Release Notes -- Apache Geronimo -- Version Geronimo @VERSION@ Geronimo URLs ------------- Home Page: Downloads: Documentation: Mailing Lists: Source Code: Bug Tracking: Wiki: Documentation ------------- Please see for the latest documentation on this release. OR Please see for Geronimo 2.2 documentation until Geronimo @VERSION@ documentation is created IMPORTANT --------- This is a Milestone release, that means that is not the final version of Apache Geronimo v3.0 Take a look at "Known Issues and Limitations" section for further details. System Requirements ------------------- You need a platform that supports the Sun JDK 6.0+ (J2SE 1.6.0+) or greater. Most testing has been done on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. Geronimo @VERSION@ Enhancements ------------------------- Support for portions of SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 6.0 specification: - EJB 3.1 (partial) - JPA 2.0 - Servlet 3.0 - JSP 2.2 - EL 2.2 - JSF 2.0 - JSTL 1.2 - JCA 1.6 - JACC 1.4 - JASPIC 1.0 - JAXB-2.2 - Annocations 1.1 - Interceptors 1.1 - OSGi application support - Apache Aries programming model, including support for - OSGi Blueprint service - OSGi JNDI extender - OSGi Web Application Bundle Support Geronimo @VERSION@ Issues Resolved ------------------------------ ** Sub-task * [GERONIMO-4410] - Update JPA 2.0 spec component * [GERONIMO-4680] - Create a plugin in for OpenJPA 2.0. * [GERONIMO-4831] - stop building dojo-0.4.3 from ext * [GERONIMO-4832] - Modify EJB portlets to fit the new APIs of Tree and TreeEntry * [GERONIMO-4902] - need license file modifications for imported plexus code in osgi sandbox modules/geronimo-plugin * [GERONIMO-4914] - gogo commands for manipulating g. plugins * [GERONIMO-4917] - Figure out how to use ext and endorsed classpaths under felix/karaf and get our corba spec in there. * [GERONIMO-4919] - The @WebListener annotation needs to be able to accept a value as the description * [GERONIMO-4923] - Remove those classloader plugins * [GERONIMO-4924] - Reenable the client container in Geronimo * [GERONIMO-4933] - Some optimization for loaded bundle checking * [GERONIMO-4948] - To migrate existing geronimo gshell commands to karaf based shell. * [GERONIMO-4962] - prevent jasper from assuming all classloaders are URLClassLoaders * [GERONIMO-4964] - base jetty servletcontext getResource on bundle getEntry * [GERONIMO-4973] - Classpath entrys in karaf-client.jar is ../system/ instead of ../repository/ * [GERONIMO-4976] - rfc 66 support for jetty and tomcat * [GERONIMO-4989] - Jetty and tomcat need to support ServletContext.getResource from a bundle, not file system location * [GERONIMO-4990] - Add serialVersionUID to serializable spec classes from javadoc * [GERONIMO-4992] - Tomcat StandardContext use of Class.forName(className) doesn't work well in osgi * [GERONIMO-4994] - To support multiple level navigation tree in geronimo web console. * [GERONIMO-5008] - Create util methods for all the Geronimo components * [GERONIMO-5017] - Create geronimo-annotation_1.1_spec jar * [GERONIMO-5018] - Remove -EA- versioning from the JEE6 spec versions. * [GERONIMO-5029] - Integrate WAR to WAB converter/url handler from Apache Aries * [GERONIMO-5031] - Implement EL spec 2.2 * [GERONIMO-5034] - Integrate JMX (RFC 142) implementation from Apache Aries * [GERONIMO-5037] - Support Servlet 3.0 annotation and fragment web file * [GERONIMO-5038] - Need to URLEncode temp bundle location since felix URLDecodes it * [GERONIMO-5093] - Create JAXB 2.2 spec jar * [GERONIMO-5094] - Integrate the 2.2 version of the jaxb reference implementation. * [GERONIMO-5098] - Create Servlet 3.0 version of the spec jar. * [GERONIMO-5099] - Create JSP 2.2 