Release Notes -- Apache Geronimo -- Version 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT Geronimo URLs ------------- Home Page: Downloads: Documentation: Mailing Lists: Source Code: Bug Tracking: Wiki: Documentation ------------- Please see for the latest documentation on this release. System Requirements ------------------- You need a platform that supports the Sun JDK 5.0+ (J2SE 1.5.0+) or greater. Most testing has been done on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows. Geronimo 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT Enhancements ------------------------- Annotation based gbeans - GBean metadata can be specified via annotations rather than static code blocks. In addition, collection-valued annotated constructor arguments support both plain and wildcard generics. Improvements to plugin generation and custom server assemblies - The car-maven-plugin now follows maven transitive dependencies by default. This greatly simplifies including all needed jars and cars into a custom server assembly. Clustering Support - WADI can now be used to support clustering of stateful seesion beans as well as web applications. - As an alternative to the deployment-based clustering support, the set of plugins deployed in a cluster can now be centrally managed. In this scheme, cluster membership is maintained through a multicast heartbeat, and plugin-plugin-list and plugin-list-cluster association is tracked in a database. - Stateless session bean failover support ActiveMQ 5.4.1 - We have upgraded to the latest released ActiveMQ version. The ActiveMQ broker is now configured through the native activemq/xbean/spring native xml. Jetty 7 - Jetty support is upgraded to Jetty 7 from the eclipse foundation. This includes considerable amounts of servlet 3.0 functionality, and JASPIC support. Tomcat - The Tomcat server is now configured through native server.xml configuration files rather than gbeans. JASPIC support (jsr-196) - Both the jetty and tomcat servers include tck-compliant support for the jsr-196 JASPIC specification servlet profile. This enables standards-based integration of authentication protocols such as openId, SPNEGO, and various SSO providers into container-managed authentication. App-independent principal-role mapping - principal-role mapping can be configured independently of an application and used by reference. Improvements to console menu navigation. - The menu tree could be collapsed/expanded - A quick launcher box is added for user to quick access a menu item. Geronimo 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT Issues Resolved ------------------------------ ** New Feature * [GERONIMO-5516] - Add isAdvanced properties to AdminConsoleExtensionGBean * [GERONIMO-5156] - Command line utility to unlock a keystore and private key * [GERONIMO-5044] - Prepared Statement Cache to be made available in Informix XA tranql RA * [GERONIMO-5027] - Redeploy option for farming * [GERONIMO-4535] - Alternate Node Discovery for Plugin Based Farming ** Improvement * [GERONIMO-5696] - Add db2 for iSeries tranql xa connector to server * [GERONIMO-5668] - Use fewer acceptor threads for Jetty * [GERONIMO-5533] - Upgrade to Tomcat 6.0.29 * [GERONIMO-5532] - Add overrrides options to geronimo-maven-plugin start-server goal * [GERONIMO-5504] - Add "overrides" and "overriDir" parameters to geronimo-maven-plugin start-server goal * [GERONIMO-5444] - Add slight delay during async startup of ActiveMQ * [GERONIMO-5373] - Enable previous released geronimo 2.2 plugins installable on G 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT * [GERONIMO-5354] - Support configuration from openejb portlet for added attributes of stateless ejb container. * [GERONIMO-5277] - Update CXF to 2.1.9 , Update myfaces to 1.28 * [GERONIMO-5244] - Upgrade to AMQ 5.3.1 * [GERONIMO-5206] - Assembly may start failed when server-security-config car is not assembled * [GERONIMO-5193] - Upgrade DOJO from 1.3.2 to 1.4.2 in 22 branch and trunk. * [GERONIMO-5148] - Remove the dependency of clustering over JMXConnector * [GERONIMO-5122] - Upgrade Tomcat to 6.0.26 * [GERONIMO-4977] - EN/Simp.Chinese UI