## ## $Id$ ## *Most* of the site content is now managed through Confluence in the GMOxSITE space (http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/GMOxSITE/). Some non-html content is still authored here (like for the plugin registry, etc). The sync is performed from a `svn co` of this tree using 'bin/sync', which should be executed on people.apache.org. Currently, this is running automatically (as jdillon) via cron: # Sync cwiki exported content to geronimo.apache.org 5 * * * * /home/jdillon/ws/site/bin/sync This will sync the latest content from SVN *and* from cwiki into /www/geronimo.apache.org/ at 5 after the hour (every hour). This is ~6 minutes before the live sync happens, which may take 10-20 minutes depending on how much other stuff it has to sync up. The existing content should remain untouched. Currently content that exists outside of SVN and cwiki control (from this sync) is: * api/ - Ancient Javadocs, need to revisit to use latest maven/* bits * xbean/ - Confluence content, but sync not controlled here * maven/* - Contains the maven site:deploy content * mail/ - Link to the raw public mail archives for Geronimo