INTEL CONTRIBUTION TO APACHE HARMONY December 10, 2006 ===================================== This archive contains the contribution to the Apache Harmony project from Intel. The contribution consists of the following component: - The reliability test suite The reliability test suite tests Java* run time for ability to execute test scenarios for a certain amount of time. The suite contains 72 tests, which cover mainly API classes interacting with JVM or invoking native code. The covered classes are from java.lang,, java.nio.charset, java.text, java.nio,, packages. Test-framework classes execute the tests in a cycle in single instance of JVM for a certain amount of time to reveal runtime's thread synchronization, memory leakage or other issues. 1. ARCHIVE CONTENTS ------------------- The archive contains test source files, the building environment and test running scripts. After extracting the archive, the following directories appear under /reliability, where EXTRACT_DIR is the location of the archive content: src - Source files of the tests run - Test run scripts 2. TOOLS AND ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES REQUIRED FOR THE BUILD ---------------------------------------------------------- To build the Java* sources contained in the /reliability/src directory, install and configure the following tools in the user environment: + Apache Ant - Build tool: Ant 1.6.5 or higher + J2SDK 1.5.0 - J2SE* 1.5.0 compatible SDK, for example NOTE: + J2SDK 1.5.0 is used to run Ant scripts and compile tests sources. 3. BUILDING TESTS ----------------- 1. Verify the values for the following environment variables: + PATH must contain the path to the Ant bin/ directory. + JAVA_HOME must point to Java 2 SDK 1.5.0. NOTE: + All paths must be absolute. 4. Build tests. 4.1 Change the directory to /reliability. 4.2 Compile all tests sources by running: ant The build produces a set of reliability tests' class files placed in the following directory tree structure: /reliability | +--- deploy | \--- classes directory contains compiled tests classes 4. RUNNING TESTS ---------------- 1. Verify the values for the following environment variables: + PATH must contain the path to the Ant bin/ directory. + JAVA_HOME must point to Java 2 SDK 1.5.0. NOTE: + All paths must be absolute. 2. Check the following test run settings specified in the /reliability/run/run.xml file: + jvm.under.test - path to tested jvm executable file, for example, C:\harmony-hdk-r468731\jdk\jre\bin\java + jvm.args - blank space separated parameters for tested jvm, for example, -Xmx128m, etc + work.dir - path to working directory where tests can store created working files + report.dir - path to report directory where tests' output will be stored in files + test.duration - value in seconds limiting each test execution time: each test will be executed in a cycle for ~ test.duration seconds + test.timeout - value in milliseconds limiting test's process execution time, after the test.timeout elapsed Ant will kill test's process and consider the test failed. Typically, can be set to 1.5 * test.duration * 1000 + - if 'false', a test failes and ant will continue execution of other tests; if 'true', ant will stop test execution after the first test failure + config.file - path to file with test-specific settings NOTES: + The majority of tests have one or more test-specific parameters. + The /reliability/run/run.normal.mode.settings.xml file contains test-specific settings to execute tests in non-agressive mode, that is tests start not many threads to run in parallel, tests open/create not many files, etc. + One can change test-specific settings to make tests more or less agressive. 3. Run tests. 3.1 Change the directory to /reliability/run. 3.2 Execute all tests by running: ant -f run.xml The structure of test run targets/dependencies is the following: default | +--- - run all zip tests | +--- run.api.kernel - run all tests in the sub-targets: | | | +--- run.api.kernel.args - run tests for passing | | arguments, properties, environment | | variables via exec() | +--- run.api.kernel.exec - run Runtime.exec() test | | | +--- run.api.kernel.hooks - run VM shutdown hooks tests | | | +--- run.api.kernel.object - run tests for Object | | | +--- run.api.kernel.pckg - run tests for Package | | | +--- run.api.kernel.string - run tests for String | | | +--- run.api.kernel.thread - run tests for Thread | | | \--- run.api.kernel.throwable - run tests for Throwable | +--- run.api.text - run tests for java.text | +--- run.api.nio - run all tests in the sub-targets: | | | +--- run.api.nio.charset - run tests for java.nio.Charset | | | +--- run.api.nio.channels - run tests for java.nio.channels | | | \--- run.api.nio.buffers - run tests for java.nio buffers | +--- - run test for io API | +--- - run test for networking API | \--- run.vm - run all tests in the sub-targets: | +--- run.vm.finalization - run test Object finalization | \--- run.vm.exceptions - run test for exception throwning EXAMPLES: + ant -f run.xml - runs all tests + ant -f run.xml run.api.kernel - runs only tests from /reliability/src/java/org/apache/harmony/test/reliability/api/kernel/ + ant -f run.xml run.api.kernel.thread - runs only tests from /reliability/src/java/org/apache/harmony/test/reliability/api/kernel/thread/ 5. KNOWN ISSUES --------------- 1. Some tests can fail because of Ant's process timeout, when Ant kills test's process. Usually, this can happen due to one of the following reasons: + Test's last iteration takes much more time than the previous ones. + Ant's process timeout, which is set in test.timeout property in the /reliability/run/run.xml file, is not big enough to complete even one test iteration. To avoid the failure, use one of the following workarounds: + Increase test.timeout value in the /reliability/run/run.xml file. + Change test-specific settings in the /reliability/run/run.normal.mode.settings.xml file to make the test less agressive. 2. At least three tests use Java* 1.5 language features or API: + The test api.kernel.hooks.AddRmPropertiesHooksTest uses/tests the System.clearProperty(String) method. + The test api.nio.channels.filechannel.FileChannelThrSafetyTest uses the Thread.getId() method. + The test api.kernel.string.InsensitiveTest uses Java* 1.5 laguage features. 6. TODO ------- 1. Add capability to run only one or several specified tests, other than all tests under certain target. 2. Add capability to exclude tests from test run, other than comment corresponding test invocation lines in the /reliability/run/run.*.xml files. 3. Make test.timeout automatically calculated as 1.5 * test.duration * 1000. 7. DISCLAIMER AND LEGAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------ *) Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.