compilation section.



The commands above are associated with the following path trees:


Figure 3: An Example of Path Trees for Multiple Pipelines

The following resulting pipelines are constructed from the aforementioned trees:
(common) a, b, c
(p)           a, b, c, a


Path definitions M and N in the pipeline p are inherited from the common pipeline, because they were defined in commands with the pipeline element omitted, but the root path definition in the p pipeline was overridden.

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Argument Definition

To control the actions behavior, PMF supports an action parameters passing convention. The parameter definition command pattern is the following:

-XX:jit.<JIT>.<pipeline>.arg.<full name>.<param>=<value>


The <full name> element defines the parameter scope in the following way:



The given command sets the <verify> parameter for both a instances, M.a and O.a, to 1. See Figure 3.

The table below gives several examples of essential commands for the path trees based on Figure 3.

Command Omitted Element Definition
The parameter verify with value 2 is available only to action b with the full name N.b in pipeline p of JIT OPT.
The parameter verify is available for actions b and c simultaneously.
-XX:jit.OPT.p.arg.verify=2 <full name> The parameter verify is available for all actions a, b, c and a in pipeline p.
-XX:jit.OPT.arg.N.verify=2 <pipeline> The parameter verify is available for b and c actions for common and p pipelines of JIT OPT .

The special form of argument definition commands controls the pipeline construction process:

-XX:jit.<JIT>.<pipeline>.arg.<full name>=on
-XX:jit.<JIT>.<pipeline>.arg.<full name>=off


In the given form of the argument definition, the <param> element is absent and only two values for <value> exist: on and off.

The off value disables the addressed node and all its descendants, while the on value enables the node and its descendants. When constructed, a pipeline does not include any disabled actions.


To exclude action b from the pipeline, apply the following command:


To enable/disable nodes directly in the path definition command, add state characters immediately after the node name, videlicet:

Character Corresponding Node Meaning
cannot be disabled

The following command states that c1 is enabled, c2 is disabled and c3 is enabled and mandatory:


If you try to disable any mandatory node with the off command, the fatal error occurs.

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Logging System

The logging system supports diagnostic messages from pipeline actions. The VM property mechanism fully controls the system.

Defining Streams

A set of log streams is used for logging in Jitrino. Each log stream has a name. The name of the log stream is not related to the name of the file, to which the stream is assigned. The class Jitrino::LogStream is the program representation of a log stream. This class is similar to the std::ostream class in the defining operator << and other useful methods, such as printf() and flush(). To obtain the reference to the underlying std::ostream instance, call the out() method.

Streams can be accessed by name or by ID. The stream ID can be obtained from its name by using the IAction::getLogStreamID() method. For performance reasons, several most frequently used streams, so-called known streams, have predefined IDs:

Stream Name Stream ID Output
info LogStream::INFO The protocol of compilation: JIT and pipeline names, the method name and number, and so on.
rt LogStream::RT Run-time output not related to compiled methods.
ct LogStream::CT Compile-time diagnostic.
irdump LogStream::IRDUMP The dump of internal Jitrino structures for a compiled method.
dotdump LogStream::DOTDUMP The dump of internal Jitrino structures in the .dot format.
dbg LogStream::DBG Debug information.

To enable outputting log information to a stream, enter a command of the following syntax:

-XX:jit.<JIT>.<pipeline>.arg.<full name>.log=<stream1>,<stream2>,...

The left part of the command specifies the name of the JIT compiler and the compilation pipeline to be used, whereas the right part contains the names of the streams that you want to enable. Use the same syntax to enable a custom stream: write an arbitrary name for it and enable the stream with this command.


If program output is directed to a disabled stream, the output is lost and no error diagnostic is produced.

The enabling command follows the general scope of rules: the stream is enabled for the node specified in the command and all its descendants.

Streams defined for different nodes are different streams, though they can have the same name.


The following commands enable two different streams, though both can be accessed from actions N.b and N.c by the same name. The streams can be assigned to different files.


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Using Filters in Logging

A method filter can be used to filter logging by package, class or method name. For logging purposes, define an empty pipeline with an appropriate method filter, with this pipeline considered a filter name for simplicity.


The following commands implicitly define an empty pipeline f for filtering purposes, defines a method filter for this pipeline and enables logging for the methods corresponding to f.


