
This is the javadoc for Gora. This javadoc captures all of the modules in Gora.

Gora Modules

Gora source code is organized in a modular architecture. The gora-core module is the main module which contains the core of the code. All other modules depend on the gora-core module. Each data store backend in Gora resides in it's own module. The documentation for the specific module can be found at the module's documentation directory.

Source code for gora modules is organized as follows:


gora-core module contains the source code for the main functionality in Gora.


gora-cassandra module contains the source code for the Apache Cassandra backend.


gora-hbase module contains the source code for the Apache HBase backend.


gora-sql module contains the source code for the SQL backends. Currently MySQL and HSQLDB is supported.


gora-accumulo module contains the source code for the Apache Accumulo backend.

More information

Most of the documentation about the project is kept at the project web site or at the wiki.