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How to create a PDF document for each tab

This How-To describes the generation of a PDF document for each group of documents that is defined by a tab.
This is documentation for past version v0.6 (More)

Intended Audience

Users who need to generate one printable document aggregated from a group of documents.


By default Forrest generates a pdf file for each separate document of your project. As well you can create a pdf of the whole site. But sometimes it may be necessary to generate a pdf file out of selected tab, i.e. only for certain parts of the site.


  • Understand how to create project-specific sitemaps by following the Using Forrest document.


The procedure outlined below will define a project sitemap.xmap and create a new pdf-tab.xmap based on the aggregate.xmap

Create your project's main sitemap.xmap

Simply copy the sitemap.xmap from the Forrest sitemaps at ${FORREST_HOME}/context/sitemap.xmap into your src/documentation directory (or wherever ${project.sitemap-dir} points to).

Create the aggregator sitemap pdf-tab.xmap

Copy the aggregate.xmap from Forrest sitemaps into your ${project.sitemap-dir} and rename it to pdf-tab.xmap

Edit project sitemap.xmap

This is a workaround for Issue FOR-202

Edit the project sitemap.xmap to comment-out the match for the sitemap like this:

<map:pipeline internal-only="false">
<map:select type="exists">
  <map:when test="{properties:sitemap}">
    <map:mount uri-prefix="" src="{properties:sitemap}" check-reload="yes" />

Edit project sitemap.xmap to mount pdf-tab.xmap

Insert the following lines after the <map:match pattern="site.xml"> pipeline in the section called "SOURCE FORMATS".

<map:match pattern="pdf-tab.xml">
   <map:mount uri-prefix="" src="pdf-tab.xmap" check-reload="yes" />

Edit the file pdf-tab.xmap

The <map:match pattern="*.xml"> element should look like the following:

<map:match pattern="*.xml">
  <map:generate src="cocoon://abs-linkmap"/>
  <map:transform type="xpath">
	<map:parameter name="include" value="//*[@wholesite='true']"/>
	<map:parameter name="exclude" value="//*[@wholesite='false']"/>
  <map:transform src="resources/stylesheets/site2book.xsl" />
  <map:transform src="resources/stylesheets/aggregates/book2cinclude.xsl">
     <map:parameter name="title"
        value="{conf:project-name}: Still My Foo Site"/>
  <map:transform type="cinclude"/>
  <map:transform src="resources/stylesheets/aggregates/doc2doc-uniqueids.xsl"/>
  <map:transform src="resources/stylesheets/aggregates/docs2document.xsl"/>
  <map:serialize type="xml"/>

Edit your site.xml

Add the following entry to your site.xml in the <about> element

<whole_foosite href="pdf-tab.html" label="sub site" />

Your site.xml should look like this ...

<about label="About">
  <index label="Index" href="index.html" description="Welcome to MyProj"/>
  <changes label="Changes" href="changes.html"
    description="History of Changes" />
  <todo label="Todo" href="todo.html" description="Todo List" />
  <whole_foosite href="pdf-tab.html" label="pdf-tab" />

This allows you to link to it via a <link href="site:v0.60//whole_foosite"> reference.

Add to every element that should be included in the pdf-tab.pdf the attribute wholesite="true"

<sample-wiki label="Wiki page" href="wiki-sample.html"
  description="wiki-sample" wholesite="true"/>
This attribute will be inherited by all children of the element. Do not use it in the parent element that contains the <whole_foosite href="pdf-tab.html" label="pdf-tab" /> as the child (will cause a stack overflow if you do)!!!

Explanation of the operation

Line 4 of our example
<map:parameter name="include" value="//*[@wholesite='true']"/> looks at your site.xml and will match every element containing the wholesite="true" attribute. For example, to use the "samples" tab ...

<samples label="Samples" href="samples/" tab="samples" wholesite="true">

It matches all of the elements that contain wholesite="true" (in our example <samples> and its "children") for the content of the pdf file to be generated.

<samples label="Samples" href="samples/" tab="samples" wholesite="true">
 <sample2 label="Static content" href="sample2.html"      
   description="More Samples" wholesite='false'/>
 <sample-wiki label="Wiki page" href="wiki-sample.html"      
   description="wiki-sample" />
 <sample-ihtml label="ihtml page" href="ihtml-sample.html"      
   description="Test iHTML page" />

This example shows that you can as well exclude site(s) from the aggregation by using the wholesite="false" attribute. This attribute will be as well inherited by all children of the element.

Line 8 defines the title of the pdf file by taking the content of the project-name variable in skinconf.xml and adding some funny text:
<map:parameter name="title" value="{conf:project-name}: Still My Foo Site"/>

In the original aggregate.xmap there is the line
<map:parameter name="ignore" value="{1}"/>
just before the title definition (<map:parameter name="title" value=".../>). Be sure to delete it or comment it out if you like to generate a pdf-file for specific sites. You only need it for the generation of one pdf-file for the whole project (this is what aggregate.xmap usually does).

Feedback and further development of this How-To

Please provide feedback about this document via the mailing lists.

In the future, this ability will probably be incorporated into the main Forrest process.

Fixme (open)
This document will need to be modified when Issue FOR-202 is solved.