/** * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.geronimo.gbean; import java.beans.Introspector; import java.lang.reflect.Constructor; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Arrays; import org.apache.geronimo.kernel.ClassLoading; import org.apache.geronimo.kernel.Kernel; /** * @version $Rev$ $Date$ */ public class GBeanInfoBuilder { public static GBeanInfoBuilder createStatic(Class gbeanType) { if (gbeanType == null) throw new NullPointerException("gbeanType is null"); return createStatic(gbeanType, gbeanType.getName(), gbeanType, null, null); } public static GBeanInfoBuilder createStatic(Class gbeanType, String j2eeType) { if (gbeanType == null) throw new NullPointerException("gbeanType is null"); return createStatic(gbeanType, gbeanType.getName(), gbeanType, null, j2eeType); } public static GBeanInfoBuilder createStatic(String name, Class gbeanType) { if (gbeanType == null) throw new NullPointerException("gbeanType is null"); return createStatic(gbeanType, name, gbeanType, null, null); } public static GBeanInfoBuilder createStatic(String name, Class gbeanType, String j2eeType) { if (gbeanType == null) throw new NullPointerException("gbeanType is null"); return createStatic(gbeanType, name, gbeanType, null, j2eeType); } public static GBeanInfoBuilder createStatic(Class gbeanType, GBeanInfo source) { if (gbeanType == null) throw new NullPointerException("gbeanType is null"); return createStatic(gbeanType, gbeanType.getName(), gbeanType, source, null); } public static GBeanInfoBuilder createStatic(Class gbeanType, GBeanInfo source, String j2eeType) { if (gbeanType == null) throw new NullPointerException("gbeanType is null"); return createStatic(gbeanType, gbeanType.getName(), gbeanType, source, j2eeType); } public static GBeanInfoBuilder createStatic(String name, Class gbeanType, GBeanInfo source) { if (name == null) throw new NullPointerException("name is null"); if (gbeanType == null) throw new NullPointerException("gbeanType is null"); return createStatic(gbeanType, name, gbeanType, source, null); } // // These methods are used by classes that declare a GBeanInfo for another class // public static GBeanInfoBuilder createStatic(Class sourceClass, Class gbeanType) { if (gbeanType == null) throw new NullPointerException("gbeanType is null"); return createStatic(sourceClass, gbeanType.getName(), gbeanType, null, null); } public static GBeanInfoBuilder createStatic(Class sourceClass, Class gbeanType, String j2eeType) { if (sourceClass == null) throw new NullPointerException("sourceClass is null"); if (gbeanType == null) throw new NullPointerException("gbeanType is null"); return createStatic(sourceClass, gbeanType.getName(), gbeanType, null, j2eeType); } public static GBeanInfoBuilder createStatic(Class sourceClass, Class gbeanType, GBeanInfo source, String j2eeType) { if (sourceClass == null) throw new NullPointerException("sourceClass is null"); if (gbeanType == null) throw new NullPointerException("gbeanType is null"); return createStatic(sourceClass, gbeanType.getName(), gbeanType, source, j2eeType); } public static GBeanInfoBuilder createStatic(Class sourceClass, String name, Class gbeanType, String j2eeType) { if (sourceClass == null) throw new NullPointerException("sourceClass is null"); if (name == null) throw new NullPointerException("name is null"); if (gbeanType == null) throw new NullPointerException("gbeanType is null"); return createStatic(sourceClass, name, gbeanType, null, j2eeType); } public static GBeanInfoBuilder createStatic(Class sourceClass, String name, Class gbeanType, GBeanInfo source, String j2eeType) { if (sourceClass == null) throw new NullPointerException("sourceClass is null"); if (name == null) throw new NullPointerException("name is null"); if (gbeanType == null) throw new NullPointerException("gbeanType is null"); return new GBeanInfoBuilder(sourceClass.getName(), name, gbeanType, source, j2eeType); } public static final String DEFAULT_J2EE_TYPE = "GBean"; //NameFactory.GERONIMO_SERVICE private static final Class[] NO_ARGS = {}; /** * The class from which the info can be retrieved using GBeanInfo.getGBeanInfo(className, classLoader) */ private final String sourceClass; private final String name; private final String j2eeType; private final Class gbeanType; private final Map attributes = new HashMap(); private GConstructorInfo constructor = new GConstructorInfo(); private final Map operations = new HashMap(); private final Map references = new HashMap(); private final Set interfaces = new HashSet(); private int priority = GBeanInfo.PRIORITY_NORMAL; public GBeanInfoBuilder(Class gbeanType) { this(checkNotNull(gbeanType).getName(), gbeanType, null, null); } public