#!/usr/bin/env python # # Copyright 2003-2004 The Apache Software Foundation # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. # # $Header: $ """The command line entrypoint into pygump. It parses the environment variables, command line arguments and some workspace settings and populates an options object with what it finds. With this, it starts up the main gump engine. Additionally, this module has some pretty much self-contained logging and error handling. In the event of severe problems, it'll send e-mail to the administrator configured in the workspace for this machine. Don't run pygump directly. Rather, use the 'gump' shell script. See its documentation for information on command line options and the like. """ import os import sys import time from xml.dom import minidom import smtplib from subprocess import Popen from subprocess import PIPE from subprocess import STDOUT # for log messages... SEP = "------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n" GUMP_VERSION = '3.0-alpha-5' # log levels DEBUG = 5 INFO = 4 WARNING = 3 ERROR = 2 CRITICAL = 1 def print_help(file=None): parser = get_parser() parser.print_help(file) def get_parser(_homedir=None, _hostname=None, _projects=None, _workdir=None, _logdir=None, _workspace=None, _databaseserver="localhost", _databaseport=3306, _databasename="gump", _databaseuser="gump", _databasepassword=None, _persistencefile="gumpshelf", _turbogumpdb="turbogumpdb"): """Pygump uses the optparse package to provide the CLI. To add new options to pygump, change this method and document the changes in the main 'gump' shell script, then change gump.config to interpret those values and do something useful with them. Please be aware that other parts of main.py and of gump.config do set and modify some of the results the option parser gives, so if somethin does not work as expected, you may need to modify other parts of those files. The provided arguments are defaults retrieved from environment variables and the like. """ # TODO: make sure no CLI settings are overridden! from optparse import OptionParser usage = "gump run [options ...]" parser = OptionParser(usage=usage) parser.add_option("-d", "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="print extra information") parser.add_option("-q", "--quiet", action="store_true", default=False, help="print as little information as possible (overrides --debug)") parser.add_option("--homedir", action="store", dest="paths_home", default=_homedir, help="the base directory for gump") parser.add_option("--hostname", action="store", default=_hostname, help="the hostname gump will use") parser.add_option("--workdir", action="store", dest="paths_work", default=_workdir, help="the working directory gump will use") parser.add_option("--logdir", action="store", dest="paths_logs", default=_logdir, help="the directory gump will write logs to") parser.add_option("-w", "--workspace", action="store", dest="paths_workspace", default=_workspace, help="path to the workspace gump will use") parser.add_option("-u", "--do-updates", action="store_true", dest="do_update", default=False, # Default to NOT. At least during initial development... help="run cvs and svn updates") parser.add_option("--do-repo-clean", action="store_true", dest="repo_cleanup", default=False, help="Get rid of the svn and cvs checkout directories (and so do fresh checkouts)") parser.add_option("-b", "--do-builds", action="store_true", dest="do_build", default=False, # Default to NOT. At least during initial development... help="run actual builds") parser.add_option("-f", "--fill-database", action="store_true", dest="do_fill_database", default=False, # Default to NOT. At least during initial development... help="put build results into the mysql database") parser.add_option("--databaseserver", action="store", dest="database_server", default=_databaseserver, help="hostname of the database server gump will connect to") parser.add_option("--databaseport", action="store", dest="database_port", default=_databaseport, help="port of the database server gump will connect to") parser.add_option("--databasename", action="store", dest="database_name", default=_databasename, help="name of the database gump will connect to") parser.add_option("--databaseuser", action="store", dest="database_user", default=_databaseuser, help="username gump will use to connect to the database") parser.add_option("--databasepassword", action="store", dest="database_password", default=_databasepassword, help="password gump will use to connect to the database") parser.add_option("--persistencefile", action="store", dest="persistence_file", default=_persistencefile, help="DBM file gump will use for persistence support") parser.add_option("--enable-persistence", action="store_true", dest="enable_persistence", default=False, # Default to NOT. At least during initial development... help="enable ***experimental*** persistence support") parser.add_option("--turbogump-db", action="store", dest="turbogump_db", default=_turbogumpdb, help="enable ***experimental*** persistence support") parser.add_option("--color", action="store_true", dest="enable_colors", default=False, help="write log output using ansi color codes") parser.add_option("--irc", action="store", dest="irc", default=False, help="enable an IRCbot during this run using nickname@irc.freenode.net/channel") parser.add_option("--attach-pdb", action="store_true", dest="attach_pdb", default=False, help="Run within the Python Debugger (PDB)") parser.add_option("--attach-wingdb", action="store_true", dest="attach_wing", default=False, help="Run within the Wing IDE Debugger") parser.add_option("--local-repository-name", action="store", dest="local_repository_name", default=None, help="Repository