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Assigning a Stream to a File

To assign a stream to a file, use the following command syntax:

-XX:jit.<JIT>.<pipeline>.arg.<full name>.log.<stream>.file=<filename mask>

In the given command, the <filename mask> element constructs a filename for the stream. All characters from this mask are copied to the resulting filename literally except macros, which are expanded and the result of expansion is copied to the filename. Below is the list of available macros.

Macro Expands To
%jit% The name of the JIT that is compiling the method.
%class% The method class name with / changed to _
%class_tree% The method class name with / preserved.
%method% The method name and signature in VM notation.
%seqnb% The global sequential number of the current compilation.
%log% The name of the stream.
%thread% The number of the thread compiling the method.

In most cases, a program can access the stream file from concurrent threads, so that all stream operations are synchronized. However, if a filename mask for the stream contains the %thread% macro, this file is thread-specific and access to it is not synchronized.

Using Filename Masks

For all streams, the following default filename mask is used:


For example, for an enabled stream abc with no assigned filename mask, the log file is in the same directory with other known stream files, and its name is abc.log.

All known streams have hard-coded default filename masks, described in the table below. These masks are used if no assignment is made with the corresponding command.

Stream Name Default Filename Mask
info log/info.log
rt log/rt.log
ct log/%jit%/%class%/%method%/ct.log
irdump log/%jit%/%class%/%method%/irdump.log
dotdump log/%jit%/%class%/%method%/.dot [special case]


Jitrino writes dot-dumps to the dotdump stream and produces two .dot files for each action: before and after execution of an action. To handle these correctly, the enabled dot-dumper opens the dotdump stream before executing the action, writes to the stream and closes it. After executing the action, the dot-dumper performs the same operation. Each time, the dot-dumper adds a suffix that indicates the sequence of actions to the tail of the stream filename .dot, as follows:


In the command above, the <action name> element is the name of the action and <action_nb> is the sequential number of the action in the current pipeline.

Filename Review

Names of all open stream files are reviewed at the beginning of method compilation, because the stream file name can depend on the name of the compiled method. If the name is changed as the result of the dependency on the compiled method name, the file is closed and another file with the new calculated name is opened. If the name is not changed, no action is performed. If the same file name is assigned to different streams, a single file is opened and all the assigned streams use it.

If a file used for logging gets closed as the result of filename recalculation, its name is saved in a special list that PMF maintains. For every file opened for logging output, the PMF checks the list. If the name is found, the file is opened in the append mode. This approach prevents from overwriting logging files during a single Jitrino run.

You can use the following commands to control the append/truncate mode for the log files that are opened for the first time:

-XX:jit.<JIT>.<pipeline>.arg.<full name>.log.<stream>.append=true
-XX:jit.<JIT>.<pipeline>.arg.<full name>.log.<stream>.append=false

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Using Streams

A typical usage pattern for Jitrino action is the following:

  1. Find the required stream using its name or ID.
  2. (optional) Test whether the stream is enabled.
  3. Output to the stream using the insertion operator << or printf() method.


    LogStream& irdump = log(LogStream::IRDUMP);

    if (irdump.isEnabled()) {
        irdump << "Opt:   Running " << getName() << stl::endl;

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General Command-line Syntax Specification

<cmd>                     :     <prefix> <filter def>
                                <prefix> <path def>
                                <prefix> <arg def>
                                <prefix> <file read>

<prefix>                  :     -XX:jit.

<base>                    :     [ <JIT> . ] [ <pipeline> . ]

<JIT>                     :     <name>

<pipeline>                :     <name>

<filter def>              :     <base> filter = <filter spec>

<filter spec>             :     [ <class> ]  [ .  <method> [ <signature> ] ]
                                [ <class> ]  [ :: <method> [ <signature> ] ]

<path def>                :     <base> path . <node> = <path items>
                                <base> path = <path items>

<path items>              :     <path item>
                                <path items> , <path item>

<path item>               :     {<node> | <action >} [{ ! | + | - }]

<node>                    :     <name>

<action>                  :     <name>

<arg def>                 :     <base> arg  [ <full name> . ] <arg name> = <arg value>
                                <base> arg  <full name> = {off | on}

<full name>               :     <path item>
                                <full name> . <path item>

<arg name>                :     <name>

<arg value>               :     <string>

<file read>               :     read = <file name>

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* Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.