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History of Changes


Introduction and explanation of symbols

Changes are sorted by "type" and then chronologically with the most recent at the top. These symbols denote the various action types:add=add

Version 0.1 (not-released)

Changes to Project Administration

  • add Initial plugin code. Committed by TS.
  • add Adding paginator transformer. The pagination will add something like this to the stream: <paginator found="17" start="0" rows="10" pages="2"> <page id="1" queryString="q=forrest&amp;hl=true&amp;rows=10&amp;version=2.2&amp;indent=on&amp;hl.fl=content&amp;fl=id,title&amp;Search=Search&amp;start=0" current="true"/> <page id="2" queryString="q=forrest&amp;hl=true&amp;rows=10&amp;version=2.2&amp;indent=on&amp;hl.fl=content&amp;fl=id,title&amp;Search=Search&amp;start=10"/> </paginator> Committed by TS.
  • add Initial plugin code. Committed by TS.
  • add Grouping all plugin specific contracts and hooks as tiles. Committed by TS.
  • add Excluding the solr-actionbar contract when in crawler mode. Committed by TS.

Contributors to this release

We thank the following people for their contributions to this release.

This is a list of all people who participated as committers:
Thorsten Scherler (TS).

All Committers

This is a list of all people who have ever participated as committers on this project.

  • Thorsten Scherler (TS)
  • Volunteer needed (open)