spec jar * [GERONIMO-5100] - Create connector 1.6 spec jar * [GERONIMO-5104] - Update the jsf spec level to 2.o * [GERONIMO-5105] - Create JACC 1.4 spec jar * [GERONIMO-5106] - Create a spec jar for JASPIC 1.0 * [GERONIMO-5107] - Implement JASPIC 1.0 in Geronimo * [GERONIMO-5108] - Create interceptor 1.1 spec jar * [GERONIMO-5111] - Create a bundle version of jstl 1.2 and change dependencies to new version * [GERONIMO-5112] - Implement the DataSourceDefinition annotation * [GERONIMO-5114] - Implement the ManagedBean annotation * [GERONIMO-5118] - Create an ejb 3.1 spec jar implementation * [GERONIMO-5133] - Geroinimo versions of the specs should pick up the additions made to the service mix versions of the bundles. * [GERONIMO-5165] - Discover database drivers in META-INF/services/java.sql.Driver files * [GERONIMO-5169] - Remove GShell * [GERONIMO-5174] - System bundle exports JAX-WS packages with wrong version * [GERONIMO-5178] - Inconsistent handling of META-INF/services files by different Geronmo specs. * [GERONIMO-5188] - Uplevel the stax spec implementation to the 1.3 maintenance release level. * [GERONIMO-5201] - Repace service versions of spec bundles with Geronimo latest versions. * [GERONIMO-5202] - jaxb 2.2 version problem. * [GERONIMO-5203] - JTA OSGi services & blueprint extensions * [GERONIMO-5218] - The portlets page in iframe height is limited in debug view, so that some content is not visible when expanding the tree in debug view. * [GERONIMO-5234] - JavaEE6 sample - Servlet 3.0 - Web Fragment * [GERONIMO-5235] - JavaEE6 sample - Servlet 3.0 - Part attribute * [GERONIMO-5236] - JavaEE6 sample - Servlet 3.0 - Annotations for servlets, filters and listeners * [GERONIMO-5237] - JavaEE6 sample - Servlet 3.0 - JAR resources support * [GERONIMO-5238] - JavaEE6 sample - Servlet 3.0 - Programmatically register and initialize servlets and filters * [GERONIMO-5239] - Restructure samples layout to categorize samples into Java EE 5, Java EE 6, and OSGi * [GERONIMO-5240] - Add daytrader(JavaEE) into the samples code tree * [GERONIMO-5251] - Support environment entires of type Class or Enum * [GERONIMO-5266] - JavaEE6 sample - JPA 2.0 - Criteria API * [GERONIMO-5272] - JavaEE6 sample - JSF 2.0 - AJAX interaction * [GERONIMO-5273] - JavaEE6 sample - EJB 3.1 - Singleton * [GERONIMO-5275] - JavaEE6 sample - RESTful service * [GERONIMO-5276] - JavaEE6 sample - EJB 3.1 - Timer Service ** Bug * [GERONIMO-4566] - Need extra servlet mappings for jetty and tomcat for welcome jsps compiled into servlets * [GERONIMO-4859] - Default JMX monitoring MBeans list should include JVM MBean. * [GERONIMO-4886] - Request Time Count attribute does not exist in connector mbean. * [GERONIMO-4928] - In the JPA persistence.xml loading code, exclude-unlisted-classes handling not compliant with JPA3.0 spec * [GERONIMO-5147] - exits with non-zero status because of stty echo * [GERONIMO-5151] - JSTL sql tags do not work * [GERONIMO-5176] - our DependencyManager needs to know about artifact aliases. * [GERONIMO-5211] - geronimo start command is very verbose * [GERONIMO-5213] - Review Geronimo 3.0 commands need a thorough review * [GERONIMO-5246] - Geronimo 3.0 version of activemq still has spring dependencies. * [GERONIMO-5247] - IllegalStateException during Geronimo build. * [GERONIMO-5249] - Use karaf jaas boot code to load login modules * [GERONIMO-5259] - Annoying "access denied" security exceptions for oenwebbeans while java2 security is enabled. * [GERONIMO-5260] - Geronimo bundle members need to be released separately * [GERONIMO-5261] - Fix LICENSE and NOTICE files for the Geronimo bundles subprojects. * [GERONIMO-5279] - search-plugins, install-library deploy command fails