INTEL CONTRIBUTION TO APACHE HARMONY February 27, 2007 ==================================== This archive contains the contribution to the Apache Harmony project from Intel. The contribution consists of the following component: - Functional Test Suite The Functional test suite is a collection of micro scenarios for testing various functional parts of the Java* implementation. The tests are configured to test the Harmony implementation of Java*. 1. ARCHIVE CONTENTS ------------------- The archive contains the Functional test suite for testing Java* run time, test sources and components, required for building and running the test suite. After extracting the archive, the following directories and files appear under , where is the location of the archive content: | +--- config - harness configuration files | \--- src - test sources and support files 2. TOOLS AND ENVIRONMENT VARIABLES REQUIRED FOR THE BUILD --------------------------------------------------------- To build the Functional suite, install and configure the following tools in the user environment: + JDK* - Java* Development Kit, version 1.5.0 + Apache Ant - Apache Ant, version 1.6.5 or higher + Subversion - Subversion* client, version 1.3.2 or higher Make sure that you set up the following environment variables: +JAVA_HOME - with path to JDK* 1.5 +PATH - with paths to directories containing the ant launcher script (apache-ant-1.6.5/bin) and the svn executable (Subversion/bin) Make sure that you have the following .jar files / components: + Test Harness - th.jar + VMTT tool - vmtt.jar + Jasmin* assembler - jasmin.jar To get these components, follow instructions provided with the VTS VM test suite ( 3. BUILDING AND RUNNING THE FUNCTIONAL TEST SUITE -------------------------------------------------- To build the Functional test suite, do the following: 1. Create the depends/ directory in the root directory of the functional test suite and go to this directory: > mkdir depends > cd depends NOTE: If you create the depends/ directory in another location, remember to specify this path when invoking ant using the -Ddepends option, for example: > ant -Ddepends=../depends .... 2. Fill the depends/ directory with required components: 2.1 Copy three jar files obtained from the VTS VM test suite to the depends/ directory. 2.2 Go to the root directory of the Functional test suite and download additional sources from the Harmony repository by running the following command in the depends/ directory: > ant fetch-depends 3. Set up the path to the tested VM executable. You can either edit the build.xml file, or use the following option: Example: > ant\harmony-jdk-r508758\jre\bin\java.exe .... 4. Build and run the suite using the following commands: > ant build > ant run-tests The default target for the test suite build includes both build and run steps, so you can perform them using the single command: > ant Built test files and test execution results are placed to the created bin/ subdirectory of the root directory. You can point another location for these files using the following option: -Dbin= Example: > ant -Dbin=C:/temp/func.1 .... 4. KNOWN ISSUES --------------- - If the Out-of-Memory” error occurs while building the suite, extend the ANT_OPTS system variable using the following option: export ANT_OPTS="-XX:MaxPermSize=512m" 5. DISCLAIMER AND LEGAL INFORMATION ------------------------------------ *) Other brands and names are the property of their respective owners.