Hadoop Change Log Release 0.3.1 - 2006-06-05 1. HADOOP-272. Fix a bug in bin/hadoop setting log parameters. (omalley & cutting) 2. HADOOP-274. Change applications to log to standard output rather than to a rolling log file like daemons. (omalley via cutting) 3. HADOOP-262. Fix reduce tasks to report progress while they're waiting for map outputs, so that they do not time out. (Mahadev Konar via cutting) 4. HADOOP-245 and HADOOP-246. Improvements to record io package. (Mahadev Konar via cutting) 5. HADOOP-276. Add logging config files to jar file so that they're always found. (omalley via cutting) Release 0.3.0 - 2006-06-02 1. HADOOP-208. Enhance MapReduce web interface, adding new pages for failed tasks, and tasktrackers. (omalley via cutting) 2. HADOOP-204. Tweaks to metrics package. (David Bowen via cutting) 3. HADOOP-209. Add a MapReduce-based file copier. This will copy files within or between file systems in parallel. (Milind Bhandarkar via cutting) 4. HADOOP-146. Fix DFS to check when randomly generating a new block id that no existing blocks already have that id. (Milind Bhandarkar via cutting) 5. HADOOP-180. Make a daemon thread that does the actual task clean ups, so that the main offerService thread in the taskTracker doesn't get stuck and miss his heartbeat window. This was killing many task trackers as big jobs finished (300+ tasks / node). (omalley via cutting) 6. HADOOP-200. Avoid transmitting entire list of map task names to reduce tasks. Instead just transmit the number of map tasks and henceforth refer to them by number when collecting map output. (omalley via cutting) 7. HADOOP-219. Fix a NullPointerException when handling a checksum exception under SequenceFile.Sorter.sort(). (cutting & stack) 8. HADOOP-212. Permit alteration of the file block size in DFS. The default block size for new files may now be specified in the configuration with the dfs.block.size property. The block size may also be specified when files are opened. (omalley via cutting) 9. HADOOP-218. Avoid accessing configuration while looping through tasks in JobTracker. (Mahadev Konar via cutting) 10. HADOOP-161. Add hashCode() method to DFS's Block. (Milind Bhandarkar via cutting) 11. HADOOP-115. Map output types may now be specified. These are also used as reduce input types, thus permitting reduce input types to differ from reduce output types. (Runping Qi via cutting) 12. HADOOP-216. Add task progress to task status page. (Bryan Pendelton via cutting) 13. HADOOP-233. Add web server to task tracker that shows running tasks and logs. Also add log access to job tracker web interface. (omalley via cutting) 14. HADOOP-205. Incorporate pending tasks into tasktracker load calculations. (Mahadev Konar via cutting) 15. HADOOP-247. Fix sort progress to better handle exceptions. (Mahadev Konar via cutting) 16. HADOOP-195. Improve performance of the transfer of map outputs to reduce nodes by performing multiple transfers in parallel, each on a separate socket. (Sameer Paranjpye via cutting) 17. HADOOP-251. Fix task processes to be tolerant of failed progress reports to their parent process. (omalley via cutting) 18. HADOOP-325. Improve the FileNotFound exceptions thrown by LocalFileSystem to include the name of the file. (Benjamin Reed via cutting) 19. HADOOP-254. Use HTTP to transfer map output data to reduce nodes. This, together with HADOOP-195, greatly improves the performance of these transfers. (omalley via cutting) 20. HADOOP-163. Cause datanodes that\ are unable to either read or write data to exit, so that the namenode will no longer target them for new blocks and will replicate their data on other nodes. (Hairong Kuang via cutting) 21. HADOOP-222. Add a -setrep option to the dfs commands that alters file replication levels. (Johan Oskarson via cutting) 22. HADOOP-75. In DFS, only check for a complete file when the file is closed, rather than as each block is written. (Milind Bhandarkar via cutting) 23. HADOOP-124. Change DFS so that datanodes are identified by a persistent ID rather than by host and port. This solves a number of filesystem integrity problems, when, e.g., datanodes are restarted. (Konstantin Shvachko via cutting) 24. HADOOP-256. Add a C API for DFS. (Arun C Murthy via cutting) 25. HADOOP-211. Switch to use the Jakarta Commons logging internally, configured to use log4j by default. (Arun C Murthy and cutting) 26. HADOOP-265. Tasktracker now fails to start if it does not have a writable local directory for temporary files. In this case, it logs a message to the JobTracker and exits. (Hairong Kuang via cutting) 27. HADOOP-270. Fix potential deadlock in datanode shutdown. (Hairong Kuang via cutting) Release 0.2.1 - 2006-05-12 1. HADOOP-199. Fix reduce progress (broken by HADOOP-182). (omalley via cutting) 2. HADOOP-201. Fix 'bin/hadoop dfs -report'. (cutting) 3. HADOOP-207. Fix JDK 1.4 incompatibility introduced by HADOOP-96. System.getenv() does not work in JDK 1.4. (Hairong Kuang via cutting) Release 0.2.0 - 2006-05-05 1. Fix HADOOP-126. 