information improvement for Console * [GERONIMO-4637] - Need documents on how to replace default file realm in Geronimo * [GERONIMO-4593] - Upgrade to OpenJPA 1.2.2 * [GERONIMO-4583] - Remove obsolete plugins from plugins group * [GERONIMO-4363] - Update plugin metadata (especially category) to represent function of a plugin * [GERONIMO-4296] - Start Derby NetworkServerControl with credentials to prevent unauthorized shutdowns * [GERONIMO-4238] - JMX over SSL improvements * [GERONIMO-3003] - Encrypt password strings in deployment plans * [GERONIMO-2593] - Document Javamail Session creation and usage ** Bug * [GERONIMO-5706] - When derby authentication is disabled, DB manager portlet run SQL error: Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Schema 'DBADMIN' does not exist * [GERONIMO-5684] - Some txmanager Timers are not being created as daemon threads * [GERONIMO-5672] - Overriding an env-entry in geronimo-web.xml fails with a DeploymentException * [GERONIMO-5660] - Shutdown of server with asyncStartup of ActiveMQ can hang * [GERONIMO-5649] - txmanager could try to replace dead XAResources in commit and rollback tasks * [GERONIMO-5648] - txmanager rollback needs retry scheduler too * [GERONIMO-5640] - Qualified web resource permission for each role should be calculated based its own url set * [GERONIMO-5638] - Remove the encrypt(String) method in ConfiguredEncryption * [GERONIMO-5612] - Filter no permission functions for built-in user "monitor" * [GERONIMO-5590] - startup script does not consume --help option * [GERONIMO-5578] - incorrect behaviour of security-constraint configuration in web.xml * [GERONIMO-5563] - Clicking on application URL in console opens app in the console frame with controls truncated. * [GERONIMO-5558] - Transaction Commit status is not configured correctly * [GERONIMO-5548] - Default user "monitor" can't login admin console in Geronimo_3.0_trunk * [GERONIMO-5535] - jms-mdb sample contains too many jar files * [GERONIMO-5534] - AccessTimeout warning during server startup. * [GERONIMO-5530] - NullPointerException during MDB deployment * [GERONIMO-5519] - Transaction recovery might commit the wrong branch on an XAResource * [GERONIMO-5501] - Support recovery of inbound xaresources in openejb * [GERONIMO-5469] - Add EJB cluster testsuite * [GERONIMO-5455] - "No instances available in Stateless Session Bean pool" error when call ejb in EJB singlepoint cluster * [GERONIMO-5452] - PersistenceUnitBuilder cannot find persistence.xml on inPlace deployments * [GERONIMO-5446] - "ERROR [EjbModuleImpl] Module does not exist." when start MEJB module * [GERONIMO-5441] - Update openejb pool JMX attributes * [GERONIMO-5426] - AMQPeristentAdapter reported errors when setup activemq share file system master/slave * [GERONIMO-5424] - Encrypt truststore pass for tomcat web ssl connector * [GERONIMO-5419] - Console testsuite has failures with Tomcat assembly * [GERONIMO-5418] - Console testsuite failures are caused by the new DOJO navigation tree * [GERONIMO-5401] - Geronimo encrypts empty passwords * [GERONIMO-5387] - Update the spring framework to fix Spring framework CVE-2010-1622 vulnerability. * [GERONIMO-5384] - Geronimo console doesn't seem to handle % in sql statements right. * [GERONIMO-5383] - CVE-2010-1632 and CVE-2010-2076: Axis2 and CXF HTTP binding enables DTD based XML attacks. * [GERONIMO-5382] - Enable the max permsize configuration in geronimo-maven-plugin * [GERONIMO-5376] - OpenEJB failover failed * [GERONIMO-5372] - Linux cann't grap file lock from windows but windows can grap share file lock from linux * [GERONIMO-5371] - Connection refused when change ServerHostName attribute to short hostname * [GERONIMO-5370] - ActiveMQ: After failover, messages will not be delivered to MessageEndpoint * [GERONIMO-5369] - Geronimo 2.2.2-SNAPSHOT start failed on jdk 1.5.22, but successfully on JDK 1.6 * [GERONIMO-5368] - Search failed when find text in debug views * [GERONIMO-5364] - "HTTP Status 400 - XSSXSRFFilter blocked HttpServletRequest due to invalid FORM content" error * [GERONIMO-5358] - NPE "Error deploying 'ejb/mgmt/MEJB'." when starting geronimo