Geronimo Roller 4.0 plugin Build instructions: Check out Roller 4.0 svn checkout roller_4.0 From the roller_4.0 root directory issue 'ant mvn-get' this will fetch and install the maven task maven-ant-tasks-2.0.7.jar into your roller_4.0/tools directory. You need to issue this command ones before using maven from ant. To build Roller and install the roller artifacts needed by this plugin into your local maven repository issue 'ant mvn-install' From the roller plugin root directory issue 'mvn' to do a top level build of the plugin. Now start Geronimo (2.1) and go to the plugins page in the admin console, add your local maven repo as a plugin repo, search for plugins, and install the roller-jetty plugin (if you are geronimo-jetty) it will simultaneous pull in the derby database plugin. Accessing roller at this point for instance via the /roller link in "Application" -->> "Web App WARs" will initiate rollers automatic installation function that will set up the roller derby database and you will be up and running using the derby database. Roller with MySql Licensing: MySQL is Licensed under the GPL license: and also under a FLOSS exception: Neither of these license terms are compatible with the goals of the ASF. The mysql-connector-java jar should not be needed to build the roller-mysql-database plugin (it is marked as an optional dependency) but for unknown reasons it is currently downloaded during the build. The only purpose of including the dependency in the pom is to get it into the geronimo plugin dependency list. The mysql-connector-java jar is listed as a prerequisite of the roller-mysql-database plugin. This has the effect of requiring the user to install the mysql jar themselves into their geronimo server before installing the roller-mysql-database plugin. The licensing issues are explained in text in the prerequisite specification. Roller with MySql Setup: At any time you can start using mysql as database back-end by installing the roller-mysql plugin module. Before installing the roller-mysql plugin create a empty mysql database called 'roller' with the user 'roller' and password 'roller'. After installing the roller-mysql plugin you may need to restart roller for the database change to take effect this can be done from Geronimos console via "Application" -->> "Web App WARs". Accessing /roller at this point will initiate rollers automatic installation function and populate the newly installed roller mysql database.