Certified Downloads

Currently, Apache Geronimo has no certified releases.

Milestone Downloads

The following non-certified milestone releases are available. These milestone releases are 'technology demonstrations' and not offered as a J2EE-compatible server.

Release Notes

Milestone 3

Release Date: November 10, 2004

Milestone 2

Release Date: September 09, 2004


As of Milestone 3, we have an installer that you can run to install Geronimo. If you install from the zip file, you can just unzip and go. If you install from the installer, you get a traditional wizard-style interface. The important difference is that the installer lets you change the default ports and administrative login, while the zip install does not.

Milestone 3

Note: The Milestone 3 release did not include an updated README file, and as a result, the instructions included in the README are incorrect. Please use the following:

Milestone 2

Source Code

Milestone 3

Milestone 2