Coverage Report - org.apache.giraph.graph.BspUtils
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
  * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
  * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
  * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
  * limitations under the License.
 package org.apache.giraph.graph;
 import org.apache.giraph.graph.partition.GraphPartitionerFactory;
 import org.apache.giraph.graph.partition.HashPartitionerFactory;
 import org.apache.giraph.graph.partition.PartitionStats;
 import org.apache.hadoop.conf.Configuration;
 import org.apache.hadoop.util.ReflectionUtils;
  * Help to use the configuration to get the appropriate classes or
  * instantiate them.
 public class BspUtils {
    * Do not construct.
 38  0
   private BspUtils() { }
    * Get the user's subclassed {@link GraphPartitionerFactory}.
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param <V> Vertex data
    * @param <E> Edge data
    * @param <M> Message data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return User's graph partitioner
   @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
   public static <I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable,
   E extends Writable, M extends Writable>
   Class<? extends GraphPartitionerFactory<I, V, E, M>>
   getGraphPartitionerClass(Configuration conf) {
 55  48
     return (Class<? extends GraphPartitionerFactory<I, V, E, M>>)
    * Create a user graph partitioner class
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param <V> Vertex data
    * @param <E> Edge data
    * @param <M> Message data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return Instantiated user graph partitioner class
   public static <I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable,
   E extends Writable, M extends Writable>
   GraphPartitionerFactory<I, V, E, M>
   createGraphPartitioner(Configuration conf) {
     Class<? extends GraphPartitionerFactory<I, V, E, M>>
 77  48
     graphPartitionerFactoryClass = getGraphPartitionerClass(conf);
 78  48
     return ReflectionUtils.newInstance(graphPartitionerFactoryClass, conf);
    * Create a user graph partitioner partition stats class
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param <V> Vertex data
    * @param <E> Edge data
    * @param <M> Message data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return Instantiated user graph partition stats class
   public static <I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable,
   E extends Writable, M extends Writable>
   PartitionStats createGraphPartitionStats(Configuration conf) {
 95  0
     GraphPartitionerFactory<I, V, E, M> graphPartitioner =
 97  0
     return graphPartitioner.createMasterGraphPartitioner().
    * Get the user's subclassed {@link VertexInputFormat}.
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param <V> Vertex data
    * @param <E> Edge data
    * @param <M> Message data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return User's vertex input format class
   @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
   public static <I extends WritableComparable,
   V extends Writable,
   E extends Writable,
   M extends Writable>
   Class<? extends VertexInputFormat<I, V, E, M>>
   getVertexInputFormatClass(Configuration conf) {
 118  81
     return (Class<? extends VertexInputFormat<I, V, E, M>>)
    * Create a user vertex input format class
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param <V> Vertex data
    * @param <E> Edge data
    * @param <M> Message data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return Instantiated user vertex input format class
   public static <I extends WritableComparable,
   V extends Writable,
   E extends Writable,
   M extends Writable> VertexInputFormat<I, V, E, M>
   createVertexInputFormat(Configuration conf) {
 140  49
     Class<? extends VertexInputFormat<I, V, E, M>> vertexInputFormatClass =
 142  49
     VertexInputFormat<I, V, E, M> inputFormat =
       ReflectionUtils.newInstance(vertexInputFormatClass, conf);
 144  49
     return inputFormat;
    * Get the user's subclassed {@link VertexOutputFormat}.
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param <V> Vertex data
    * @param <E> Edge data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return User's vertex output format class
   @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
   public static <I extends WritableComparable,
   V extends Writable,
   E extends Writable>
   Class<? extends VertexOutputFormat<I, V, E>>
   getVertexOutputFormatClass(Configuration conf) {
 162  104
     return (Class<? extends VertexOutputFormat<I, V, E>>)
    * Create a user vertex output format class
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param <V> Vertex data
    * @param <E> Edge data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return Instantiated user vertex output format class
   public static <I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable,
   E extends Writable> VertexOutputFormat<I, V, E>
   createVertexOutputFormat(Configuration conf) {
 181  51
     Class<? extends VertexOutputFormat<I, V, E>> vertexOutputFormatClass =
 183  51
     return ReflectionUtils.newInstance(vertexOutputFormatClass, conf);
    * Get the user's subclassed {@link AggregatorWriter}.
