if [[ -z "$GUMP_HOME" ]]; then echo "ERROR: \$GUMP_HOME is not set!" exit 1 fi APACHECTL=$GUMP_HOME/webgump/lib/apache2-install/current/bin/apachectl if [[ ! -f "$APACHECTL" ]]; then echo "ERROR: Apache HTTPD not properly installed, see webgump/INSTALL.txt!" exit 1 fi APACHECMD=$GUMP_HOME/webgump/lib/apache2-install/current/bin/httpd if [[ ! -f "$APACHECMD" ]]; then echo "ERROR: Apache HTTPD not properly installed, see webgump/INSTALL.txt!" exit 1 fi APACHECONF=$GUMP_HOME/webgump/conf/`hostname -s`.conf if [[ ! -f "$APACHECONF" ]]; then echo "ERROR: You need to create the apache config file $APACHECONF, see webgump/INSTALL.txt!" exit 1 fi