'bin/hadoop dfs -cp' now correctly copies .crc files. (Konstantin Shvachko via cutting) 2. Fix HADOOP-51. Change DFS to support per-file replication counts. (Konstantin Shvachko via cutting) 3. Fix HADOOP-131. Add scripts to start/stop dfs and mapred daemons. Use these in start/stop-all scripts. (Chris Mattmann via cutting) 4. Stop using ssh options by default that are not yet in widely used versions of ssh. Folks can still enable their use by uncommenting a line in conf/hadoop-env.sh. (cutting) 5. Fix HADOOP-92. Show information about all attempts to run each task in the web ui. (Mahadev konar via cutting) 6. Fix HADOOP-128. Improved DFS error handling. (Owen O'Malley via cutting) 7. Fix HADOOP-129. Replace uses of java.io.File with new class named Path. This fixes bugs where java.io.File methods were called directly when FileSystem methods were desired, and reduces the likelihood of such bugs in the future. It also makes the handling of pathnames more consistent between local and dfs FileSystems and between Windows and Unix. java.io.File-based methods are still available for back-compatibility, but are deprecated and will be removed once 0.2 is released. (cutting) 8. Change dfs.data.dir and mapred.local.dir to be comma-separated lists of directories, no longer be space-separated. This fixes several bugs on Windows. (cutting) 9. Fix HADOOP-144. Use mapred task id for dfs client id, to facilitate debugging. (omalley via cutting) 10. Fix HADOOP-143. Do not line-wrap stack-traces in web ui. (omalley via cutting) 11. Fix HADOOP-118. In DFS, improve clean up of abandoned file creations. (omalley via cutting) 12. Fix HADOOP-138. Stop multiple tasks in a single heartbeat, rather than one per heartbeat. (Stefan via cutting) 13. Fix HADOOP-139. Remove a potential deadlock in LocalFileSystem.lock(). (Igor Bolotin via cutting) 14. Fix HADOOP-134. Don't hang jobs when the tasktracker is misconfigured to use an un-writable local directory. (omalley via cutting) 15. Fix HADOOP-115. Correct an error message. (Stack via cutting) 16. Fix HADOOP-133. Retry pings from child to parent, in case of (local) communcation problems. Also log exit status, so that one can distinguish patricide from other deaths. (omalley via cutting) 17. Fix HADOOP-142. Avoid re-running a task on a host where it has previously failed. (omalley via cutting) 18. Fix HADOOP-148. Maintain a task failure count for each tasktracker and display it in the web ui. (omalley via cutting) 19. Fix HADOOP-151. Close a potential socket leak, where new IPC connection pools were created per configuration instance that RPCs use. Now a global RPC connection pool is used again, as originally intended. (cutting) 20. Fix HADOOP-69. Don't throw a NullPointerException when getting hints for non-existing file split. (Bryan Pendelton via cutting) 21. Fix HADOOP-157. When a task that writes dfs files (e.g., a reduce task) failed and was retried, it would fail again and again, eventually failing the job. The problem was that dfs did not yet know that the failed task had abandoned the files, and would not yet let another task create files with the same names. Dfs now retries when creating a file long enough for locks on abandoned files to expire. (omalley via cutting) 22. Fix HADOOP-150. Improved task names that include job names. (omalley via cutting) 23. Fix HADOOP-162. Fix ConcurrentModificationException when releasing file locks. (omalley via cutting) 24. Fix HADOOP-132. Initial check-in of new Metrics API, including implementations for writing metric data to a file and for sending it to Ganglia. (David Bowen via cutting) 25. Fix HADOOP-160. Remove some uneeded synchronization around time-consuming operations in the TaskTracker. (omalley via cutting) 26. Fix HADOOP-166. RPCs failed when passed subclasses of a declared parameter type. This is fixed by changing ObjectWritable to store both the declared type and the instance type for Writables. Note that this incompatibly changes the format of ObjectWritable and will render unreadable any ObjectWritables stored in files. Nutch only uses ObjectWritable in intermediate files, so this should not be a problem for Nutch. (Stefan & cutting) 27. Fix HADOOP-168. MapReduce