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return User's aggregator writer class
   public static Class<? extends AggregatorWriter>
   getAggregatorWriterClass(Configuration conf) {
 194  24
     return conf.getClass(GiraphJob.AGGREGATOR_WRITER_CLASS,
    * Create a user aggregator output format class
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return Instantiated user aggregator writer class
   public static AggregatorWriter createAggregatorWriter(Configuration conf) {
 206  24
     Class<? extends AggregatorWriter> aggregatorWriterClass =
 208  24
     return ReflectionUtils.newInstance(aggregatorWriterClass, conf);
    * Get the user's subclassed {@link VertexCombiner}.
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param <M> Message data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return User's vertex combiner class
   @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
   public static <I extends WritableComparable, M extends Writable>
   Class<? extends VertexCombiner<I, M>>
   getVertexCombinerClass(Configuration conf) {
 223  48
     return (Class<? extends VertexCombiner<I, M>>)
    * Create a user vertex combiner class
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param <M> Message data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return Instantiated user vertex combiner class
   public static <I extends WritableComparable, M extends Writable>
   VertexCombiner<I, M> createVertexCombiner(Configuration conf) {
 240  3
     Class<? extends VertexCombiner<I, M>> vertexCombinerClass =
 242  3
     return ReflectionUtils.newInstance(vertexCombinerClass, conf);
    * Get the user's subclassed VertexResolver.
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param <V> Vertex data
    * @param <E> Edge data
    * @param <M> Message data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return User's vertex resolver class
   @SuppressWarnings({ "unchecked", "rawtypes" })
   public static <I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable,
   E extends Writable, M extends Writable>
   Class<? extends VertexResolver<I, V, E, M>>
   getVertexResolverClass(Configuration conf) {
 261  76
     return (Class<? extends VertexResolver<I, V, E, M>>)
    * Create a user vertex revolver
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param <V> Vertex data
    * @param <E> Edge data
    * @param <M> Message data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @param graphState State of the graph from the worker
    * @return Instantiated user vertex resolver
   public static <I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable,
   E extends Writable, M extends Writable> VertexResolver<I, V, E, M>
   createVertexResolver(Configuration conf,
     GraphState<I, V, E, M> graphState) {
 283  45
     Class<? extends VertexResolver<I, V, E, M>> vertexResolverClass =
 285  45
     VertexResolver<I, V, E, M> resolver =
       ReflectionUtils.newInstance(vertexResolverClass, conf);
 287  45
 288  45
     return resolver;
    * Get the user's subclassed WorkerContext.
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return User's worker context class
   public static Class<? extends WorkerContext>
   getWorkerContextClass(Configuration conf) {
 299  24
     return (Class<? extends WorkerContext>)
    * Create a user worker context
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param <V> Vertex data
    * @param <E> Edge data
    * @param <M> Message data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @param graphState State of the graph from the worker
    * @return Instantiated user worker context
   public static <I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable,
   E extends Writable, M extends Writable>
   WorkerContext createWorkerContext(Configuration conf,
     GraphState<I, V, E, M> graphState) {
 321  24
     Class<? extends WorkerContext> workerContextClass =
 323  24
     WorkerContext workerContext =
       ReflectionUtils.newInstance(workerContextClass, conf);
 325  24
 326  24
     return workerContext;
    * Get the user's subclassed {@link MasterCompute}
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return User's master class
   public static Class<? extends MasterCompute>
   getMasterComputeClass(Configuration conf) {
 337  24
     return (Class<? extends MasterCompute>)
    * Create a user master
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return Instantiated user master
   public static MasterCompute
   createMasterCompute(Configuration conf) {
 351  24
     Class<? extends MasterCompute> masterComputeClass =
 353  24
     MasterCompute masterCompute =
         ReflectionUtils.newInstance(masterComputeClass, conf);
 355  24
     return masterCompute;
    * Get the user's subclassed {@link Vertex}
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param <V> Vertex data
    * @param <E> Edge data
    * @param <M> Message data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return User's vertex class
   @SuppressWarnings({ "rawtypes", "unchecked" })
   public static <I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable,
   E extends Writable, M extends Writable>
   Class<? extends Vertex<I, V, E, M>> getVertexClass(Configuration conf) {
 372  579
     return (Class<? extends Vertex<I, V, E, M>>)
    * Create a user vertex
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param <V> Vertex data
    * @param <E> Edge data
    * @param <M> Message data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return Instantiated user vertex
   public static <I extends WritableComparable, V extends Writable,
   E extends Writable, M extends Writable> Vertex<I, V, E, M>
   createVertex(Configuration conf) {
 392  523
     Class<? extends Vertex<I, V, E, M>> vertexClass = getVertexClass(conf);
 393  523
     Vertex<I, V, E, M> vertex =
       ReflectionUtils.newInstance(vertexClass, conf);
 395  523
     return vertex;
    * Get the user's subclassed vertex index class.
