Private Build of commons-httpclient for Geronimo. How to build commons-httpclient 3.0.1-G20111008: --------------------------------- Checkout the commons-httpclient 3.0.1 tag svn co Apply the patches ----------------- cd HTTPCLIENT_3_0_1 patch -p0 -i HTTPCLIENT-644.patch Build commons-httpclient 3.0.1-G20111008 --------------- cd HTTPCLIENT_3_0_1 ant dist Notes: - Use Sun 1.5.x and Maven 2.0.9 build. Patch Information ----------------- HTTPCLIENT-644.patch - Support to configure max header count and max line length property To make the life easier, and avoid updating those client codes (e.g. Axis2 1.3 etc.). These two options could be configured while starting the server, -Dhttp.connection.max-line-length=100 -Dhttp.connection.max-header-count=10 Copy patched jar files to appropriate locations ----------------------------------------------- cd HTTPCLIENT_3_0_1 cp dist/commons-httpclient.jar /repository/commons-httpclient/commons-httpclient/3.0.1-G20111008/commons-httpclient-3.0.1-G20111008.jar