server. * [GERONIMO-5357] - Run ActiveMQ 5.4 in Geronimo 2.2? * [GERONIMO-5356] - EJB Client can access a stopped EJB Node * [GERONIMO-5349] - Update attribute in g221 sample branch pom.xml * [GERONIMO-5348] - Fail to install plugin from Geronimo2.2.2-SNAPSHOT Sample Plugin URL * [GERONIMO-5347] - Upgrade selenium to support latest version browsers in testsuite. * [GERONIMO-5341] - (master node)NODE-A's Web Application page in Console doesn't display the app(cviewer) which has been deployed. * [GERONIMO-5339] - cannot assign instance of org.apache.catalina.tribes.UniqueId to field org.codehaus.wadi.tribes.TribesPeer.uniqueId of type org.apache.catalina.tribes.UniqueId error when deploy wadi based session bean cluster to tomcat build. * [GERONIMO-5332] - More changes needed in geronimo openejb modules after upgrading openejb to 3.1.3-snapshot. * [GERONIMO-5330] - env-entry values should not be trimmed * [GERONIMO-5325] - iframe causes some portlets display incorrectly * [GERONIMO-5324] - the "Console navigation" is always displayed in Chinese although the browser language has been set to English-US * [GERONIMO-5312] - support asynchronous start of ActiveMQ BrokerService * [GERONIMO-5303] - Improve metadata of encrypt command * [GERONIMO-5274] - Deploy New/Install New Application portlet needs some love to help out newbies * [GERONIMO-5254] - The ActiveMQ XML configuration is incorrect regarding memoryUsage limit * [GERONIMO-5243] - '/activemq-console does not require admin authentication * [GERONIMO-5204] - var/security/keystores seems to be a required directory, but is not being created for custom assemblies * [GERONIMO-5200] - high cpu load, probably result of concurrent access of resourcesNotFound in MultiParentClassLoader * [GERONIMO-5192] - Changeing http port to 80 causes a port in use exception in the RMI service * [GERONIMO-5180] - Deployer unlockKeystore command cannot be utilized if keystore is created through Java provided KeyTool * [GERONIMO-5177] - Removing an entry from the Repository results in NullPointerException * [GERONIMO-5167] - " ERROR [JNDIReferenceFactory] null" when I deploy new JMS Resource Group for Active MQ * [GERONIMO-5163] - Admin console assemble server problems * [GERONIMO-5161] - OpenEJB is starting an ejbds listener which is not currently controlled by geronimo * [GERONIMO-5155] - Locking a keystore under "Available" results in exception * [GERONIMO-5154] - system property overrides to does not work for activemq.xml * [GERONIMO-5152] - Transaction manager doesn't retry stuff that might work later * [GERONIMO-5150] - Connection pool idleReleaser should not expand the number of permits * [GERONIMO-5146] - Geronimo should provide a default encrypted password for trustStore and keyStore * [GERONIMO-5125] - Enable connecting to a ldap server anonymously on console * [GERONIMO-5124] - No actions for JMS Resouces * [GERONIMO-5055] - Informix tranql XA 1.2 snapshot leads to weird admin console * [GERONIMO-5043] - Informix IFX_XASPEC property to be made available to set through Administrative Console * [GERONIMO-5039] - Informix Lock Mode Wait property * [GERONIMO-5036] - [OpenEJB] Unable to clear Sun JarFileFactory cache: warning after upgrading to Sun JDK 1.6.0 u18 * [GERONIMO-5032] - Procrun issue: windows service is stoped when user log off console session * [GERONIMO-5020] - "JACC manager gbean already present" deploymentException stop car-maven-plugin to generate valid geronimo plugin car * [GERONIMO-5015] - The testsuite is not working. * [GERONIMO-5013] - ConcurrentModificationException in MultiParentClassLoader.getResource() * [GERONIMO-5011] - EJB Web Service security not working at all in G 2.2 * [GERONIMO-5010] - Transport confifential not working, 403 instead of 302 HTTP headers returned * [GERONIMO-4997] - Can not connect to a ldap server in an anonymous way * [GERONIMO-4991] - Update AXIS2 stack to 1.5.1 * [GERONIMO-4983] - In debug mode Properties file login module reurns loginsucceeded as true for non existent users and null password * [GERONIMO-4968] - Problemastic OS check in Windows startup command * [GERONIMO-4957] - javax.el.CompositeELResolver is