with NoClassDefFoundError * [GERONIMO-5281] - MergeHelper should not load all classes in bundle * [GERONIMO-5285] - deploy, undeploy, deploy of blog sample fails * [GERONIMO-5286] - Many irrelevant build properties end up in the manifest * [GERONIMO-5287] - Felix instance cache is not cleared for client/shutdown/deploy * [GERONIMO-5289] - Test all combinations of heuristic exceptions * [GERONIMO-5291] - Can not get multipart data sent from html form. * [GERONIMO-5301] - DatabaseInitializationGBean class not found. * [GERONIMO-5308] - Use cookie version 0 for Tomcat 7 * [GERONIMO-5321] - mvn install -Dstage=bootstrap no longer working. * [GERONIMO-5330] - env-entry values should not be trimmed * [GERONIMO-5333] - Server start fails, but java process stays active * [GERONIMO-5335] - ClassNotFoundException running 'geronimo stop' * [GERONIMO-5337] - ServerHostName does not control the bind ip address for Tomcat Connectors ** Improvement * [GERONIMO-434] - Connection factories extracted from conceptually wrong gbean * [GERONIMO-4694] - Upgrade to Derby * [GERONIMO-4723] - Replace our dojo repackaging with the released dojo-war * [GERONIMO-4907] - GBeanInstance to Ignore Missing Setters * [GERONIMO-4975] - Simplify integrating new ModuleBuilders with EARConfigBuilder * [GERONIMO-4984] - EjbDaemonGBean can start multiple daemons * [GERONIMO-5149] - More flexibility checking for dependency changes ** New Feature * [GERONIMO-4918] - EJB 3.1 Singleton Support * [GERONIMO-5263] - Support Servlet 3.0 new features in Tomcat assembly ** Task * [GERONIMO-4888] - Update the version of dojo-war dependency to 1.3.2 * [GERONIMO-4916] - move osgi framework in to replace pre-osgi framwork * [GERONIMO-5171] - Upgrade WADI from 2.1.1. to 2.1.2 in 22 branch and trunk. Certification Status -------------------- Apache Geronimo vGeronimo @VERSION@, being a MILESTONE release is not yet certified. Distributions ------------- Apache Geronimo vGeronimo @VERSION@ is available in five distributions so you can pick the one that best fits your environment. The available distributions are as follows: Non-Certified distributions: - Apache Geronimo with Tomcat web container and OpenJPA for persistence. - Apache Geronimo with Jetty web container and OpenJPA for persistence. - Little-G with Tomcat web container, minimal configuration. - Little-G with Jetty web container, minimal configuration. - Geronimo framework, stripped down Geronimo pluggable framework. Note: Non-Certified distributions do not contain a complete Java EE 6 stack and so cannot be certified. Supported features ------------------ - Web applications using servlet 3.0, jsf 2.0, and jsp 2.2. - Web Application Bundles in the OSGi style . - The OSGi/Aries EBA programming model with support for blueprint, - JPA, transactions, and JNDI. - Traditional Java EE apps, including support for JPA 2.0, EJB 3.0, ActiveMQ 5.3.2, and JCA 1.6 Known Issues and Limitations ---------------------------- Geronimo @VERSION@ is a milestone release and should only be used for learning about the upcoming Geronimo 3.0 release with Java EE 6 and OSGi/Aries support and not for any type of production usage... In particular, the following limitations need to be noted: - This release does not include support for Web Services. Web Services support is not a required component for the Java EE 6 Web Profile, which is the focus of the Geronimo 3.0 release. - The OpenEJB version used in this milestone is still largely at the EJB 3.0 support level. - The following components required by the Java EE 6 Web Profile are not yet included in this release: - Java Context and Dependency Injection (JSRs 299 and 330). - Bean Validation (JSR 302) - Managed Beans (JSR 318)