Coverage Report - org.apache.giraph.graph.partition.WorkerGraphPartitioner
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  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
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  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
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 package org.apache.giraph.graph.partition;
 import org.apache.giraph.graph.WorkerInfo;
 import java.util.Collection;
  * Stores the {@link PartitionOwner} objects from the master and provides the
  * mapping of vertex to {@link PartitionOwner}. Also generates the partition
  * owner implementation.
  * @param <I> Vertex id
  * @param <V> Vertex value
  * @param <E> Edge value
  * @param <M> Message data
 public interface WorkerGraphPartitioner<I extends WritableComparable,
     V extends Writable, E extends Writable, M extends Writable> {
    * Instantiate the {@link PartitionOwner} implementation used to read the
    * master assignments.
    * @return Instantiated {@link PartitionOwner} object
   PartitionOwner createPartitionOwner();
    * Figure out the owner of a vertex
    * @param vertexId Vertex id to get the partition for
    * @return Correct partition owner
   PartitionOwner getPartitionOwner(I vertexId);
    * At the end of a superstep, workers have {@link PartitionStats} generated
    * for each of their partitions.  This method will allow the user to
    * modify or create their own {@link PartitionStats} interfaces to send to
    * the master.
    * @param workerPartitionStats Stats generated by the infrastructure during
    *        the superstep
    * @param partitionStore Partition store for this worker
    *        (could be used to provide more useful stat information)
    * @return Final partition stats
   Collection<PartitionStats> finalizePartitionStats(
       Collection<PartitionStats> workerPartitionStats,
       PartitionStore<I, V, E, M> partitionStore);
    * Get the partitions owners and update locally.  Returns the partitions
    * to send to other workers and other dependencies.
    * @param myWorkerInfo Worker info.
    * @param masterSetPartitionOwners Master set partition owners, received
    *        prior to beginning the superstep
    * @param partitionStore Partition store for this worker
    *        (can be used to fill the return map of partitions to send)
    * @return Information for the partition exchange.
   PartitionExchange updatePartitionOwners(
       WorkerInfo myWorkerInfo,
       Collection<? extends PartitionOwner> masterSetPartitionOwners,
       PartitionStore<I, V, E, M> partitionStore);
    * Get a collection of the {@link PartitionOwner} objects.
    * @return Collection of owners for every partition.
   Collection<? extends PartitionOwner> getPartitionOwners();