GBeanInfoBuilder(Class gbeanType, String j2eeType) { this(checkNotNull(gbeanType).getName(), gbeanType, null, j2eeType); } public GBeanInfoBuilder(String name, Class gbeanType) { this(name, checkNotNull(gbeanType), null, null); } public GBeanInfoBuilder(String name, Class gbeanType, String j2eeType) { this(name, checkNotNull(gbeanType), null, j2eeType); } public GBeanInfoBuilder(Class gbeanType, GBeanInfo source) { this(checkNotNull(gbeanType).getName(), gbeanType, source); } public GBeanInfoBuilder(Class gbeanType, GBeanInfo source, String j2eeType) { this(checkNotNull(gbeanType).getName(), gbeanType, source, j2eeType); } //TODO remove this /** * @deprecated This will be removed in a future release */ public GBeanInfoBuilder(String name, ClassLoader classLoader) { this(checkNotNull(name), loadClass(classLoader, name), GBeanInfo.getGBeanInfo(name, classLoader)); } public GBeanInfoBuilder(String name, Class gbeanType, GBeanInfo source) { this(name, gbeanType, source, null); } public GBeanInfoBuilder(String name, Class gbeanType, GBeanInfo source, String j2eeType) { this(null, name, gbeanType, source, j2eeType); } private GBeanInfoBuilder(String sourceClass, String name, Class gbeanType, GBeanInfo source, String j2eeType) { checkNotNull(name); checkNotNull(gbeanType); this.name = name; this.gbeanType = gbeanType; this.sourceClass = sourceClass; if (source != null) { for (Iterator i = source.getAttributes().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { GAttributeInfo attributeInfo = (GAttributeInfo) i.next(); attributes.put(attributeInfo.getName(), attributeInfo); } for (Iterator i = source.getOperations().iterator(); i.hasNext();) { GOperationInfo operationInfo = (GOperationInfo) i.next(); operations.put(new GOperationSignature(operationInfo.getName(), operationInfo.getParameterList()), operationInfo); } for (Iterator iterator = source.getReferences().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { GReferenceInfo referenceInfo = (GReferenceInfo) iterator.next(); references.put(referenceInfo.getName(), new RefInfo(referenceInfo.getReferenceType(), referenceInfo.getNameTypeName())); } for (Iterator iterator = source.getInterfaces().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { String intf = (String) iterator.next(); interfaces.add(intf); } //in case subclass constructor has same parameters as superclass. constructor = source.getConstructor(); priority = source.getPriority(); } if (j2eeType != null) { this.j2eeType = j2eeType; } else if (source != null) { this.j2eeType = source.getJ2eeType(); } else { this.j2eeType = DEFAULT_J2EE_TYPE; //NameFactory.GERONIMO_SERVICE } // add all interfaces based on GBean type if (gbeanType.isArray()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("GBean is an array type: gbeanType=" + gbeanType.getName()); } Set allTypes = ClassLoading.getAllTypes(gbeanType); for (Iterator iterator = allTypes.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Class type = (Class) iterator.next(); addInterface(type); } } public void setPersistentAttributes(String[] persistentAttributes) { for (int i = 0; i < persistentAttributes.length; i++) { String attributeName = persistentAttributes[i]; GAttributeInfo attribute = (GAttributeInfo) attributes.get(attributeName); if (attribute != null && !references.containsKey(attributeName)) { if (isMagicAttribute(attribute)) { // magic attributes can't be persistent continue; } attributes.put(attributeName, new GAttributeInfo(attributeName, attribute.getType(), true, attribute.isManageable(), attribute.getGetterName(), attribute.getSetterName())); } else { if (attributeName.equals("kernel")) { addAttribute("kernel", Kernel.class, false); } else if (attributeName.equals("classLoader")) { addAttribute("classLoader", ClassLoader.class, false); } else if (attributeName.equals("abstractName")) { addAttribute("abstractName", AbstractName.class, false); } else if (attributeName.equals("objectName")) { addAttribute("obectName", String.class, false); } } } } public void setManageableAttributes(String[] manageableAttributes) { for (int i = 0; i < manageableAttributes.length; i++) { String attributeName = manageableAttributes[i]; GAttributeInfo attribute = (GAttributeInfo) attributes.get(attributeName); if (attribute != null) { attributes.put(attributeName, new GAttributeInfo(attributeName, attribute.getType(), attribute.isPersistent(), true, attribute.getGetterName(), attribute.getSetterName())); } } } private boolean isMagicAttribute(GAttributeInfo attributeInfo) { String name = attributeInfo.getName(); String type = attributeInfo.getType(); return ("kernel".equals(name) && Kernel.class.getName().equals(type)) || ("classLoader".equals(name) && ClassLoader.class.getName().equals(type)) || ("abstractName".equals(name) && AbstractName.class.getName().equals(type)) || ("objectName".equals(name) && String.class.getName().equals(type)); } public void addInterface(Class intf) { addInterface(intf, new String[0]); } //do not use beaninfo Introspector to list the properties. This method is primarily for interfaces, //and it does not process superinterfaces. It seems to really only work well for classes. public void addInterface(Class intf, String[] persistentAttributes) { addInterface(intf, persistentAttributes, new String[0]); } public void addInterface(Class intf, String[] persistentAttributes, String[] manageableAttributes) { Set persistentNames = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(persistentAttributes)); Set manageableNames = new HashSet(Arrays.asList(manageableAttributes)); Method[] methods = intf.getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { Method method = methods[i]; if ("java.lang.Object".equals(method.getDeclaringClass().getName())) continue; if (isGetter(method)) { String attributeName = getAttributeName(method); GAttributeInfo attribute = (GAttributeInfo) attributes.get(attributeName); String attributeType = method.getReturnType().getName(); if (attribute == null) { attributes.put(attributeName, new GAttributeInfo(attributeName, attributeType, persistentNames.contains(attributeName), manageableNames.contains(attributeName), method.getName(), null)); } else { if (!attributeType.equals(attribute.getType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Getter and setter type do not match: " + attributeName + " for gbeanType: " + gbeanType.getName()); } attributes.put(attributeName, new GAttributeInfo(attributeName, attributeType, attribute.isPersistent() || persistentNames.contains(attributeName), attribute.isManageable() || manageableNames.contains(attributeName), method.getName(), attribute.getSetterName())); } } else if (isSetter(method)) { String attributeName = getAttributeName(method); String attributeType = method.getParameterTypes()[0].getName(); GAttributeInfo attribute = (GAttributeInfo) attributes.get(attributeName); if (attribute == null) { attributes.put(attributeName, new GAttributeInfo(attributeName, attributeType, persistentNames.contains(attributeName), manageableNames.contains(attributeName), null, method.getName())); } else { if (!attributeType.equals(attribute.getType())) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Getter and setter type do not match: " + attributeName + " for gbeanType: " + gbeanType.getName()); } attributes.put(attributeName, new GAttributeInfo(attributeName, attributeType, attribute.isPersistent() || persistentNames.contains(attributeName), attribute.isManageable() || manageableNames.contains(attributeName), attribute.getGetterName(), method.getName())); } } else { addOperation(new GOperationInfo(method.getName(), method.getParameterTypes(), method.getReturnType().getName())); } } addInterface(interfaces, intf); } private static void addInterface(Set set, Class intf) { String name = intf.getName(); if(set.contains(name)) { return; } set.add(name); Class cls[] = intf.getInterfaces(); for (int i = 0; i < cls.length; i++) { addInterface(set, cls[i]); } } public void addAttribute(String name, Class type, boolean persistent) { addAttribute(name, type.getName(), persistent, true); } public void addAttribute(String name, String type, boolean persistent) { addAttribute(name, type, persistent, true); } public void addAttribute(String name, Class type, boolean persistent, boolean manageable) { addAttribute(name, type.getName(), persistent, manageable); } public void addAttribute(String name, String type, boolean persistent, boolean manageable) { String getter = searchForGetter(name, type, gbeanType); String setter = searchForSetter(name, type, gbeanType); addAttribute(new GAttributeInfo(name, type, persistent, manageable, getter, setter)); } public void addAttribute(GAttributeInfo info) { attributes.put(info.getName(), info); } public void setConstructor(GConstructorInfo constructor) { assert constructor != null; this.constructor = constructor; List names = constructor.getAttributeNames(); setPersistentAttributes((String[]) names.toArray(new String[names.size()])); } public void setConstructor(String[] names) { constructor = new GConstructorInfo(names); setPersistentAttributes(names); } public void addOperation(GOperationInfo operationInfo) { operations.put(new GOperationSignature(operationInfo.getName(), operationInfo.getParameterList()), operationInfo); } /** * @deprecated */ public void addOperation(String name) { addOperation(new