====================================================== Apache Geronimo milestone build M1 (Apr 28, 2004) http://wiki.apache.org/geronimo http://incubator.apache.org/geronimo http://incubator.apache.org/projects/geronimo.html ------------------------------------------------------ ___________________ Documentation =================== This README serves as five minute overview of Geronimo, but better documentation can be found here: - http://wiki.apache.org/geronimo/Deployment - http://wiki.apache.org/geronimo/Running Those are wiki pages that will be updated as we collect feedback from this release. ___________________ Release Notes =================== Please read the RELEASE_NOTES for a complete list of thinigs that are not yet functional. We wrote those up to save you time trying to get things to work we know are not implemented. ___________________ Installation =================== If you've downloaded and unpacked a binary distrobution of Geronimo, then you are finished with installation. If you downloaded a source distrobution, then see the BUILDING.txt file for more instructions before continuing any further. ___________________ Geronimo Home =================== The GERONIMO_HOME directory, is the directory where the Geronimo binary was unpacked or the it is the 'target' directory created by Maven from a source distrobution. If you unpacked the binary into the directory C:\incubator-geronimo, for example, than this directory is your GERONIMO_HOME directory. The GERONIMO_HOME directory is refered to in various parts of the documentation, so it's good to remeber where it is. ___________________ Deploying =================== The Geronimo deployment tool is packaged in the executable jar bin/deployer.jar under the GERONIMO_HOME and can be executed like this: C:\incubator-geronimo> java -jar bin\deployer.jar --install --module myDataSource.rar C:\incubator-geronimo> java -jar bin\deployer.jar --install --module myEJB.jar C:\incubator-geronimo> java -jar bin\deployer.jar --install --module myWebapp.war Notice that the deployer.jar is capable of handling a number of different archive types; rar, war, and ejb jar. At this time ear archives are not supported. ___________________ Starting =================== The main server class is also packed in an executable jar, bin/server.jar, and can be ran in a way similar to the deploy tool. C:\incubator-geronimo> java -jar bin\server.jar org/apache/geronimo/DebugConsole I know what you're thinking, "Why does 'bin\server.jar' use back-slashes and 'org/apache/geronimo/DebugConsole' use forward-slashes?" The answer is 'org/apache/geronimo/DebugConsole' is a URI; a unique identifier that Geronimo uses to find the app you want to start. URI's use forward-slashes only, never back-slashes. So, no matter what operating system your on, the URI will always look similar to the one above. ___________________ Support =================== Any problems with this release can be reported to the Geronimo mailing list or Jira issue tracker. Mailing list archive: http://nagoya.apache.org/eyebrowse/SummarizeList?listId=140 Mailing list subscription: geronimo-dev-subscribe@incubator.apache.org Jira: http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/BrowseProject.jspa?id=10220