name for 'installed packages'") parser.add_option("--local-module-name", action="store", dest="local_module_name", default=None, help="Module name for 'installed packages'") parser.add_option("-p", "--project", action="append", dest="project_name", help="Specify a regular expression specifying project(s) to be updated&built\n Can be provided multiple times.") return parser class Error(Exception): """Generic error thrown for all internal pygump main module exceptions.""" pass class _Logger: """A basic logger that sends messages to a file and to the console. This is a very basic "bootstrap" logger to use before getting at a real logger from the logging package. Does react to the most basic form of the commands sent to the logging.Logger class so it can be replaced at any time by one of those. """ def __init__(self, logdir, level=INFO, console_level=INFO): self.level = level self.console_level = console_level if self.console_level >= DEBUG: print "DEBUG: logdir is " + logdir if not os.path.isdir(logdir): os.mkdir(logdir) self.logdir = logdir rundatetime = time.strftime('%Y%m%d_%H%M%S') filename = 'gump_log_' + rundatetime + '.txt' self.filename = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(logdir,filename)) self.target = open(self.filename, 'w', 0) def __del__(self): self.close() def close(self): self.target.close() def log(self, level, msg): if level == DEBUG: self.debug(msg) if level == INFO: self.debug(msg) if level == WARNING: self.debug(msg) if level == ERROR: self.debug(msg) if level == CRITICAL: self.debug(msg) def debug(self, msg): message = 'DEBUG: %s\n' % (msg) if self.console_level >= DEBUG: print message, if self.level >= DEBUG: self.target.write(message); def info(self, msg): message = 'INFO: %s\n' % (msg) if self.console_level >= INFO: print message, if self.level >= INFO: self.target.write(message); def warning(self, msg): message = 'WARNING: %s\n' % (msg) if self.console_level >= WARNING: print message, if self.level >= WARNING: self.target.write(message); def error(self, msg): message = 'ERROR: %s\n' % (msg) if self.console_level >= ERROR: print message, if self.level >= ERROR: self.target.write(message); def exception(self, msg): info = sys.exc_info() self.error(msg) import traceback from StringIO import StringIO buf = StringIO() traceback.print_exception( info[0], info[1], info[2], file=buf) self.error(buf.getvalue()) buf.close() def critical(self, msg): message = 'CRITICAL: %s\n' % (msg) if self.console_level >= CRITICAL: print message, if self.level >= CRITICAL: self.target.write(message); def _check_version(): """Raises exception if python version < 2.3.""" (major, minor, micro, releaselevel, serial) = sys.version_info if not major >=2 and minor >= 4: raise Error, 'CRITICAL: Gump requires Python 2.4 or above. The ' + \ 'current version is %s.' % sys.version() def _parse_workspace(filename, options): """Get workspace information and put it in the options instance. Converts the workspace file to a minidom tree and extract some info to put into the options instance. It doesn't merge in the profile or anything like that, that is left up to the engine. """ # TODO: remove core options from the workspace completely! domtree = minidom.parse(filename) w = domtree.getElementsByTagName('workspace').item(0) options.name = w.getAttribute('name') # Extract the base directory # don't get this from workspace, we need it sooner than that # options.basedir = w.getAttribute('basedir') # options.basepath = os.path.abspath(basedir) # determine which user is doing stuff user = "gump" try: from getpass import getuser user = getuser() except: pass # Mail reporting # unused options.private = w.getAttribute('private') options.mail_server = w.getAttribute('mailserver') or 'localhost' options.mail_server_port = w.getAttribute('mailport') or 25 options.mail_to = w.getAttribute('administrator') options.mail_from = w.getAttribute('email') or "%s@%s" % (user, options.hostname) # log (site) location(s) options.logurl = w.getAttribute('logurl') # don't get this from workspace, we need it sooner than that # options.logdir = w.getAttribute('logdir') or os.path.join(basepath,'log') # clean up w.unlink() def _svn_update(log, options): """Updates pygump itself from SVN.""" command = ["svn", "update", "--non-interactive"] if not options.debug: command.append("-q") # suppress output p = Popen(command,stdout=PIPE,stderr=STDOUT) p.wait() if p.returncode: msg = "An error occurred while self-updating pygump from svn" log.error( msg + ":") log.target.write(SEP); print SEP, svnlog = p.communicate()[0] log.target.write(svnlog); print svnlog log.target.write(SEP); print SEP, raise Error, msg def _send_email(toaddr,fromaddr,subject,data,server,port=25): """Utility method for sending out e-mails.""" rawdata = "Date: %s\r\nFrom: %s\r\nTo: %s\r\nSubject: %s\r\n\r\n%s" \ % ( time.strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime()), fromaddr, toaddr, subject, data) # Attach to the SMTP server to send.... # server = smtplib.SMTP(server,port) #server.set_debuglevel(1) server.sendmail(fromaddr, toaddr, rawdata) server.quit() def send_error_email(Exception,details,options,log): """Send an error report by e-mail.""" if options.mail_server and options.mail_server_port and options.mail_to and options.mail_from: subject="Fatal error during pygump run [%s: %s]" % (options.hostname, options.name) body="""An unexpected error occurred during the pygump run on %s (start time: %s, workspace: %s). The reported exception: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %s: %s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ More information may be available at: %s The full run log of this run: ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ %s ------------------------------------------------------------------------------""" # get logfile contents logbody = "" logfile = None try: log.target.close(); log.target = None logfile = open(log.filename, 'r') line = logfile.readline() while line: logbody += line line = logfile.readline() logfile.close() log.target = open(log.filename, 'w', 0) except Exception, details: if not log.target: log.target = open(log.filename, 'w', 0) log.exception("Exception occurred reading log file") if logfile: logfile.close() if logbody == "": logbody = "ERROR: unable to read logfile!" # construct full body body = body % (options.hostname, options.starttime, options.name, Exception, details, options.logurl, logbody) # send it off _send_email(options.mail_from, options.mail_to, subject, body, options.mail_server, options.mail_server_port) else: raise Error, "Insufficient information in the workspace for sending e-mail." def _start_engine(log,options): """Fire up the core pygump engine to do its thing.""" from gump import engine engine.main(options) def main(): """ The entrypoint into pygump. Extracts information and options from the arguments and environment variables, starts basic core utilities, then delegates to the main engine. """ # we need python 2.3 _check_version() # get basic settings from environment variables _homedir = _hostname = _envfile = _workdir = _pythoncmd = _javahome = _projects = None try: envfile = os.environ["GUMP_ENV_FILE"] pythoncmd = os.environ["GUMP_PYTHON"] javahome = os.environ["JAVA_HOME"] _homedir = os.environ["GUMP_HOME"] _hostname = os.environ["GUMP_HOSTNAME"] try: _workdir = os.environ["GUMP_WORKDIR"] except: _workdir = os.path.join(_homedir, "pygump", "work") try: _projects = os.environ["GUMP_PROJECTS"] except: pass except Exception, details: print "ERROR: environment not setup properly. Please run pygump using the 'gump' script only." print "ERROR: The reported exception:" print "ERROR: %s: %s" % (Exception, details) # and some basic settings calculated from those _logdir = os.path.join(_workdir, "log") _workspace = os.path.join(_homedir, "metadata", "%s.xml" % (_hostname)) # get basic settings from commandline arguments parser = get_parser(_homedir, _hostname, _projects, _workdir, _logdir, _workspace) options, args = parser.parse_args() options.starttime = time.strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', time.localtime()) options.start_time = time.strftime('%d %b %Y %H:%M:%S', time.gmtime()) options.version = GUMP_VERSION if options.repo_cleanup and not options.do_update: print "ERROR: don't clean out the repositories if you will not update!" print " re-run gump with the '-u' option set." sys.exit(3) # check for debug info if options.attach_wing: # look for WINGHOME try: winghome = os.environ["WINGHOME"] except: print "ERROR: debug environment not set up properly. Please set WINGHOME to the" print " directory containing your Wing IDE installation." sys.exit(2) # Copy over the dbstub if it isn't there already wingdbstubpath = None try: wingdbstubpath = os.path.join(options.homedir,"pygump","python","wingdbstub.py") if not os.path.isfile(wingdbstubpath): pathwithinwing = os.path.join(winghome, "wingdbstub.py") import shutil shutil.copyfile(pathwithinwing, wingdbstubpath) except: print "ERROR: debug environment not set up properly. Please add the windbstub.py" print " from WINGHOME to" print " %s" % wingdbstubpath # create logger log = _Logger(options.paths_logs) # fire it up! exitcode = 0 try: if options.debug: log.level = DEBUG log.console_level = DEBUG # print some basic debug info... log.debug("Pygump version %s starting..." % (options.version) ) log.debug(" (the detailed log is written to %s)" % (log.filename) ) log.debug(' - hostname : ' + options.hostname) log.debug(' - homedir : ' + options.paths_home) log.debug(' - current time : ' + options.starttime) log.debug(' - current time (UTC) : ' + options.start_time) log.debug(' - python version : ' + sys.version) log.debug(' - python command : ' + pythoncmd) log.debug(' - environment variables:') for (key, val) in os.environ.items(): log.debug(' ' + key + '="' + val + '"') log.debug('') log.debug(' - command line arguments:') log.debug(' %s' % (sys.argv)) # validate options and arguments if not os.path.exists(options.paths_workspace): abspath = os.path.join(options.paths_home, options.paths_workspace) if os.path.exists(abspath): options.paths_workspace = abspath else: log.error("Workspace not found : %s.\n Maybe you need to specify --workspace=/absolute/path/to/some/workspace/file.xml?" % options.workspace) sys.exit(1) # get some more options from the workspace _parse_workspace(options.paths_workspace, options) try: # self-update if options.do_update: _svn_update(log, options) # finally: fire us up! _start_engine(log, options) log.debug("Run completed!") except Exception, details: # this is not good. Send e-mail to the admin, complaining rather loudly. log.exception("an uncaught exception occurred") try: send_error_email(Exception, details, options, log) except Exception, details: log.exception("Unable to send e-mail to administrator") pass exitcode = 1 finally: # rigorously clean up our child processes try: timeout = 300 try: log.debug("Cleaning up child processes. This may take up to a little over %s seconds." % (timeout+100)) except: pass from gump.util.executor import clean_up_processes clean_up_processes(timeout) except: try: log.exception("Error cleaning up child processes!") except: pass # close the logs try: log.close() except: pass return exitcode if __name__ == "__main__": result = main() or 0 sys.exit(result)