Apache > Gump
Apache Gump

GOM : Module


A module is a collection of projects that are physically stored in a single repository.

Attribute Description Required?
name The name of the module. Yes
tag Override the cvs tag to be used. No
debug Set to "true" to turn on module debugging. No
groupId mvn groupId for artifacts built by the projects contained in this module. No, defaults to the module's name
Only Python Gump supports <module debug="true"


This is the homepage for the collection of projects contained in this module. This element is optional, but if present, will be referenced in the generated web pages containing build results.

Note: give the way that Gump uses href to specify definitions which are to be inlined, the design of this element is rather unfortunate. Perhaps it should be replaced with a <home-page> element.

Attribute Description Required?
href URL of home page Yes
srcdir The directory (relative to the workspace's basedir) which the checked out sources are to be copied for build purposes. No. Defaults to the name of the module.


If present, will contain information added to the title in web pages containing build results.


References the repository in which this project resides. May also contain various overrides.

Attribute Description Required?
repository The name of the repository in which this module resides. Yes
host-prefix Additional information which will be added in the front of the host name. Useful for repositories like sorceforge which define a separate virtual host for every project No
dir The subdirectory in which the cvs module is present. Useful for repositories like developerworks which organize related modules into directories. No
module An override for the name of the cvs module. No. Defaults to the name of the module.
tag Specify the cvs tag desired. No. Effectively defaults to HEAD.
compress Set the compression level. Some CVS client/server combinations will not work with compression. No. Defaults to the compress value for the repository


References the Subversion repository in which this project resides. May also contain various overrides.

Attribute Description Required?
repository The name of the repository in which this module resides. Yes
dir The subdirectory in which the svn module is present. Useful for repositories like Apache's which organize related modules into directories. No


References a Perforce repository in which this project resides.

Attribute Description Required?
repository The name of the repository in which this module resides. Yes

For example:

  <p4 repository="my-p4-repository"/>


References the Git repository in which this project resides. May also contain various overrides.

Attribute Description Required?
repository The name of the repository in which this module resides. Yes
dir The subdirectory in which the svn module is present. Useful for repositories which organize related modules into directories. No


A definition of a project which is physically contained in this module.


If present, indicates that outputs of builds from this module are redistributable. Defaults to the redistributable value for the repository.

by Sam Ruby