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return User's vertex index class
   public static <I extends Writable> Class<I>
   getVertexIdClass(Configuration conf) {
 408  6306
     return (Class<I>) conf.getClass(GiraphJob.VERTEX_ID_CLASS,
    * Create a user vertex index
    * @param <I> Vertex id
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return Instantiated user vertex index
   public static <I extends WritableComparable>
   I createVertexId(Configuration conf) {
 422  6306
     Class<I> vertexIdClass = getVertexIdClass(conf);
     try {
 424  6306
       return vertexIdClass.newInstance();
 425  0
     } catch (InstantiationException e) {
 426  0
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "createVertexId: Failed to instantiate", e);
 428  0
     } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
 429  0
       throw new IllegalArgumentException(
         "createVertexId: Illegally accessed", e);
    * Get the user's subclassed vertex value class.
    * @param <V> Vertex data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return User's vertex value class
   public static <V extends Writable> Class<V>
   getVertexValueClass(Configuration conf) {
 444  156
     return (Class<V>) conf.getClass(GiraphJob.VERTEX_VALUE_CLASS,
    * Create a user vertex value
    * @param <V> Vertex data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return Instantiated user vertex value
   public static <V extends Writable> V
   createVertexValue(Configuration conf) {
 458  156
     Class<V> vertexValueClass = getVertexValueClass(conf);
 459  156
     if (vertexValueClass == NullWritable.class) {
 460  1
       return (V) NullWritable.get();
     } else {
       try {
 463  155
         return vertexValueClass.newInstance();
 464  0
       } catch (InstantiationException e) {
 465  0
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           "createVertexValue: Failed to instantiate", e);
 467  0
       } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
 468  0
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           "createVertexValue: Illegally accessed", e);
    * Get the user's subclassed edge value class.
    * @param <E> Edge data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return User's vertex edge value class
   public static <E extends Writable> Class<E>
   getEdgeValueClass(Configuration conf) {
 484  1258
     return (Class<E>) conf.getClass(GiraphJob.EDGE_VALUE_CLASS,
    * Create a user edge value
    * @param <E> Edge data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return Instantiated user edge value
   public static <E extends Writable> E
   createEdgeValue(Configuration conf) {
 498  1258
     Class<E> edgeValueClass = getEdgeValueClass(conf);
 499  1258
     if (edgeValueClass == NullWritable.class) {
 500  1
       return (E) NullWritable.get();
     } else {
       try {
 503  1257
         return edgeValueClass.newInstance();
 504  0
       } catch (InstantiationException e) {
 505  0
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           "createEdgeValue: Failed to instantiate", e);
 507  0
       } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
 508  0
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           "createEdgeValue: Illegally accessed", e);
    * Get the user's subclassed vertex message value class.
    * @param <M> Message data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return User's vertex message value class
   public static <M extends Writable> Class<M>
   getMessageValueClass(Configuration conf) {
 524  222352
     return (Class<M>) conf.getClass(GiraphJob.MESSAGE_VALUE_CLASS,
    * Create a user vertex message value
    * @param <M> Message data
    * @param conf Configuration to check
    * @return Instantiated user vertex message value
   public static <M extends Writable> M
   createMessageValue(Configuration conf) {
 538  222352
     Class<M> messageValueClass = getMessageValueClass(conf);
 539  222352
     if (messageValueClass == NullWritable.class) {
 540  1
       return (M) NullWritable.get();
     } else {
       try {
 543  222351
         return messageValueClass.newInstance();
 544  0
       } catch (InstantiationException e) {
 545  0
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           "createMessageValue: Failed to instantiate", e);
 547  0
       } catch (IllegalAccessException e) {
 548  0
         throw new IllegalArgumentException(
           "createMessageValue: Illegally accessed", e);