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How to Publish Forrest Documentation

This documents the steps that the Documentation Coordinator should follow to update the Forrest Website.
Fixme (open)
This is work in progress!


All documentation about Apache Forrest is managed as a Forrest-built project located in the site-author directory of forrest/trunk SVN. The Apache Forrest website is updated by generating static pages from the site-author-project and committing them to the forrest/site SVN, which is then 'svn checkout' on the forrest.apache.org webserver to create the website.

See other notes for the Documentation Coordination tasks.

Updating the site with a local forrestbot

Do once, create $FORREST_HOME/deploy.svn.settings file. These credentials are needed by forrestbot so that it can do your 'svn add' and 'svn commit' etc. to the forrest/site/ repository. The deploy.svn.settings file looks like:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <property name="deploy.svn.user" value="myApacheUsername"/>
    <property name="deploy.svn.password" value="myPassword"/>

Generating and publishing the main docs is very easy using a local forrestbot:

cd site-author
forrest -f publish.xml build
forrest -f publish.xml deploy

This builds the documentation locally then deploys it by committing it to the forrest/site SVN. Then a cronjob on the server will automatically publish it. However, if quicker turnaround is required, then do this:

ssh people.apache.org
cd /www/forrest.apache.org
svn update

See more detailed explanation of this procedure.

Publishing documentation for a particular plugin is done by:

cd plugins/myPluginName
$FORREST_HOME/tools/ant/bin/ant deploy-docs

See further information in the buildPlugin doc.

See some general notes about managing project websites.

original docs

There have been a few explantions of our docs processing on the forrest-dev mail list. Need to glean the info from them. Here is the content of some:

                To publish from trunk/site-author/
                Do once:
                # Create $FORREST_HOME/deploy.svn.settings file. These credentials
                # are needed by forrestbot so that it can do your 'svn add'
                # and 'svn commit' etc. to the forrest/site/ repository.
                # The deploy.svn.settings file looks like:
                <?xml version="1.0"?>
                    <property name="deploy.svn.user" value="myApacheUsername"/>
                    <property name="deploy.svn.password" value="myPassword"/>
                # Make changes to sources, and then test, then commit.
                # Best to wait on committing the source changes until
                # you have built and reviewed the docs.

                # Please, please, ensure valid xml docs. Errors will be
                # reported during the 'build' phase if you don't.
                # Also it prevents other people from working with the docs,
                # which goes against the collaborative development process.

                # You can do 'forrest validate-xdocs" beforehand or use
                # a validating editor (link: catalog.html) or for a single doc use
                # xmllint (link: catalog.html) from the command-line, e.g.
                # xmllint --noout --valid --catalogs faq.xml

                # Use the forrestbot to build and then deploy to svn.apache.org ...
                cd site-author
                forrest -f publish.xml build
                # ... verify files in build/forrest-docs
                forrest -f publish.xml deploy -Ddeploy.svn.commit-message="my commit message"
                Now the files are in SVN at forrest/site
                Periodically the real website files are updated from there.
                You do not have to do anything else.
                Note: The first time that you deploy, it will need to do
                a long svn checkout first.
                FIXME: That commit message technique does not work.
                The second word is treated as an ant target to be called.
                Just leave it out and forrestbot will use a default message.

Some more notes that need to be integrated above ...

Note that forrestbot does not remove docs from the forrest/site SVN (FOR-392). So need to manually delete: 'cd /svn/forrest/site; svn delete oldDoc'. Then remove it from the forrestbot work directories: 'cd $FORREST_HOME/site-author; rm build/forrest-docs/oldDoc; rm work/svn-deploy/forrest-docs/oldDoc'.

The generated docs are in build/forrest-docs which is the name given to it in the forrestbot descriptor (site-author/publish.xml). Here is a trick for reviewing changes that forrestbot is ready to deploy ...

forrest -f publish.xml build
svn update work/svn-deploy/forrest-docs
diff -rq build/forrest-docs work/svn-deploy/forrest-docs | grep -v "\.svn" | grep differ

If you change something that affects all pages (e.g. layout changes; navigation menu additions or MOTD changes that affect old "versioned docs") then see the note in conf/cli.xconf about temporarily not excluding old "docs_*" patterns.

If there have been changes to tools/forrestbar then need to follow the instructions there to build it. Then copy its build/forrestbar.xpi to site-author/content/xdocs/tools/forrestbar.xpi and commit that. Then run forrestbot to build and deploy the site, or alternatively for a quick fix, just commit it to forest/site/tools (which is what forrestbot would do).