apache > forrest
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Standards Compliance


Forrest is still quite young, so there are known issues. Standards compliance is a definite major goal. Please send patches for the Forrest stylesheets to ensure such compliance.

For your testing, use the Forrestbot-generated website at our Zone testbed because that reflects the current SVN code.


Tested using the W3C HTML Validation Service (validator.w3.org).

The "pelt" skin validates as HTML 4.0.1

The "tigris" skin validates as HTML 4.0.1


See Web Accessibility Initiative (WAI)

"W3C WCAG - AAA Compliance" using webxact.watchfire.com

Issues ...

  1. Priority 1: No errors, some warnings.
  2. Priority 2: Some errors, some warnings.
  3. Priority 3: Some errors, some warnings.


Jigsaw: jigsaw.w3.org

Issues ...

  1. CSS 2: No errors, some warnings.