<%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" import="javax.servlet.*" import="javax.servlet.http.*" import="java.io.*" import="java.util.*" import="java.net.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration" import="org.apache.hadoop.fs.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.namenode.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.datanode.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.server.common.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.hdfs.protocol.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.io.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.conf.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.net.DNS" import="org.apache.hadoop.security.UserGroupInformation" import="org.apache.hadoop.util.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.http.HtmlQuoting" import="java.text.DateFormat" %> <%! static JspHelper jspHelper = new JspHelper(); public void generateDirectoryStructure( JspWriter out, HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp, Configuration conf ) throws IOException, InterruptedException { String dir = HtmlQuoting.unquoteHtmlChars(req.getParameter("dir")); if (dir == null || dir.length() == 0) { out.print("Invalid input"); return; } String tokenString = req.getParameter(JspHelper.DELEGATION_PARAMETER_NAME); UserGroupInformation ugi = JspHelper.getUGI(req, conf); String namenodeInfoPortStr = req.getParameter("namenodeInfoPort"); int namenodeInfoPort = -1; if (namenodeInfoPortStr != null) namenodeInfoPort = Integer.parseInt(namenodeInfoPortStr); DFSClient dfs = JspHelper.getDFSClient(ugi, jspHelper.nameNodeAddr, conf); String target = dir; if (!dfs.exists(target)) { out.print("

File or directory : " + target + " does not exist

"); JspHelper.printGotoForm(out, namenodeInfoPort, tokenString, HtmlQuoting.quoteHtmlChars(target)); } else { if( !dfs.isDirectory(target) ) { // a file List blocks = dfs.namenode.getBlockLocations(dir, 0, 1).getLocatedBlocks(); LocatedBlock firstBlock = null; DatanodeInfo [] locations = null; if (blocks.size() > 0) { firstBlock = blocks.get(0); locations = firstBlock.getLocations(); } if (locations == null || locations.length == 0) { out.print("Empty file"); } else { DatanodeInfo chosenNode = jspHelper.bestNode(firstBlock); String fqdn = InetAddress.getByName(chosenNode.getHost()). getCanonicalHostName(); String datanodeAddr = chosenNode.getName(); int datanodePort = Integer.parseInt( datanodeAddr.substring( datanodeAddr.indexOf(':') + 1, datanodeAddr.length())); String redirectLocation = "http://"+fqdn+":" + chosenNode.getInfoPort() + "/browseBlock.jsp?blockId=" + firstBlock.getBlock().getBlockId() + "&blockSize=" + firstBlock.getBlock().getNumBytes() + "&genstamp=" + firstBlock.getBlock().getGenerationStamp() + "&filename=" + URLEncoder.encode(dir, "UTF-8") + "&datanodePort=" + datanodePort + "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort + JspHelper.getDelegationTokenUrlParam(tokenString); resp.sendRedirect(redirectLocation); } return; } // directory //generate a table and dump the info String [] headings = { "Name", "Type", "Size", "Replication", "Block Size", "Modification Time", "Permission", "Owner", "Group" }; out.print("

Contents of directory "); JspHelper.printPathWithLinks(HtmlQuoting.quoteHtmlChars(dir), out, namenodeInfoPort, tokenString); out.print("

"); JspHelper.printGotoForm(out, namenodeInfoPort, tokenString, HtmlQuoting.quoteHtmlChars(dir)); out.print("
"); File f = new File(dir); String parent; if ((parent = f.getParent()) != null) out.print("Go to parent directory
"); DirectoryListing thisListing = dfs.listPaths(target, HdfsFileStatus.EMPTY_NAME); if (thisListing == null || thisListing.getPartialListing().length == 0) { out.print("Empty directory"); } else { jspHelper.addTableHeader(out); int row=0; jspHelper.addTableRow(out, headings, row++); String cols [] = new String[headings.length]; do { HdfsFileStatus[] files = thisListing.getPartialListing(); for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++) { //Get the location of the first block of the file String localname = files[i].getLocalName(); if (!files[i].isDir()) { cols[1] = "file"; cols[2] = StringUtils.byteDesc(files[i].getLen()); cols[3] = Short.toString(files[i].getReplication()); cols[4] = StringUtils.byteDesc(files[i].getBlockSize()); } else { cols[1] = "dir"; cols[2] = ""; cols[3] = ""; cols[4] = ""; } String datanodeUrl = req.getRequestURL()+"?dir="+ URLEncoder.encode(files[i].getFullName(target), "UTF-8") + "&namenodeInfoPort=" + namenodeInfoPort + JspHelper.getDelegationTokenUrlParam(tokenString); cols[0] = ""+localname+""; cols[5] = FsShell.dateForm.format(new Date((files[i].getModificationTime()))); cols[6] = files[i].getPermission().toString(); cols[7] = files[i].getOwner(); cols[8] = files[i].getGroup(); jspHelper.addTableRow(out, cols, row++); } if (!thisListing.hasMore()) { break; } thisListing = dfs.listPaths(target, thisListing.getLastName()); } while (thisListing != null); jspHelper.addTableFooter(out); } } String namenodeHost = jspHelper.nameNodeAddr.getHostName(); out.print("
Go back to DFS home"); dfs.close(); } %> <%JspHelper.createTitle(out, request, request.getParameter("dir")); %> <% Configuration conf = (Configuration) getServletContext().getAttribute(JspHelper.CURRENT_CONF); try { generateDirectoryStructure(out,request,response,conf); } catch(IOException ioe) { String msg = ioe.getLocalizedMessage(); int i = msg.indexOf("\n"); if (i >= 0) { msg = msg.substring(0, i); } out.print("

" + msg + "

"); } %>

Local logs

Log directory <% out.println(ServletUtil.htmlFooter()); %>