Apache Forrest > Plugins
Plugin: projectInfo input
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Release Notes for Plugin: projectInfo input 0.1

PluginInfo 0.1

This plugin encapsulates and extends functionality that was originally in Forrest Core. With the advent of plugins in Forrest 0.7 we extracted the functionality for generating changes.xml and todo.xml from the status.xml file. It is intended that this functionality be extended further within this plugin.

In fact, we have already extended the functionality in a couple of important ways. See the changelog for more details.

Major Changes in Version 0.1

This is not a complete list of changes, just some of the more important ones. A full list of changes in this release is available.

Changes to the Code Base

  • add Add projectDetails page using the DOAP.xml descriptor. Committed by RDG.
  • add Added automatic generation of release notes by requesting **/releaseNotes_VERSION-NUMBER.xml Committed by RDG.
  • add Enable the generation of changes for a specific version by requesting **/changes_VERSION-NUMBER.xml Committed by RDG.
  • update Move ToDo and Changes pipelines to this plugin, from core. Committed by RDG.

Changes to Design

  • add Added optional "notes" element to "release" element of status 1.3 DTD. This will be inserted into the release notes for that version. Committed by RDG.

Changes to Documentation

  • add Basic documentation on how to create release notes are now included on the plugins documentation index page. Committed by RDG.