#===================================================================== # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more # contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with # this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. # The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 # (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with # the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. #===================================================================== plancreator.archive.archive = Archive plancreator.archive.archiveErr = The archive you provided is not a WAR. Please note that only WARs are supported as of now. plancreator.archive.config = Configure plancreator.common.action = Action plancreator.common.add = Add plancreator.common.addPort = AddPort plancreator.common.cancel = Cancel plancreator.common.class = Class plancreator.common.del = Delete plancreator.common.edit = Edit plancreator.common.finish = Finish plancreator.common.host = Host plancreator.common.id = Id plancreator.common.name = Name plancreator.common.next = Next plancreator.common.port = Port plancreator.common.portName = Port Name plancreator.common.previous = Previous plancreator.common.protocol = Protocol plancreator.common.type = Type plancreator.common.uri = URI plancreator.common.url = URL plancreator.dependency.dependency = Dependencies plancreator.dependency.desc = All the modules available in the server repository are shown below. Select the ones on which your web-application is dependent. Default selections should be sufficient in most scenarios. plancreator.dependency.title = WAR - Dependencies -- Select the dependencies your Web Application has on other Modules plancreator.dependency.tree = Dependencies tree goes here plancreator.deploy.deploy = Deploy WAR plancreator.deploy.desc = The generated Geronimo Deployment Plan is shown below in an edit box. If you would like to make any changes (default should be enough in most scenarios), do it now and then press "Deploy WAR" to deploy the Web application. plancreator.deploy.plan = Deployment Plan plancreator.deploy.title = Created Plan -- Copy/Edit Deployment Plan plancreator.env.artifactId = Artifact Id plancreator.env.artifactIdDesc = A name identifying the specific module within the group. plancreator.env.checked = CHECKED plancreator.env.classpathSetting = Classpath Settings plancreator.env.context = Web Context Root plancreator.env.contextDesc = This is the first part of the URL used to access the Web application by the client. For example, if the context-root is entered as "HelloWorld", then a typical URL to the application would start with "http://host:port/HelloWorld/". plancreator.env.desc = Defaults in this page should suffice for typical scenarios. plancreator.env.groupId = Group Id plancreator.env.groupIdDesc = A name identifying a group of related modules. This may be a project name, a company name, etc. The important thing is that each artifactID should be unique within the group. plancreator.env.hiddenClasses = Hidden Classes plancreator.env.hiddenClassesDesc = List packages or classes that may be in a parent class loader, but should not be exposed from there to the Web application. This is typically used when the Web plication wants to use a different version of a library than that of it's parent configuration (or Geronimo itself) uses. Separate multiple package/class names with a semicolon ';' plancreator.env.id = Web Application Identity plancreator.env.idDesc = Every module in Geronimo is uniquely identified by it's ModuleID which consists of four components: groupId/artifactId/version/type. Example: "org.apache.geronimo.plugins/plancreator-tomcat/2.1/car". plancreator.env.inverseClassLoading = Inverse Class Loading plancreator.env.inverseClassLoadingDesc = Normally (if this element is not checked), the module's class loader will work normally - classes will be loaded from the parent class loader if available before checking the current class loader. If this element is checked, that behavior is reversed and the current class loader will always be checked first before looking in the parent class loader. This is often enabled to give the JARs in WEB-INF/lib precedence over anything that might be in a parent class loader. plancreator.env.nonOverridableClass = Non Overridable Classes plancreator.env.nonOverridableClassDesc = List packages or classes that the Web application should always load from a parent class loader, and never load from WEB-INF/lib or WEB-INF/classes. This might be used to force a Web application to share the same instance of a common library with other Web applications, even if they each include it in their own WAR. Separate multiple package/class names with a semicolon ';' plancreator.env.title = WAR - Environment -- Configure Web Application Identity and Class Path plancreator.env.type = Type plancreator.env.typeDesc = A module's type is normally either CAR (for a system module) or the file extension for an application module (ear,war,jar,etc). plancreator.env.version = Version plancreator.env.versionDesc = Version number for the module. plancreator.reference.desc = Map the references declared in your Web