GOperationInfo(name, NO_ARGS, "")); } /** * @deprecated */ public void addOperation(String name, Class[] paramTypes) { addOperation(new GOperationInfo(name, paramTypes, "")); } public void addOperation(String name, String returnType) { addOperation(new GOperationInfo(name, NO_ARGS, returnType)); } public void addOperation(String name, Class[] paramTypes, String returnType) { addOperation(new GOperationInfo(name, paramTypes, returnType)); } public void addReference(GReferenceInfo info) { references.put(info.getName(), new RefInfo(info.getReferenceType(), info.getNameTypeName())); } /** * Add a reference to another GBean or collection of GBeans * @param name the name of the reference * @param type The proxy type of the GBean or objects in a ReferenceCollection * @param namingType the string expected as the type component of the name. For jsr-77 names this is the j2eeType value */ public void addReference(String name, Class type, String namingType) { references.put(name, new RefInfo(type.getName(), namingType)); } public void addReference(String name, Class type) { references.put(name, new RefInfo(type.getName(), null)); } public void setPriority(int priority) { this.priority = priority; } public GBeanInfo getBeanInfo() { // get the types of the constructor args // this also verifies that we have a valid constructor Map constructorTypes = getConstructorTypes(); // build the reference infos now that we know the constructor types Set referenceInfos = new HashSet(); for (Iterator iterator = references.entrySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) { Map.Entry entry = (Map.Entry) iterator.next(); String referenceName = (String) entry.getKey(); RefInfo refInfo = (RefInfo) entry.getValue(); String referenceType = refInfo.getJavaType(); String namingType = refInfo.getNamingType(); String proxyType = (String) constructorTypes.get(referenceName); String setterName = null; if (proxyType == null) { Method setter = searchForSetterMethod(referenceName, referenceType, gbeanType); if (setter == null) { setter = searchForSetterMethod(referenceName, Collection.class.getName(), gbeanType); if (setter == null) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Reference must be a constructor argument or have a setter: name=" + referenceName + " for gbeanType: " + gbeanType); } } proxyType = setter.getParameterTypes()[0].getName(); setterName = setter.getName(); } if (!proxyType.equals(Collection.class.getName()) && !proxyType.equals(referenceType)) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Reference proxy type must be Collection or " + referenceType + ": name=" + referenceName + " for gbeanType: " + gbeanType.getName()); } referenceInfos.add(new GReferenceInfo(referenceName, referenceType, proxyType, setterName, namingType)); } return new GBeanInfo(sourceClass, name, gbeanType.getName(), j2eeType, attributes.values(), constructor, operations.values(), referenceInfos, interfaces, priority); } private Map getConstructorTypes() throws InvalidConfigurationException { List arguments = constructor.getAttributeNames(); String[] argumentTypes = new String[arguments.size()]; boolean[] isReference = new boolean[arguments.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < argumentTypes.length; i++) { String argumentName = (String) arguments.get(i); if (references.containsKey(argumentName)) { argumentTypes[i] = ((RefInfo) references.get(argumentName)).getJavaType(); isReference[i] = true; } else if (attributes.containsKey(argumentName)) { GAttributeInfo attribute = (GAttributeInfo) attributes.get(argumentName); argumentTypes[i] = attribute.getType(); isReference[i] = false; } } Constructor[] constructors = gbeanType.getConstructors(); Set validConstructors = new HashSet(); for (int i = 0; i < constructors.length; i++) { Constructor constructor = constructors[i]; if (isValidConstructor(constructor, argumentTypes, isReference)) { validConstructors.add(constructor); } } if (validConstructors.isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not find a valid constructor for GBean: " + gbeanType.getName()); } if (validConstructors.size() > 1) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException("More then one valid constructors found for GBean: " + gbeanType.getName()); } Map constructorTypes = new HashMap(); Constructor constructor = (Constructor) validConstructors.iterator().next(); Class[] parameterTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes(); Iterator argumentIterator = arguments.iterator(); for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { String parameterType = parameterTypes[i].getName(); String argumentName = (String) argumentIterator.next(); constructorTypes.put(argumentName, parameterType); } return