RPC protocol methods should all declare IOException, so that timeouts are handled appropriately. (omalley via cutting) 28. Fix HADOOP-169. Don't fail a reduce task if a call to the jobtracker to locate map outputs fails. (omalley via cutting) 29. Fix HADOOP-170. Permit FileSystem clients to examine and modify the replication count of individual files. Also fix a few replication-related bugs. (Konstantin Shvachko via cutting) 30. Permit specification of a higher replication levels for job submission files (job.xml and job.jar). This helps with large clusters, since these files are read by every node. (cutting) 31. HADOOP-173. Optimize allocation of tasks with local data. (cutting) 32. HADOOP-167. Reduce number of Configurations and JobConf's created. (omalley via cutting) 33. NUTCH-256. Change FileSystem#createNewFile() to create a .crc file. The lack of a .crc file was causing warnings. (cutting) 34. HADOOP-174. Change JobClient to not abort job until it has failed to contact the job tracker for five attempts, not just one as before. (omalley via cutting) 35. HADOOP-177. Change MapReduce web interface to page through tasks. Previously, when jobs had more than a few thousand tasks they could crash web browsers. (Mahadev Konar via cutting) 36. HADOOP-178. In DFS, piggyback blockwork requests from datanodes on heartbeat responses from namenode. This reduces the volume of RPC traffic. Also move startup delay in blockwork from datanode to namenode. This fixes a problem where restarting the namenode triggered a lot of uneeded replication. (Hairong Kuang via cutting) 37. HADOOP-183. If the DFS namenode is restarted with different minimum and/or maximum replication counts, existing files' replication counts are now automatically adjusted to be within the newly configured bounds. (Hairong Kuang via cutting) 38. HADOOP-186. Better error handling in TaskTracker's top-level loop. Also improve calculation of time to send next heartbeat. (omalley via cutting) 39. HADOOP-187. Add two MapReduce examples/benchmarks. One creates files containing random data. The second sorts the output of the first. (omalley via cutting) 40. HADOOP-185. Fix so that, when a task tracker times out making the RPC asking for a new task to run, the job tracker does not think that it is actually running the task returned. (omalley via cutting) 41. HADOOP-190. If a child process hangs after it has reported completion, its output should not be lost. (Stack via cutting) 42. HADOOP-184. Re-structure some test code to better support testing on a cluster. (Mahadev Konar via cutting) 43. HADOOP-191 Add streaming package, Hadoop's first contrib module. This permits folks to easily submit MapReduce jobs whose map and reduce functions are implemented by shell commands. Use 'bin/hadoop jar build/hadoop-streaming.jar' to get details. (Michel Tourn via cutting) 44. HADOOP-189. Fix MapReduce in standalone configuration to correctly handle job jar files that contain a lib directory with nested jar files. (cutting) 45. HADOOP-65. Initial version of record I/O framework that enables the specification of record types and generates marshalling code in both Java and C++. Generated Java code implements WritableComparable, but is not yet otherwise used by Hadoop. (Milind Bhandarkar via cutting) 46. HADOOP-193. Add a MapReduce-based FileSystem benchmark. (Konstantin Shvachko via cutting) 47. HADOOP-194. Add a MapReduce-based FileSystem checker. This reads every block in every file in the filesystem. (Konstantin Shvachko via cutting) 48. HADOOP-182. Fix so that lost task trackers to not change the status of reduce tasks or completed jobs. Also fixes the progress meter so that failed tasks are subtracted. (omalley via cutting) 49. HADOOP-96. Logging improvements. Log files are now separate from standard output and standard error files. Logs are now rolled. Logging of all DFS state changes can be enabled, to facilitate debugging. (Hairong Kuang via cutting) Release 0.1.1 - 2006-04-08 1. Added CHANGES.txt, logging all significant changes to Hadoop. (cutting) 2. Fix MapReduceBase.close() to throw IOException, as declared in the Closeable interface. This permits subclasses which override this method to throw that exception. (cutting) 3. Fix HADOOP-117. Pathnames were mistakenly transposed in JobConf.getLocalFile() causing many mapred temporary files to not be removed. (Raghavendra Prabhu via cutting) 4. Fix HADOOP-116. Clean up job submission files when jobs complete. (cutting) 5. Fix HADOOP-125. Fix handling of absolute paths on Windows (cutting) Release 0.1.0 - 2006-04-01 1. The first release of Hadoop.