application to specific items available in the server environment. References declared in your web-app (ex. EJB, EJB Local, JDBC Connection Pool, JavaMail Session, JMS Connection Factory and JMS Destination references) are shown below to the left and the resources (available in the server environment) to which they can be linked are shown to the right. plancreator.reference.editor = Editors for references go here plancreator.reference.ejbDeployed = EJBs Deployed plancreator.reference.ejbLocalRef = EJB Local Ref plancreator.reference.ejbLocalReference = EJB Local References plancreator.reference.ejbRef = EJB Ref plancreator.reference.ejbReference = EJB References plancreator.reference.javamail = Mail Sessions Available plancreator.reference.javamailRef = Mail Session Ref plancreator.reference.javamailReference = JavaMail Session References plancreator.reference.jdbc = JDBC Pools plancreator.reference.jdbcRef = JDBC Ref plancreator.reference.jdbcReference = JDBC Pool References plancreator.reference.jms = JMS Destinations plancreator.reference.jmsConn = JMS Factories plancreator.reference.jmsConnRef = JMS Ref plancreator.reference.jmsConnReference = JMS Connection Factory References plancreator.reference.jmsRef = JMS Ref plancreator.reference.jmsReference = JMS Destination References plancreator.reference.resolveErr = Some of the references are not resolved. Please resolve them and only then press Next button. plancreator.reference.title = WAR - References -- Resolve EJB, EJB Local, JDBC Connection Pool, JavaMail Session, JMS Connection Factory, JMS Destination and Web Service References plancreator.reference.tree = EAR tree goes here plancreator.reference.wsDesc = Service references declared in your application are shown below to the left. If the WSDL doesn't contain the port information to contact the service or if that information is ambiguous, then resolve the service-ref by clicking on "Add Port". plancreator.reference.wsRef = Service Ref Name plancreator.reference.wsReference = Web Service References plancreator.security.advancedSetting = Advanced Settings plancreator.security.advancedSettingDesc = Click Advanced Settings to enable specifying run-as-subject plancreator.security.credenitial = Credentials plancreator.security.credenitialName = Credentials Name plancreator.security.credentialStore = Credential Store plancreator.security.credentialStoreSelection = Select the Credential Store which has the defaultSubject and runAsSubjects defined. plancreator.security.desc = Map security roles declared in web.xml deployment descriptor to specific users or groups in the security realms configured in Geronimo. You can also specify a default user or group to be used when the end user has not yet logged in. plancreator.security.distinguishedName = Distinguished Name plancreator.security.doAsCurrentCaller = Do as current caller plancreator.security.doAsCurrentCallerDesc = Select this if the work is to be performed as the calling Subject/User instead of as Server. plancreator.security.domainName = Domain Name plancreator.security.domainNameErr = Please enter a domain name for this role plancreator.security.groupPrincipal = Group Principal plancreator.security.loginDomainPrincipal = Login Domain Principal plancreator.security.principal = Principal plancreator.security.realm = Realm plancreator.security.realmName = Realm-name plancreator.security.realmPrincipal = Realm Principal plancreator.security.role = Role plancreator.security.roleMapping = Security Role Mappings plancreator.security.roleMappingDesc = Security roles declared in web.xml are shown below to the left. Map them to specific principals present in Geronimo's security realms by adding Principals, Login Domain Principals, Realm Principals and/or Distinguished Names. plancreator.security.roleMappingErr = Please enter a unique principal name for this role plancreator.security.roleTree = Security roles tree plancreator.security.runAsSubjectDesc = The run-as-subject is required when the module is to continue as if run by the specified subject when constrained to the specified role. plancreator.security.runAsSubjectsTree = Run-as-subjects tree plancreator.security.securityRealmName = Security Realm Name plancreator.security.securityRealmNameDesc = Select the Geronimo security realm that will authenticate user logins. plancreator.security.specifyRunAsSubject = Specify run-as-subject plancreator.security.subject = Default Subject plancreator.security.subjectDesc = The defaultSubject is used whenever an unauthenticated user accesses an unsecured page. Typically, this is used so that an unsecured page can access a secured resource, a secured EJB for example. Realm is the realm name of the default subject and Id is the default subject's name within that realm. plancreator.security.title = WAR - Security -- Specify Security Realm and Role Mappings plancreator.security.useContextHandler = Use context handler plancreator.security.useContextHandlerDesc = Select this if the installed JACC policy contexts should use PolicyContextHandlers. plancreator.security.userPrincipal = User Principal plancreator.status.detail = Show full details plancreator.status.launch = Launch Web App