not thread-safe * [GERONIMO-4945] - Unable to deploy ejb with custom annotation * [GERONIMO-4944] - Deploying an EAR with security tries to create a new JACCManager * [GERONIMO-4898] - can't install app-per-port sample using deploy/install-plugin command * [GERONIMO-4896] - Commands to a Secure JMX Connector require the SSL keyStorePassword to be specified on command line * [GERONIMO-4892] - Farm Deployment Error if deploy more than one applications * [GERONIMO-4871] - Something blocking 'kill -3' signals? * [GERONIMO-4866] - G22 doc bugs: tutorial part * [GERONIMO-4844] - There is an error after undeploy the application and deploy the application again when configure WADI clustering, * [GERONIMO-4801] - it says "JACC manager gbean already present" when i deploy PlantsByWebSphere sample * [GERONIMO-4800] - Wrong information when run deploy.bat install-plugin command * [GERONIMO-4792] - deploy --inPlace - wrong error message for non-existing folders * [GERONIMO-4738] - ejb ws report authorization failures as 500 internal server error * [GERONIMO-4608] - when reading ejb response * [GERONIMO-4446] - ServletRequestAttributeListener does not work with G Jetty 2.1.3, works with G Tomcat 2.1.3 * [GERONIMO-4329] - plan create for web app doesn't work if app contains compiled jsps * [GERONIMO-4157] - Generating plan for EAR on minimal install leads to Null Pointer Exception ** Task * [GERONIMO-5707] - Document the usage of derby authentication and possible problems during updgrade * [GERONIMO-5127] - login module for spnego support in geronimo ** Sub-task * [GERONIMO-5589] - Display basic set of navigation items in a list instead of a tree * [GERONIMO-5573] - Fix console-testsuite for Geroniom-4950 change * [GERONIMO-5328] - deployment-testsuite/jca-cms-tests has failures * [GERONIMO-5315] - concurrent-testsuite/concurrent-basic has failures in the build console output * [GERONIMO-5314] - commands-testsuite/jaxws test failures * [GERONIMO-5218] - The portlets page in iframe height is limited in debug view, so that some content is not visible when expanding the tree in debug view. * [GERONIMO-5217] - History.back and History.forward is not working correctly after change the console navigation to ajax. * [GERONIMO-5132] - In debug mode Properties file login module reurns loginsucceeded as true for non existent users and null password GERONIMO-4983 * [GERONIMO-5131] - Retrieving group information from Active Directory server for authorization in Spnego * [GERONIMO-5130] - Documentation for using Spnego with geronimo * [GERONIMO-5128] - login module for spnego support in geronimo ** Test Certification Status -------------------- Apache Geronimo v2.2.2-SNAPSHOT has passed 100% of SUN's Java Enterprise Edition 5.0 Certification Test Suite. See "Distributions" for further details. Distributions ------------- Apache Geronimo v2.2.2-SNAPSHOT is available in five distributions so you can pick the one that best fits your environment. The available distributions are as follows: Certified distributions: - Apache Geronimo with Tomcat web container, AXIS2 for Web Services and OpenJPA for persistence. - Apache Geronimo with Jetty web container, CXF for Web Services and OpenJPA for persistence. Non-Certified distributions: - Little-G with Tomcat web container, minimal configuration. - Little-G with Jetty web container, minimal configuration. - Geronimo framework, stripped down Geronimo pluggable framework. Note: Non-Certified distributions do not contain a complete JavaEE5 stack and so cannot be certified. Certified distributions can be reconfigured by the user (such as Tomcat web container with CXF for Web Services). Supported features ------------------ All programming elements of the Java EE 5.0 Specification are available. Known Issues and Limitations ---------------------------- ** Bug GERONIMO-5635 corrupt JobSchedulerStore can cause server restart to fail GERONIMO-5142 runtime errors if JAVA_HOME or JRE_HOME is not specified GERONIMO-5052 Re-enable Single Sign On for G2.2 with Tomcat GERONIMO-4901 Shutting down Geronimo destroys pending Timers GERONIMO-4494 Add and remove connectors for broker do not work