#Generated by ResourceBundle Editor (http://eclipse-rbe.sourceforge.net) #===================================================================== # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #===================================================================== # $Rev$ $Date$ apache.javaSysNormal.etc = 其它 apache.javaSysNormal.os = 操作系统 apache.javaSysNormal.usr = 用户 apache.javaSysNormal.vm = 虚拟机 apache.jk.ajpPort.networkPort = AJP的网络端口 apache.jk.ajpPort.networkPortExplanation = mod_jk 使用 AJP 的协议和 Geronimo Web 容器交互.现在,你还没有为 Web 容器配置 AJP 监听器。在这里选择一个端口。将会配置一个AJP监听器监听此端口。 apache.jk.ajpPort.title = Apache mod_jk -- AJP端口 apache.jk.config.logFileLocation = mod_jk 日志文件位置 apache.jk.config.logFileLoctionExplanation = mod_jk 把日志文件写到你指定的路径中。这个日志文件路径需要在 Apache 配置中被指定。请选择日志文件的路径。 apache.jk.config.operatingSystem = 操作系统 apache.jk.config.operatingSystemExplanation = 安装mod_jk的过程依赖于具体的操作系统。对一些操作系统,我们提供了专门的指导,而对其它操作系统,你则必须自己安装mod_jk。 apache.jk.config.pathToProperties = workers.properties的路径 apache.jk.config.pathToPropertiesExplanation = mod_jk需要一个workers.properties的文件,用来指明可以在哪些应用服务器在哪些端口通讯等等信息。这个工具将生成workers.properties文件的内容。但是仍然要在Apache配置文件中指向这个文件,所以我们需要知道你打算把这个文件放在哪里。 apache.jk.config.title = Apache mod_jk -- 基本配置 apache.jk.index.frag1 = 这个portlet用于指导你配置Apache的mod_jk模块,从而通过Apache 2 HTTP server访问Geronimo。为此,你需要完成以下步骤: apache.jk.index.frag2 = 回答这里的一些问题,我们将给你一些具体的指导,并为你生成配置信息。 apache.jk.index.getStarted = 开始 apache.jk.index.notes =