constructorTypes; } private static String searchForGetter(String name, String type, Class gbeanType) throws InvalidConfigurationException { Method getterMethod = null; // no explicit name give so we must search for a name String getterName = "get" + name; String isName = "is" + name; Method[] methods = gbeanType.getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { if (methods[i].getParameterTypes().length == 0 && methods[i].getReturnType() != Void.TYPE && (getterName.equalsIgnoreCase(methods[i].getName()) || isName.equalsIgnoreCase(methods[i].getName()))) { // found it getterMethod = methods[i]; break; } } // if the return type of the getter doesn't match, throw an exception if (getterMethod != null && !type.equals(getterMethod.getReturnType().getName())) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Incorrect return type for getter method:" + " name=" + name + ", targetClass=" + gbeanType.getName() + ", getter type=" + getterMethod.getReturnType() + ", expected type=" + type); } if (getterMethod == null) { return null; } return getterMethod.getName(); } private static String searchForSetter(String name, String type, Class gbeanType) throws InvalidConfigurationException { Method method = searchForSetterMethod(name, type, gbeanType); if (method == null) { return null; } return method.getName(); } private static Method searchForSetterMethod(String name, String type, Class gbeanType) throws InvalidConfigurationException { // no explicit name give so we must search for a name String setterName = "set" + name; Method[] methods = gbeanType.getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { Method method = methods[i]; if (method.getParameterTypes().length == 1 && method.getParameterTypes()[0].getName().equals(type) && method.getReturnType() == Void.TYPE && setterName.equalsIgnoreCase(method.getName())) { return method; } } // a setter is not necessary for this attribute return null; } private static boolean isValidConstructor(Constructor constructor, String[] argumentTypes, boolean[] isReference) { Class[] parameterTypes = constructor.getParameterTypes(); // same number of parameters? if (parameterTypes.length != argumentTypes.length) { return false; } // is each parameter the correct type? for (int i = 0; i < parameterTypes.length; i++) { String parameterType = parameterTypes[i].getName(); if (isReference[i]) { // reference: does type match // OR is it a java.util.Collection // OR is it a java.util.Set? if (!parameterType.equals(argumentTypes[i]) && !parameterType.equals(Collection.class.getName()) && !parameterType.equals(Set.class.getName())) { return false; } } else { // attribute: does type match? if (!parameterType.equals(argumentTypes[i])) { return false; } } } return true; } private String getAttributeName(Method method) { String name = method.getName(); String attributeName = (name.startsWith("get") || name.startsWith("set")) ? name.substring(3) : name.substring(2); attributeName = Introspector.decapitalize(attributeName); return attributeName; } private boolean isSetter(Method method) { return method.getName().startsWith("set") && method.getParameterTypes().length == 1; } private static boolean isGetter(Method method) { String name = method.getName(); return (name.startsWith("get") || name.startsWith("is")) && method.getParameterTypes().length == 0; } /** * Checks whether or not the input argument is null; otherwise it throws * {@link IllegalArgumentException}. * * @param clazz the input argument to validate * @throws IllegalArgumentException if input is null */ private static Class checkNotNull(final Class clazz) { if (clazz == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null argument supplied"); } return clazz; } /** * Checks whether or not the input argument is null; otherwise it throws * {@link IllegalArgumentException}. * * @param string the input argument to validate * @throws IllegalArgumentException if input is null */ private static String checkNotNull(final String string) { if (string == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("null argument supplied"); } return string; } private static Class loadClass(ClassLoader classLoader, String name) { try { return classLoader.loadClass(name); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new InvalidConfigurationException("Could not load class " + name, e); } } private static class RefInfo { private final String javaType; private final String namingType; public RefInfo(String javaType, String namingType) { this.javaType = javaType; this.namingType = namingType; } public String getJavaType() { return javaType; } public String getNamingType() { return namingType; } } }