(C) Copyright 2009 The Apache Software Foundation. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- This is a version of daytrader which is able to running on a server which has only web container, for example, Tomcat. Compared with the full version of Daytrader, these features are removed from this version: 1. EJB 3 with CMP and JPA 2. Web Service Access 3. The application clients, such as streamer and wsappclient. BUILD Build from the root of daytrader source code tree: $ mvn install INSTALL To Tomcat 6: By default, it uses Derby database. You can change src/main/webapp/META-INF/context.xml to use other database vendor. Remember that copying database jdbc drivers to tomcat lib directory. After building, just deploy the .war file in the target directory to tomcat with context root /daytrader. To Little-G: Of course, it works as well as on Little-G with Tomcat 6. Before deploying it to Little-G, you need to deploy a datasource first. File "daytrader-datasource-plan.xml" has Derby as an example. You can follow these steps to deploy it to Little-G: 1. Start Little-G, and install System Database module from online plugin repositories $ /bin/deploy.sh search-plugins http://geronimo.apache.org/plugins/geronimo-2.2/ Choose "Geronimo Plugins, System Database :: System Database" to install 2. After successfully installed System Database module, deploy the sample datasource: $ /bin/deploy.sh deploy \ /repository/org/tranql/tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa/1.4/tranql-connector-derby-embed-xa-1.4.rar \ /plugins/daytrader-derby-datasource/target/work/plan.xml 3. Deploy .war file $ /bin/deploy.sh deploy UNINSTALL On Tomcat 6: Just remove daytrader folder from /webapps. On Little-G: $ /bin/deploy.sh undeploy org.apache.geronimo.daytrader.assemblies.web/daytrader-web-jdbc/2.2/war