/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto"; option java_outer_classname = "YarnProtos"; option java_generic_services = true; option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true; import "Security.proto"; message YarnRemoteExceptionProto { optional string message = 1; optional string trace = 2; optional string class_name = 3; optional YarnRemoteExceptionProto cause = 4; } message ApplicationIdProto { optional int32 id = 1; optional int64 cluster_timestamp = 2; } message ApplicationAttemptIdProto { optional ApplicationIdProto application_id = 1; optional int32 attemptId = 2; } message ContainerIdProto { optional ApplicationIdProto app_id = 1; optional ApplicationAttemptIdProto app_attempt_id = 2; optional int32 id = 3; } message ResourceProto { optional int32 memory = 1; optional int32 virtual_cores = 2; } message PriorityProto { optional int32 priority = 1; } enum ContainerStateProto { C_NEW = 1; C_RUNNING = 2; C_COMPLETE = 3; } message ContainerProto { optional ContainerIdProto id = 1; optional NodeIdProto nodeId = 2; optional string node_http_address = 3; optional ResourceProto resource = 4; optional PriorityProto priority = 5; optional hadoop.common.TokenProto container_token = 6; optional int64 rm_identifier = 7; } enum YarnApplicationStateProto { NEW = 1; NEW_SAVING = 2; SUBMITTED = 3; ACCEPTED = 4; RUNNING = 5; FINISHED = 6; FAILED = 7; KILLED = 8; } enum FinalApplicationStatusProto { APP_UNDEFINED = 0; APP_SUCCEEDED = 1; APP_FAILED = 2; APP_KILLED = 3; } message ApplicationStatusProto { optional int32 response_id = 1; optional ApplicationAttemptIdProto application_attempt_id = 2; optional float progress = 3; } message ApplicationMasterProto { optional ApplicationIdProto application_id = 1; optional string host = 2; optional int32 rpc_port = 3; optional string trackingUrl = 4; optional ApplicationStatusProto status = 5; optional YarnApplicationStateProto state = 6; optional hadoop.common.TokenProto client_token = 7; optional int32 containerCount = 8; optional int32 amFailCount = 9; optional string diagnostics = 10 [default = ""]; } message URLProto { optional string scheme = 1; optional string host = 2; optional int32 port = 3; optional string file = 4; } enum LocalResourceVisibilityProto { PUBLIC = 1; PRIVATE = 2; APPLICATION = 3; } enum LocalResourceTypeProto { ARCHIVE = 1; FILE = 2; PATTERN = 3; } message LocalResourceProto { optional URLProto resource = 1; optional int64 size = 2; optional int64 timestamp = 3; optional LocalResourceTypeProto type = 4; optional LocalResourceVisibilityProto visibility = 5; optional string pattern = 6; } message ApplicationResourceUsageReportProto { optional int32 num_used_containers = 1; optional int32 num_reserved_containers = 2; optional ResourceProto used_resources = 3; optional ResourceProto reserved_resources = 4; optional ResourceProto needed_resources = 5; } message ApplicationReportProto { optional ApplicationIdProto applicationId = 1; optional string user = 2; optional string queue = 3; optional string name = 4; optional string host = 5; optional int32 rpc_port = 6; optional hadoop.common.TokenProto client_token = 7; optional ApplicationStatusProto status = 8; optional YarnApplicationStateProto yarn_application_state = 9; optional ContainerProto masterContainer = 10; optional string trackingUrl = 11; optional string diagnostics = 12 [default = "N/A"]; optional int64 startTime = 13; optional int64 finishTime = 14; optional FinalApplicationStatusProto final_application_status = 15; optional ApplicationResourceUsageReportProto app_resource_Usage = 16; optional string originalTrackingUrl = 17; optional ApplicationAttemptIdProto currentApplicationAttemptId = 18; optional float progress = 19; } enum NodeStateProto { NS_NEW = 1; NS_RUNNING = 2; NS_UNHEALTHY = 3; NS_DECOMMISSIONED = 4; NS_LOST = 5; NS_REBOOTED = 6; } message NodeIdProto { optional string host = 1; optional int32 port = 2; } message NodeHealthStatusProto { optional bool is_node_healthy = 1; optional string health_report = 2; optional int64 last_health_report_time = 3; } message NodeReportProto { optional NodeIdProto nodeId = 1; optional string httpAddress = 2; optional string rackName = 3; optional ResourceProto used = 4; optional ResourceProto capability = 5; optional int32 numContainers = 6; optional NodeHealthStatusProto node_health_status = 8; optional NodeStateProto node_state = 9; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// From AM_RM_Protocol ///////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message ResourceRequestProto { optional PriorityProto priority = 1; optional string host_name = 2; optional ResourceProto capability = 3; optional int32 num_containers = 4; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// From client_RM_Protocol ///////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message ApplicationSubmissionContextProto { optional ApplicationIdProto application_id = 1; optional string application_name = 2 [default = "N/A"]; optional string queue = 3 [default = "default"]; optional PriorityProto priority = 4; optional ContainerLaunchContextProto am_container_spec = 5; optional bool cancel_tokens_when_complete = 6 [default = true]; optional bool unmanaged_am = 7 [default = false]; optional int32 maxAppAttempts = 8 [default = 0]; optional ResourceProto resource = 9; } enum ApplicationAccessTypeProto { APPACCESS_VIEW_APP = 1; APPACCESS_MODIFY_APP = 2; } message ApplicationACLMapProto { optional ApplicationAccessTypeProto accessType = 1; optional string acl = 2 [default = " "]; } message YarnClusterMetricsProto { optional int32 num_node_managers = 1; } enum QueueStateProto { Q_STOPPED = 1; Q_RUNNING = 2; } message QueueInfoProto { optional string queueName = 1; optional float capacity = 2; optional float maximumCapacity = 3; optional float currentCapacity = 4; optional QueueStateProto state = 5; repeated QueueInfoProto childQueues = 6; repeated ApplicationReportProto applications = 7; } enum QueueACLProto { QACL_SUBMIT_APPLICATIONS = 1; QACL_ADMINISTER_QUEUE = 2; } message QueueUserACLInfoProto { optional string queueName = 1; repeated QueueACLProto userAcls = 2; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// From container_manager ////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message ContainerLaunchContextProto { optional string user = 1; repeated StringLocalResourceMapProto localResources = 2; optional bytes container_tokens = 3; repeated StringBytesMapProto service_data = 4; repeated StringStringMapProto environment = 5; repeated string command = 6; repeated ApplicationACLMapProto application_ACLs = 7; } message ContainerStatusProto { optional ContainerIdProto container_id = 1; optional ContainerStateProto state = 2; optional string diagnostics = 3 [default = "N/A"]; optional int32 exit_status = 4 [default = -1000]; } enum ContainerExitStatusProto { SUCCESS = 0; INVALID = -1000; ABORTED = -100; DISKS_FAILED = -101; } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////// From common////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message StringURLMapProto { optional string key = 1; optional URLProto value = 2; } message StringLocalResourceMapProto { optional string key = 1; optional LocalResourceProto value = 2; } message StringStringMapProto { optional string key = 1; optional string value = 2; } message StringBytesMapProto { optional string key = 1; optional bytes value = 2; }