dojo.provide("dojotrader.widget.QuickQuote"); dojo.require("dojo.widget.*"); dojo.require("dojo.widget.ValidationTextbox"); dojo.require("dojo.widget.HtmlWidget"); dojo.require("dojotrader.widget.BaseDaytraderPane"); dojo.widget.defineWidget( "dojotrader.widget.QuickQuote", [dojo.widget.HtmlWidget, dojotrader.widget.BaseDaytraderPane], { templatePath: dojo.uri.dojoUri("/dojotrader/widget/templates/HtmlQuickQuote.html"), widgetType: "QuickQuote", label: "Quick Quote", historySize: 6, _symbolTextBox: null, fillInTemplate: function(args, frag) { var ref = dojo.widget.createWidget("Button", {caption: "Get Quote"}, this.buttonNode); dojo.event.connect(ref, "onClick", this, "getQuickQuote"); this._symbolTextBox = dojo.widget.createWidget("ValidationTextBox", {type: "text", validation: "false", size: "5"}, this.textBoxNode); }, postCreate: function(){; }, getQuickQuote: function() { var symbol = this._symbolTextBox.getValue(); // determine if the symbol is already in the list var table = this.qqQuotesTable; var inTable = table.innerHTML.indexOf(">" + symbol + "<"); if (symbol != "" && inTable == -1) {{ method: "GET", //url: "/proxy/SoapProxy/getQuote?p1=" + symbol.value + "&format=json", url: "/daytraderProxy/doProxy/getQuote?p1=" + symbol, mimetype: "text/json", load: dojo.lang.hitch(this,this.handleQuickQuote), error: dojo.lang.hitch(this,this.handleError), useCache: false, preventCache: true }); } }, handleQuickQuote: function(type, data, evt) { // unhide the table if ( == "none") = ""; // add the information to the table var row = this.qqQuotesTable.insertRow(1); cell = row.insertCell(0); this.appendTextNode(cell, data.getQuoteReturn.symbol); cell = row.insertCell(1); this.appendTextNode(cell, "$" + data.getQuoteReturn.price); cell = row.insertCell(2); this.appendTextNode(cell, data.getQuoteReturn.change); cell = row.insertCell(3); this.appendTextNode(cell, data.getQuoteReturn.volume); // handle the table style and history if (this.qqQuotesTable.rows.length == 2) { row.className = "row-even"; } else { var prev = this.qqQuotesTable.rows[2]; if (prev.className == "row-even") row.className = "row-odd"; else row.className = "row-even"; } if (this.qqQuotesTable.rows.length > this.historySize + 1) { this.qqQuotesTable.deleteRow(this.qqQuotesTable.rows.length - 1); } } } );