These files have been adapted from the Corba 3.0 specs. New CORBA 3.0 interfaces and types have been commented out to provide the same functionality as in 2.3.1. Note, these files are being used for protocol marshalling (helpers and holders) echo on rem rem To use this in intellij: rem rem 1. Add an external tool called idlj rem program: $JDKPath$/bin/idlj.exe rem parameters: -i $JDKPath$/lib -verbose -pkgPrefix IOP -pkgPrefix GIOP -pkgPrefix IIOP -pkgPrefix CosNaming -td $ProjectFileDir$/genfiles/src $FileName$ rem working directory: $ProjectFileDir$\idl rem rem 2. You can right click on the .idl file and choose idlj to build it. rem rem rem This is the good version of the CORBA stubs/skels rem these files get copied into the d:\org.apache.geronimo.gcc\work\geronimo\corba_container\src rem setlocal set set opts= set opts=-i %java_home%\lib set opts=%opts% -verbose set opts=%opts% -pkgPrefix IOP %pkgprefix% set opts=%opts% -pkgPrefix GIOP %pkgprefix% set opts=%opts% -pkgPrefix IIOP %pkgprefix% set opts=%opts% -pkgPrefix CosNaming %pkgprefix% idlj -td gen %opts% IOP.idl idlj -td gen %opts% GIOP.idl idlj -td gen %opts% IIOP.idl idlj -td gen %opts% CosNaming.idl idlj -td gen %opts% org.apache.geronimo.gcc-rmi-iiop.idl endlocal