/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ option java_package = "org.apache.hadoop.yarn.proto"; option java_outer_classname = "YarnServiceProtos"; option java_generic_services = true; option java_generate_equals_and_hash = true; import "yarn_protos.proto"; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// AM_RM_Protocol /////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message RegisterApplicationMasterRequestProto { optional ApplicationAttemptIdProto application_attempt_id = 1; optional string host = 2; optional int32 rpc_port = 3; optional string tracking_url = 4; } message RegisterApplicationMasterResponseProto { optional ResourceProto minimumCapability = 1; optional ResourceProto maximumCapability = 2; repeated ApplicationACLMapProto application_ACLs = 3; } message FinishApplicationMasterRequestProto { optional ApplicationAttemptIdProto application_attempt_id = 1; optional string diagnostics = 2; optional string tracking_url = 3; optional FinalApplicationStatusProto final_application_status = 4; } message FinishApplicationMasterResponseProto { } message AllocateRequestProto { optional ApplicationAttemptIdProto application_attempt_id = 1; repeated ResourceRequestProto ask = 2; repeated ContainerIdProto release = 3; optional int32 response_id = 4; optional float progress = 5; } message AllocateResponseProto { optional AMResponseProto AM_response = 1; optional int32 num_cluster_nodes = 2; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// client_RM_Protocol /////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message GetNewApplicationRequestProto { } message GetNewApplicationResponseProto { optional ApplicationIdProto application_id = 1; optional ResourceProto minimumCapability = 2; optional ResourceProto maximumCapability = 3; } message GetApplicationReportRequestProto { optional ApplicationIdProto application_id = 1; } message GetApplicationReportResponseProto { optional ApplicationReportProto application_report = 1; } message SubmitApplicationRequestProto { optional ApplicationSubmissionContextProto application_submission_context= 1; } message SubmitApplicationResponseProto { } message KillApplicationRequestProto { optional ApplicationIdProto application_id = 1; } message KillApplicationResponseProto { } message GetClusterMetricsRequestProto { } message GetClusterMetricsResponseProto { optional YarnClusterMetricsProto cluster_metrics = 1; } message GetAllApplicationsRequestProto { } message GetAllApplicationsResponseProto { repeated ApplicationReportProto applications = 1; } message GetClusterNodesRequestProto { } message GetClusterNodesResponseProto { repeated NodeReportProto nodeReports = 1; } message GetQueueInfoRequestProto { optional string queueName = 1; optional bool includeApplications = 2; optional bool includeChildQueues = 3; optional bool recursive = 4; } message GetQueueInfoResponseProto { optional QueueInfoProto queueInfo = 1; } message GetQueueUserAclsInfoRequestProto { } message GetQueueUserAclsInfoResponseProto { repeated QueueUserACLInfoProto queueUserAcls = 1; } message GetDelegationTokenRequestProto { optional string renewer = 1; } message GetDelegationTokenResponseProto { optional DelegationTokenProto application_token = 1; } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /////// client_NM_Protocol /////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// message StartContainerRequestProto { optional ContainerLaunchContextProto container_launch_context = 1; } message StartContainerResponseProto { repeated StringBytesMapProto service_response = 1; } message StopContainerRequestProto { optional ContainerIdProto container_id = 1; } message StopContainerResponseProto { } message GetContainerStatusRequestProto { optional ContainerIdProto container_id = 1; } message GetContainerStatusResponseProto { optional ContainerStatusProto status = 1; }