Apache Forrest > Plugins
Plugin: Excel input
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Table with figures

This is already a more complex example. It uses tables, figures and text for tables as well as an initial descriptive paragraph (Comment in Excel File Properties).

Example table

Example table
1abc12this is a comment
2def24another comment
figureimages/test.pngThis will become the Figure's caption
textThere may be additional descriptive text at the beginning of each section.
textYou may add more than one paragraph and may use Excel features here like joining cells and line break for cells. Expecially useful if you write a lot of text. Just make sure your text starts in the second column.

Some Shop

Some Shop
anything2no comment/home/user/store
what else3nothing/root
what's up4nil/tmp
figureimages/shop.jpgCaption must be in column D!
textThis is a mere Example and does not resemble the structure of any real world shop.
textThe screenshot was taken from the web.