This directory contains XML schemas which describe the various XML formats used in Forrest. The schemas are written in RELAX NG, a schema language devised by James Clark, SGML boffin, XML inventor and all-round smart guy. RELAX NG is widely regarded to be the simplest, most powerful, and easy to learn schema language available. Relevant URLs: The RELAX NG "home page" at the OASIS RELAX NG Technical Committee: The RELAX NG tutorial: The RELAX NG Compact Syntax spec (definition of the non-XML syntax used here *.rnx files): Jing RELAX NG validator in Java: To run an XML file against a .rng schema using Jing, see the "validate-config" target in xml-forrest/build.xml or do this: java -jar $FORREST_HOME/WEB-INF/lib/jing.jar [.rng file] [.xml file] If you're running JDK 1.3.x or lower, you'll need to add $FORREST_HOME/lib/endorsed/*.jar to your classpath first. -- $Id: README.txt,v 1.3 2003/01/22 06:39:34 crossley Exp $